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Darren's (POV):

As time was speeding up it seemed to get a lot worse for us. Constantly bombarded by paparazzi, millions of articles calling us "The Asian Fuck Boy House." It was worse for Oliver, Justin, and Ryan who had to awkwardly sit next to each other and when questions rolled in from fans it was tour questions, then drama between them. Everything seemed to get old really quickly. During photo shoots some how fans and the paparazzi were getting out locations bombarding us. To make matters worse Skylar almost got hurt and Christian lost his favorite toy while we were trying to escape so he cried for a whole two minutes then fell asleep in Tyler's arms.

"Ah — he's asleep now, and Sky is in her room playing with Sebastian."

I said calmly tossing Skylars Dolls into her toy box sliding my phone out of my pocket checking to see if my food had arrived yet, unfortunately it hadn't. With all the stress we were being put under maybe it's better if we didn't —


I moaned as a wave of nausea hit me and I rushed off to the bathroom. Right as I got to the door the nausea stopped and my body felt normal. Dammit! Maybe I should just go to another doctor here instead of waiting after all it wouldn't hurt to check before the tour started. Walking to our room I quickly pushed the door open shutting the door behind me quickly when Justin pulled up behind me.

"Darren umm — I need to get out of the house, whatever your going just — take me with you... please."

Justin said leaning against the door his head tilted down and his hands shoved into his pockets. At first I wanted to blow him off, but I guess we both really needed to get away from all the drama and mess. In the end he was just going back to the person who truly had his heart, Olly. Ryan was just going to have to live that had lost to Olly and push his pride aside, but knowing Ry he wasn't letting this go easily.

"Justin tell me right now that after this there will be no more drama, no — actually promise me — that their will be no more drama."

I asked turning to Justin looking into his dark brown eyes waiting for him to promise me, but he just looked down at the floor pressing his thumbs together. He couldn't even promise me that much, this was just going to be an endless fucking cycle between him, Ryan, and Oliver. Well maybe Sebastian and I should just wait for the wedding having it now would only risk it going to shit. Turning my attention back to my clothes I'd laid on the bed I grabbed them and my phone heading into the bathroom slowly shutting the door behind me.

After taking an hour long shower me and Justin headed out of the house so that I could go get a check up. The pregnancy test and a few doctors have told me that I'm not pregnant, but it was really hard to believe them when I've had the symptoms. When we arrived at the hospital Justin also decided he'd get a check up with me as well to knock of the nerves even though the answer was clear he couldn't of been pregnant Oliver's never been one to fuck a girl without pulling out properly. My phone began to buzz and of course I was getting text messages from the group chat.

Ryan: Darren bro we've got to film today and a fucking photo shoot don't be late

Sebastian : Watch your mouth bro, don't talk to him like that? Baby where are you? I'm worried you could of at least told me where you were going

Oliver: Has Anyone seen Justin? He's not in his room or anywhere in the house

Justin: I'm with Darren getting ACAI Bowls Olly I'm fine

Tyler: Well make sure you get back here on time, and avoid being seen by the paparazzi.

Darren: ok

Justin: ok

Me and Justin looked up at each other then at the mother rubbing her stomach as her two boys ran circles around the waiting room arguing over the red fire truck. I could feel her pain as a father especially after they hit terrible two they are no longer your little angels. Darren just shrugged his attention back onto his screen his fingers moving at light speed no doubt texting Oliver. Since the waiting room was full it took a full hour and a half for us to even get our names called. Of course Justin went first since he thought it would help shake off my nerves, but now I was slightly worried for him.

"Oh my god!! Isn't that — wonder who he's with now? Isn't that the other one that got knocked up."

"Yeah guess they got tired of all the drama and just decided to become a couple."

"This is blasphemous against God, no man should no the pain of child birth!! I bet there two little fxxx posing as women. Fucking tr —"

"Ma'am look you may not like the idea of me giving birth as a man, but I did it. My daughter and my friends son came out just fine, so instead of worrying about me why don't you worry about the fact your upper and bottom lip smells like the inside of a garbage truck."

I said leaning forward as I spoke careful not to cause a scene knowing it would only cause trouble. The pregnant women sitting across from me looked stunned, the elderly women sitting not to far from me started to laugh and her husband was hiding his face behind a magazine his shoulders rising and falling as he tried to conceal his laughter. She looked me up and down before leaving walking to the other side of the waiting room next to a tall, lanky blonde guy with blue eyes who seemed to be eyeing me now. Quickly looking away feeling my cheeks flush I cleared my throat thinking about how Sebastian would feel.

"Alright thank you, I'll make sure to — come back for my next appointment."

I heard Justin say to the women the expression on his face was so mixed I couldn't tell what he was thinking about tears rolling down his cheeks. Getting up to see if he was ok and what the doctor said, but the nurse had appeared again and I couldn't tell if she was looking me up and down if she was getting ready to call me or because we were in the way. Pulling Justin to the side wiping away his tears wrapping my arms around his waist holding him letting him get it all out.

"Justin whatever it is I'm pretty sure we can figure it all out. I promise you whatever has happened Olly won't love you any less."

I said comfortingly holding him rubbing his head consoling him the best of my abilities when the nurse suddenly tapped in my shoulder. Turning around to see a nurse with a beauty mark above her lip wearing red smocks staring back at me pushing her glasses up onto her face. Sighing I sat Justin down in the nearest chair before walking away giving him once last glance before walking to the back with the nurse.

It took a full three minutes for them to get the results running different test to make sure the results were correct. I was sitting in the doctors office patiently waiting for him to come back with my results so that I could know if I'd done the right thing not waiting. The sound of the door opening behind me made my heart start to race, thighs began to race through my head as I thought about me being pregnant on tour and what that would mean for us.

"Darren Liang — Mr. Liang great to see you back here. Now I want to just tell you straight away that this is nothing to be embarrassed about this happens often for women who have had their first child."

Dr.Ma said looking over at the photo on the wall then back at me nervously. I couldn't take it, the anxiety was killing me what the hell is going on? Was I pregnant? Is there something wrong with me ? Is the baby not going to be ok? Shaking my leg violently waiting for him to say something slowly leaning in the silence was getting louder. Why did he say there was nothing to be embarrassed about?

"Ah — Justin your — not pregnant— actually this is common like I said — this is called Pseudocyesis, or false pregnancy, is when a person believes they are pregnant. Physical symptoms like weight gain and morning sickness may trick the body into believing conception occurred. Like I said this is nothing to be -"

"I'm not embarrassed I'm — I'm actually— glad — I've already got one child and I'm happy with one for — right now. Anyways since I've got nothing to worry about — can I go now."

There was a long pause before he simply raised his hand motioning towards the door nodding his head slightly.

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