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Sebastian's (POV):

It was finally about that time, we were all back stage waiting for Tyler to get done talking up on stage and the music to start playing so Oliver and I could go and sing the first new song on the album, but Oliver was no where to be found. He knew we had to be up on stage and wasn't even here! Walking back to the dressing rooms hurriedly walking all the way to the back to Oliver's dressing room stopping as the sound of soft moaning could be heard.

"Aah Oliver ~ rough ~ rough ~ your being so rough."

The sound of moaning made me a take a step back unsure if I wanted to knock on my brothers dressing room door. What the hell was Oliver thinking sneaking a girl backstage just to fuck her before the show. Turning away to head back to the stage nearly jumping out of my skin when I saw Tyler walking over to me his face lit up. Dammit!! Oliver!! Turning back to the door banging on it until Oliver swung the door open hickeys covering his neck. Behind him was Justin who wasn't even able to get his shirt on before Oliver opened the door.

"Have you two lost your minds? Put your dam clothes on  Justin and get ready for the show! Oliver pull yourself together, RIGHT NOW."

I said looking over at Oliver disgruntled with their actions, especially Oliver's. Justin was going through a rough time and he just — it was pointless to rant now we had a show to do and I needed Oliver up on that stage pumped up and ready to go we could have our little talk after the show. Tyler walked up next to me looking at Oliver and Justin in disbelief. I thought he'd figured it out, but when he just shook his head and snapped his fingers pointing at Justin mouthing Get dressed I almost felt relieved. 

"Justin what the fuck! Are you fucking serious right now!!!"

Ryan said walking up behind Manager Ty charging at Justin, but Oliver quickly stepped in front of Justin like a shield staring down at Ryan intensely the tension between them seemed to be suffocating.
The show was definitely going to be something, but we had no time for any of it me and Olly had to be up on stage. Grabbing Oliver who's shirt was barely buttoned to the top dragging him up the stairs and onto the stage.


I yelled out watching as the stars started to jump and down holding their phones out cheerfully smiling. As the concert went on I tried to keep my  eye on Justin and Oliver who seemed to be stuck to each other's side during the concert. When came for Justin to sing his songs Oliver was his number one hype man keeping s close eye on him. He brought him water from time to time and even fanned him to keep him cool. It seemed almost impossible to separate those two, but I wasn't the only one watching them closely Ryan couldn't take his eyes off of them.

"—- Olly bro stop not on stage."

I heard Justin say as I passed him singing Last Days, but I was so focused on the concert that I was just dancing along to the music. Ryan walked passed me with a water bottle opening it aggressively and right as I turned around he poured it onto Justin's head laughing as Justin shuttered. Oliver Grabbed Ryan pushing him back giving him a warning look before ushering Justin off the stage.  The stars looked shook by this action, but I just knew the fanfics and edits were about to go crazy — only if they knew.

The concert ended later than we expected because we did another song and played an extra game, but it was all so fun we didn't even care. I was just happy that the venue was even bigger this time and we got over 30,000 stars to show up to our concert. During the Meet & Greet and Q&A a lot of fans asked what went on during my performance of Last Days, but I just laughed it off and told them I honestly don't even know. Just as it ended of I noticed that Ryan, Oliver, and Justin had disappeared from the stage. In the end me trying to keep the concert drama free we're futile.

By the time we arrive home after the three parties is was almost close to midnight and even then we all couldn't sleep. Ryan, Regie, Kane, and Oliver had snuck off with someone meanwhile I was in the hotel room watching TV as Daren slept in the bed next to me cuddling toasty. If there were ever a time I could say I'm jealous of a plushie I'd say right now would be that day. It was selfish of me to want more than just friends with Darren especially with the circumstances, but I'd been completely honest with him ... I was still in love with him and it wouldn't change. No longer interested in what was on the Tv I turned it off diving up under the covers closing my eyes shut wondering when we would be able to get back to us.

As the trip went on and we toured more of the Philippines I was super excited to see the things I hadn't gotten to see the first time we came here. Regie was enjoying it the most, because he was back home and was bubbling with excitement on the inside. At the end of the tour we took photos in an open field with Pintô Art Museum each of us finding our own perfect spot to take good photos. It ended up being a competition to see who could get the best photos then it turned into a roasting battle within seconds.

"Alright — Alright watch yourself."

I said as Kane turned to Darren knowing exactly what Kane wanted to say, but I wasn't allowing anyone to think they could run their mouth about him too much. We weren't together, but he's the father of my child so it was only natural to be protective. Of course Oliver and Justin were enjoying there time together ignoring Ryan's hostile stares and his constant ranting trying to tease them about how they looked like a couple. Neither of them cared they just continued on smiling as they looked into each others eyes and I felt —- jealous—- I wanted to be able to hold Darren the way Justin is being held and take photos with him.

"Sebastian, can I ask you something?"

Tyler said circling a statue slowly making his way toward me. I didn't know what exactly he was going to ask me, but I knew that I needed to be prepared for anything. Nodding my head letting my eyes wonder a little then looking back at him anxiously waiting for him to ask his question.

"First I think if  I want to know, is there something going on between you and Darren again? If there is is, do me a favor and don't lie, it's morally wrong but not only that it was really hard to be in a room with you two."

Tyler asked crossing his arms taking a few steps closer towards me instinctively I took a few steps to the side to keep a distance. There was nothing between me and Darren other than we were both about to become parents. I still couldn't wrap my mind around my guy friend having my child, but all I knew is I was going to be a father and so was my bestfriend.  Tyler could know none of this until we got back home we'd promised, but it felt like maybe now that the concerts over and we are basically having a little vacation it was the right time to tell them.

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