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Justin's (POV):

As months passed things got tough and Kane was watching me like a hawk. I was surprised that he had held it in this long, then again Kane wasn't the messy type so he'd never do something like that, but when came to family Kane was a scary person.  The stress of telling Oliver what happened between me and Ryan, Kane exposing me, someone else finding out, ending up having complications was stressful. We had a photo shoot and it was going terrible I'd ripped three parents of pants, I'd spilled my food on the floor and ended up having to wait an hour for the pizza delivery man to get here.

"Dammit!! Aah ~ aaah ~ "

I whimpered holding my stomach feeling a weird type of pressure coming from my lower abdomen. Walking over to my dressing room leaving the door ajar leaning over trying to shake this pain, but it wouldn't stop it seemed to be getting worse by the minute. Suddenly I felt a sense of relief and something wet going down my leg and the sound of water hitting the floor. Looking down I realized that my water had broken, but there was so much blood that I felt nervous — my baby was coming two months early!! Dropping to my knees unable to take the pain gripping the carpet trying to breath as much as I could like me and Darren had practiced in lamaz for months.

"Hey Justin — oh my — are you ok buddy? Did you waste something in here? Justin I told you — oh my God wait —"

"My water broke — I know the baby isn't supposed to be here until two months from now, but I can't —- aaahh ~ wooo ~~ please please go get Oliver and call the aaah ~~~ wooo aaah ffuck ~~ oh my God!! OLIVVVVEEEEERR!! Aaaahhh!!"

I screamed to the top of my lungs rocking back and forth trying to endure the pain as Tyler got on the phone calling 911. Oliver peeked into the door and without a word got onto his hands and knees comforting me rubbing my back trying his best to sooth me. Behind him of course was Regie, Kane, Darren, Sebastian, and Ryan all surrounding me trying to comfort me. Tyler finally got off the phone opening the door then turning back to me he bent down helping me off the floor  with the help of Oliver  carrying me into the room with the bathtub in it sitting me down in it. Pulling my clothes off bending over trying to bear the pain tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Baby I'm right here, don't worry about anything."

Oliver said taking my hands in his and I couldn't think of anything else but how I'd betrayed him. Like a coward for months I'd been keeping this secret from him and he was just next to me clueless that I'd slept with his bestfriend. 

"Ok the traffic is terrible so it'll be at least ten or twelve minutes before -"

"Aah ~ I don't have ~~ aah ~ I can feel her coming ~~ ah I can't hold ~~ aaah It hurts!! It feels like I'm being ripped apart!! Aaah I can't!"

"Justin baby you have to push!"

Oliver said rubbing my back pressing his lips onto my cheek not even bothered by the sweat. Taking a deep breath I started to prepare myself to push exhaling and inhaling then with all my might I started to push tryin to ignore the ripping feeling.

"Aaaaah!!! Aaaaaahgh!!! Aaaahhha!!"

I screamed out loud crying as I could feel something stretching me out the feeling was an experience I never wanted to experience again. Oliver pressed his lips onto my forehead before disappearing and suddenly I felt someone's hands on my back.

"Baby just lay on your back it'll be easier for you."

Oliver said patting my back gently pressing his fingers near my entrance. Carefully turning over laying on my back holding my legs up panting as Darren and Kane started to wipe away the sweat comforting me. Tyler and Regie were just at the door wincing as they kept looking back at my entrance they're faces looked scarred.

"Alright baby push again, the baby is almost here."

With all my might I pushed and pushed until I felt something within me release and I heard Oliver let out a relieved sigh. Letting my head fall back staring up at the light feeling slightly dizzy as my vision started to go in and out, my body felt cold — it felt so —- cold —-

"Justin? Justin?? Baby are you ok? The baby is so small we have to keep her warm."

"Here take my shirt I'll just buy a new one."

Kane said stripping out of his shirt handing it over to Tyler who was now holding the baby. I couldn't keep my eyes open I just felt so —- Soo tired —- I'm so tired —


Slowly opening my eyes adjusting them to the light looking around the room. When they finally adjusted I smiled weakly as I saw the boys surrounding me all of them fast asleep, of course Oliver was holding my hand while he slept. This was probably going to be the last time he wanted to hold me or even go near me once he finds out. Maybe it's best to just wait a minute until me and the baby are at full health to tell him what happened.

"Justin — oh my God baby!! You scared me!!"

Oliver said his eyes meeting my mine, he didn't even hesitate he jumped up pulling me into his arms as tears fell wetting up my jacket. The other guys woke up startled when they realized it was Oliver and I'd woken up they seemed a little bit more relieved. Each of them gave me hugs wiping away their tears smiling through the pain.

"Well I'm glad to see that you finally woke up Justin, that you had some complications but you'll be able to make a recovery after a month. As for your daughter — ah ~ she was so small we had to send her to the NICU to help her fully develop.  We also had to get blood from the father of the child — so now we can expect to just wait and see how she does in the Nicu, but that does give you time to think of names. Anyways congratulations, on everything."

The doctor said hanging the clipboard on the end of the bed before waving goodbye then leaving. Everyone went silent as I stared in Oliver's direction, but he wouldn't even look at me now. Had Ryan told him? No he wouldn't — Kane? I felt afraid unsure if he'd been told that I fucked Ryan behind his back or —

"Guys can you give us some privacy, I want to talk to Ryan."

I said abruptly feeling like this was going to come sooner or later. It was like fighting the inevitable , he was bound to found out sooner or later I was just trying to prolong it to save my self the pain of having to tell him he was going to be a father afraid I'd mess up what we had. Hesitatingly everyone gave me and Ryan a very concerned look before leaving the room. Oliver was the most hesitant he was watching Ryan very closely his usual cheerfulness had disappeared. Oliver kissed me one last time before heading to the door to join the guys outside giving Ryan one last look then he walked out the room.

"Ryan, look I felt like I'd ruin everything that's why I didn't tell you anything —"

"So you lied to me, and kept the fact I was having a child."

"No I just —"

"How long? How long did you keep this from me?"

"Since we were home before the concert in the Philippines. I'd felt sick then and thought nothing of it until I fainted in the Philippines before meeting up with you and couldn't make it. I had went to the doctor with Sebastian so that's why  —"

"So everyone else knew before I even knew about my own child! That's funny!!"

"Look don't worry about any of that I'm going to just raise our child with Oliver because the relationship we had wasn't something I wanted to raise our child in."

"You should of thought about that before you slept with me, you know what — ha I wonder does Oliver know — maybe I should tell him — "

"Please don't — "

Oliver would never look at me the same..

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