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Justin's (POV):

After that kiss things between me and Ryan had become completely awkward and confusing. The first kiss was a mistake that second one was ... was .. completely unplanned and I didn't mean for it to happen AT ALL.  Ryan seemed to be unbothered by it, but Ryan was unbothered by everything nothing fazed him. The guy was completely clueless when it came to human emotions sometimes, he was like a robot that had been sent to this earth to just blend in. Taking a seat at the table between Kane and Regie watching as Darren cooked us food speaking in mandarin and yelling at Sebastian who clearly couldn't understand a word he was saying.


Darren called out turning to us making both me, Regie and Kane look at him in confusion. Ryan walked over to us leaning against Regie when Darren gave him a sideways glance then he said it again it a more sing song tone.

"花生 ~~~"

He called out walking over to Ryan giving him a back hug and Ryan immediately started pushing him away scrunching his face up groaning as he tried to peel him away. Everyone started laughing as they started to argue, but for some reason I felt irritated with him and couldn't figure out why. Tapping my phone slightly annoyed with him I found myself scrolling through my Snapchat peeking over at Sebastian who was just randomly chattering about how good of a cook he actually was. It was a complete and utter lie, he was foolish if he thought anyone would believe him.

" 塞巴斯蒂安让我一个人呆着!"

Darren suddenly yelled out pushing Sebastian slamming him against the cabinet gripping his shirt tightly staring into his eyes. For a split second I thought I saw Sebastian pucker his lips up at Darren, but I could be just seeing things. Had Sebastian already lost the bet? Had I won already? Ryan of course was hyping it up, behind him was Regie and Kane. Oliver looked slightly worried and concerned about the amount of aggression coming from Darren even though this was kind of normal in this house.

"You asshole."

Darren said pushing Sebastian against the cabinet one more time before turning back to his food getting back to cooking the food his expression had become completely different. Sebastian just fixed his shirt clearing his throat a sheepish smile on his face trying to hide the true expression: " I've lost."


Oliver said in a worried tone staring at Seb with a concerned expression. Seb waved him off before exiting the room with a quickness both Manager Ty and Oliver looked at each other then back at Darren who was paying attention at all he had gone back to talking to the stars and cooking. Sighing I followed after Seb who had taken a spot on the stairs sitting on the third step he was just typing away on his phone. Slowly walking over to him I sat on the bottom step turning to him waiting for him to say something.

"Justin, look let's just call of the stupid bet. This whole thing is stupid! Everything about this bet is dumb, we're all straight this is just going to become a disaster once they find out and the boys because you know Darren's petty."

"Sebastian —- don't tell me you actually have feelings for him? Dog no waay —"

"Shut - UP!"

Sebastian said dropping his phone grabbing me by my shirt pushing me back before getting up and storming off disappearing up the stairs. When I heard the door slam I rushed out of the room quickly and into the kitchen to see Darren had finally started cooking again his expression had become completely happy again. Walking to Ryan stopping midway feeling the awkward tension his eyes meeting my gaze. Spinning around on my heel I walked over to the table and took a seat next to Kane who was texting his girlfriend smiling to himself. When dinner was finally done we sat down and ate, but Sebastian walked in grabbed his plate and walked back into his room not saying a word to Darren.

The next few minutes were quite, but I couldn't get Ryan out of my head I felt slightly annoyed with him. It was odd for me this felt like what I feel when there's a girl I like ... I don't want her to be with anyone else with me. This can't be the right feeling, Ryan's my bestfriend, he's like a brother to me —- I'm not in love with Ryan .... I'm not in love — with my bestfriend! Leaning on the balcony smoking my vape staring up at the stars still feeling unsure of the feelings that were surfacing. It was a foreign feeling to me, I'd never fallen for my bestfriend's and especially not my guy bestfriend's. Throwing myself into my bed forcing my eyes shut no longer wanting to think of him.

Suddenly Ryan walked into my room a creepy mischievous smile on his face as he inches closer to me. Sitting up on my elbows watching as water dripped from Ryan's ripped body that seemed to be sculpted by Gods. He started to dry his body off as he made his way to me crawling over my body looking down at me a smirk creeping up on his face as he moved closer his lips hovering over mine. My entire body felt like it was radiating heat I wanted him to kiss me I couldn't think straight anymore I needed his touch.

"Rryan pleeaasse ~"

I moaned feeling him rubbing his hand against my crotch I wanted him so badly that I'd do anything to have him touch me, that's how bad I wanted him....

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm blaring through my speaker. Rolling onto my side covering my ears with my pillow groaning as I thought back to what my dream was about. Pushing myself up onto my elbows then crawling out of bed sleepily walking into the bathroom brushing my teeth then washing my face. Sighing I walked out of the room stretching as I made my way to the living room taking a seat next to Regie.

"Bruh move away from me!!!"

Ryan yelled out as Darren tried to cuddle with him smiling happily. Ignoring the urge to throw something at them both I watched as Ryan struggled to detain Darren. Suddenly a flashback of my dream of Ryan made me tense up grabbing a pillow sitting on my lap trying to hold myself together. As Manager Ty had us stretching my mind was thinking about Ryan from my dream and how hot my entire body felt around him. The entire meeting I couldn't help but stare after Ryan I felt stressed and frustrated with myself. Stressed because I had a wet dream about Ryan and frustrated with myself because it was making me question myself about a lot.

I didn't even notice that the meeting was over with if been staring at him for the entire meeting wondering —- if I actually might be catching feelings for Ryan. Shaking my head walking to the back door opening the sliding doors letting the fresh air hit me as I stepped out. Everything felt overwhelming for me, this bet was supposed to be me getting to lower Sebastian's ego, but instead I'm having wet dreams about my bestfriend and when he kissed me I did nothing. Sebastian seemed like he was having a difficult time too, when I asked him had his feelings had become more than just friendly he got really upset. Well all I have to do is wait and see, if Sebastian crashes and burns like I'm expecting him to now then I'll win easily, I just have to wait for Sebastian to crash before I do.

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