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Sebastian's (POV):

It's been exactly a couple of months since that incident between me, Darren, and Justin. We've been still trying to mend things between us hoping that everything would settle down, but things were a bit awkward between me and Darren. Ryan and Justin seemed to be getting closer again since then they've been getting along very well. We'd been so busy these past few months planning for the concert in the Philippians again this time we'd be able to tour more of it since we're staying there for a little longer. Sine today was the day that we'd be taking off hopefully I can mend my relationship with him fully. As I finished packing my bags I walked down the stairs trying to type with one finger I heard Darren yelling at Oliver to take the trash out and that it was his turn.

"— Bruh Daren you've been acting so lazy these past few months, you've done nothing but complains and whine! Just take the trash out man it's not that hard, bro. Just do it we need the house to be clean before we leave and we aren't going to be late because your acting — Darren — Darren! Wooo!!"

I heard Oliver shout and in the background I could hear the other boys grimacing. As I reached the bottom step out the corner of my eye Darren was hovering over the trash can Oliver was comforting him patting his back while the other boys just watched from a distance.

"Dammit, Darren don't tell me your getting sick again.. I thought you said you felt better."

Ryan said his voice sounding slightly scared and concerned. Walking over to the kitchen sitting my stuff near the door walking over to Darren rubbing his back. Oliver looked up at me in a daze as if he wanted to make a comment then changed his mind. Darren getting sick before we even had a flight was probably nerves or maybe I'm just —

"I just need to drink some water I'll be fine, Just give me some water please."

Darren said latching onto me with his other hand he looked like he was about to be sick again. He let out a small burp before swinging around and hovering over the trash can again throwing up into the trash can tears rolling down his cheeks. Rubbing his back comforting him as he grabbed the rim of the trash can.

"What's going on? Darren if your to sick to travel then —"

"I'm fine — I just need to go outside for some air."

Darren said walking over to the other side of the counter grabbing some paper towels wiping his mouth. Intertwining my arm with his helping him to the table to sit down at the table grabbing the glass of water from Regie handing it to him shoving my hands into my pockets watching as he chugged it down.

"Darren are you sure your going to be ok, you can just stay home if it's this bad -"

"I don't want to — I promised the stars I'd be there, plus it's not that bad it's just I'm a little nervous ."

Darren said standing up forcing a smile, but I could tell he wasn't himself and was hiding something. I wasn't going to pry, I'd barely gotten back our relationship to go back to the way it was. Darren stood up and walked out of the kitchen disappearing up the stairs, everyone just stared after him worried he wouldn't be able to get on the stage. Walking back to where I'd laid my suitcase and yubi dragging it out the door to the Star Glider packing it into the back.  Oliver walked over to me giving me a look of curiosity his hand shoved into his pockets.

"Sebastian, I know you want your relationship back with him — it's not like I don't think that it was nice if things between you two were the same, but you - "

"Oliver I know — we're still trying to figure things out between us out, but if I don't at least try to make things between us better than I'll just be giving up to easily. I'm not trying to get back with him I just want our friendship back that's all, I'm supporting him as as a friend that's it."

I said calmly leaning against the van watching as Justin and Ryan argue me about who was better at the game of fall guys they played together with some friends last night. It was nice to see that there relationship had gotten back to the way it was, even if it was a bit awkward it would be nice to share those moments with Darren. I hurt him to deeply for things not to be awkward, so in the end it's all on me to fix things. Walking back into the house searching for Darren looking in the living room peeking into the kitchen, but only Tyler was there talking business as usual a cup of coffee in hand.

"Sebastian head to the car we can't risk being late."

Tyler said holding his hands over the phone nodding towards the door motioning for me to go back out. Sighing wishing that I had just walked upstairs to see Darren instead of waiting around for him to come back down. Walking out reluctantly to the van helping one of the media team members shut the back door.  Hopping into the van taking a seat next to Justin who seemed a bit touchy with Ryan, and I had to admit it I was jealous of them. It's been a couple of months, but me and Darren have yet to just sit down and have a normal conversation.

"Darren are you ok?"

Justin asked as Darren entered the car wiping away his tears holding onto the body pillow he'd gotten at Coachella from a fan. I could tell he was completely out of it, for a couple of weeks now he'd complained of nausea, he's really irritable, and sensitive he'd been completely acting weird. The thing is now I've got a chance to rekindle our friendship, even if I secretly wanted more than that it better if I just leave that to die. Looking over at Darren watching as he wrapped one arm around his pillow and the other around his stomach. Hopefully it was just a stomach virus and wasn't contagious, hopefully he'll feel better once we get to the Philippians.

As the plane ride seemed to get more and more bearable I couldn't help, but watch Darren secretly watching him from a distance coming to his aid anytime he needed anything. The flight attendants were getting annoyed with me, because I'd always jump out of my seat anytime Darren called for assistance with something. Tyler suddenly grabbed my hand forcing me to turn around and go back to my seat as he glared up at me. Groaning wishing I'd gotten the seat next to Darren for this flight instead of being this far from him. Walking back to my seat smiling at the mother with her twin boys directly behind us as she stared at me in confusion.

This was going to be a long flight..

As the plane finally touched down I was happy to be able to be back in the Philippians. There was so much more I wanted to explore this time, but also I was secretly worried for Darren who seemed perfectly fine now, he was just talking on and on about how hungry he was. As we entered the airport heading towards the front to see fans welcoming us back with signs and gifts screaming our names out waving for our attention. It felt good to be back here doing another concert, but at the same time my mind was just on Darren.

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