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Justin's (POV):

I woke up with a hard headache, but it wasn't really helping that the sunlight was blinding me. As my eyes readjusted I sat up rubbing my eyes realizing Ethan wasn't next to me. The sound of the shower running reassured me he was just washing up, but Ethan usually waited for me guess he couldn't wait. Throwing the covers off of me I swung my feet over the bed standing up stretching as I walked into the bathroom. Ethan was carefully washing himself luckily he hadn't noticed that I had walked into the bathroom. Opening the shower door waiting for him to pull me in, but instead of being greeted with warmth he greeted me with coldness.


I said softly nervously reaching out to touch him, but he quickly slapped my hand away turning off the shower storming out. Staring after him completely confused why he was so angry with me early in the morning. Walking out of the shower chasing after him snatching my robe off the rack wrapping it tightly around me. Chasing him down the stairs wanting to know why he was acting this way with me?

"Ethan?! ETHAN!! ETHAN!! ETHAN!!!"

I yelled out feeling nervous— trying to recall what happened last night, but I couldn't. When we reached the living room where the triplets, sky and Christian were happily eating. Grabbing Ethan I dragged him into the kitchen that thankfully was empty. I wanted to get to the bottom of this and why he'd become so weird.

"Ethan? What's going on? Why are you acting like this? What ever I did last night it —"

"What you said was inexcusable, I just want to know if you'd be completely honest with me? Did you fuck him?"

Ethan asked snatching out of my grasp slamming me into the refrigerator. The look in eyes was scaring me and I couldn't speak I was too scared trying to think about what he was asking me. Who did he think I slept with? Wait — what the hell happened last night? As I tried to think about last night flashes of last night ran through my head and my eyes widened as I remembered what happened between me and Oliver in the hot tub.

"Baby look I made a mistake — I — please it's nothing I don't love him anymore I love you."

I said calmly grabbing onto him as tears ran down my cheeks begging him to stay. What I did was unforgivable, but I really needed to him to understand that it was a mistake! Ethan looked at me with a smile grabbing onto my hands and held it up before pushing me onto the floor. Crawling over to him grabbing onto his leg not wanting him to leave.

"What the hell is going on? Justin? Ethan look what happened between me and JP was a mistake, but he —"

Before Oliver finish his sentence Ethan punched him in the jaw shaking his hand wincing in pain. Oliver shook it off before punching Ethan and within seconds they were exchanging punches. I did the only thing I could think of — I got up and ran to the Tyler's office banging on the door. When it swung open Tyler didn't even bother to ask he simply ran down the stairs. Regie walked over to me putting his hand on my chin lifting my head up before shaking his head.


I yelled out rushing down the stairs dashing into the kitchen to see Tyler and Kane had pulled them apart, but they were still yelling and threatening each other. Walking over to Oliver watching as he refused  to let it go, but he should just let it go last night was the biggest mistake on my life. 

"Baby please ~ I'm sorry ~ I want you ~ I — "

"Justin! Are you serious? Look I know you miss what we had you proved that last night, look I love you more than him. Your mine and no one else can have you! I refuse to let you go."

Oliver said pushing Tyler and Kane away grabbing my hand pulling me into his arms running his fingers through my hair as he spoke. The warmth I felt in his arms felt good, but everything about this was wrong. I couldn't just choose him over my marriage, of course it seemed right to go back to Oliver the father of my three bundles of joy — the one man who truly had my heart. Sadly even though I loved him I needed to go stray away from the past and focus on my future, in that future Oliver is — my bestfriend.

"Oliver — your my bestfriend, last night was a mistake I can't make again. Ethan please I —"

"Justin come on your not serious, I love you — I'm still in love with you is that what you wanted to hear?"

Oliver said dropping to his knees becoming completely vulnerable. My heart started to waver it was hard for me to not hear Oliver's coming confession playing over an over again in the back of my mind. It was just that Ethan, my husband, the man I'd worked with for years to build the relationship we have. Would I give that up? Dammit!! I can't do this right now! I —

"Dammit!! I don't have time for this — Justin when you make up your mind you know where to find me, but until then I'm done trying to compete with him, when you told me there was nothing going on I trusted you! So tell me right now — do you want to work this out or are you going to go back to him?"

Ethan said in a harsh tone as he inches closer pointing to Oliver who seemed to be waiting for the answer as well. I couldn't think with the weight on my shoulders, I'd ruined me and Oliver's relationship and my marriage. Now I have to think what do I want to save more my marriage or go back to Oliver? I missed Olly truly, but our relationship wouldn't be able to work out as well as we hope. With Ethan my life had become less complicated and stress free so I don't know if ending things with him is worth it. Oliver let out a little sigh before stepping up to me taking my hands in his and my mind began to feel again.

"Justin please consider what I've been trying to tell you and the triplets are the best thing to  ever happened to me. I know that here and now you'll make the right decision so just know when your going to make the right choice — "

Oliver got down on one knee reaching into his back pocket pulling out a tiny navy blue box with a diamond ring in it. Too stunned to speak I just stared at him blankly trying to process what I was seeing.

"I'd bought this over over our break thinking I'd marry you, and right now I'm not giving up on that dream — Justin I know this is a lot — I know you still love me — just tell me you want to start over and we'll start from there."

Oliver said happily smiling his dark brown eyes lighting up like fireworks in the night sky. Looking over at Ethan who was now glaring at Oliver scoffing in disbelief. When our eyes met his expression changed and he shook his head inching closer to me. I had to choose someone — who would it be —- I loved Ethan and it was our marriage that I wanted to save. Ethan's been having my back since I left NDB for a year and has done nothing, but support me in my endeavors. He's been a kind, loving, sweet, understanding, patient, and has love me unconditionally. Then theirs Oliver he was the guy I'd fallen for years ago, and now after last night some of those feelings are rising. I felt safe in his arms. He loved me more than anyone could imagine, he was just as supportive, but most of all he was like a bestfriend to me.

At that moment I knew who I wanted —-





















"I want —- "

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