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Sebastian's (POV):

I could tell Darren was nervous now, because of what's happened to Justin and his daughter it what the doctor told us to be looking for. I wanted to go and talk to Darren, he's been distant lately it felt like he'd become a completely different person. Walking over to Oliver and Ryan who were talking, I couldn't help to notice how hard Justin was watching them nervously shaking his leg. Sitting my drink on the window walking over to Justin to comfort him wanting him to know I'd always be here for him.

"Hey Justin, are you doing ok? Look I know your under a lot of stress especially with the baby being burned premature and the NICU, but I promise if you need anyone to confide in right now I'm here for you."

I said rubbing his shoulder, but he just sat there watching Oliver and Ryan. What was he so worried about, it's not like Oliver and Ryan would be starting a fight here especially after what happened last time they knew it would only make things worse plus Tyler would make them do a plank for an hour if they even opened their mouths to argue. Darren suddenly got up out of the chair walking out of the room not saying a word to any of us. At first I didn't think it was necessary to follow him, he'd be fine especially with doctors and nurses walking about in the hospital.

"I need to step out real quick— "

I said patting the the rails of the bed getting up out of my chair pushing through Regie who was just standing in the middle of the room texting someone. Waking out of the room looking down the halls left to right, but I didn't see Darren. Where the hell has he gone? Sighing I walked over to the nurse at the desk tapping my finger along the counter impatiently.

"— yeah — yeah ok — hmm 9:30 — alright now —- how may I help you darlin'?"

The nurse said her southern accent was so thick I'd almost lost my focus. Snapping out of it knowing that the longer I took the more danger Daren could be in. Right as I was about to give her a description of Darren he appeared a tall lengthy guy walking alongside him smiling. The guy looked like he was straight out of a romance movie — he had long hair tied in a messy bun, tattoos covering his neck, hands and probably other places. He had pale skin like mine but his lips were pink and plump similar to Justin's. He was wearing a black suit and looked liked he'd come straight from a mafia novel.

"What the — you know what — nevermind I found who I was looking for, but thank you though."

I said frantically before running off  to Darren and the guy wanting to know exactly wha this guy was up to. Walking over behind a wall I peeked listening in on there conversation wanting to know what they were talking about.

"— you know I want to talk to you more, although we have been talking for a couple of days now — I just really miss you."

"Aah ok well what if I — "

Darren suddenly leaned closer whispering into the guys ear. I couldn't even hear what he was saying, but whatever it was it was making the guy grip the back of Darren's shirt aggressively. Darren hadn't become someone new, he'd met someone new and completely forgotten about me. Without thinking I stormed over taking Darren's hand pulling him behind me guarding him. This guy wasn't going to have Darren I refused to let this wanna be tough guy take him from me.

"Sebastian— what the hell is your problem? Go away!!"

Daren yelled out trying to push pass me, but I quickly pushed him back keeping distance between him and this — guy. Oliver suddenly appeared behind him was Manger Ty and Regie cheerfully talking until the spotted me guarding Darren from the guy. Within seconds Regie was standing in between us, Oliver and Tyler were standing behind me standing on either side of Darren.

"Sebastian why do you have to ruin everything —"

"Wait this is Sebastian, your X, and the father of your child. While these guys must be your Manager Ty — Regie — and Oll — hguuuhmn Oliver. Look I'm not here to start trouble I'm here for Darren and that's it."

The guy said awkwardly feeling the tension between us rising. This wasn't me still feeling salty about Darren turning me down after we kissed, this was me wanting the best for my child and the father of my child. Darren suddenly let out a yell and pushed me aside walking over to the guy taking his hand in his.

"Guys this is — Ben, Ben this are my bestfriend's— well some of them. I didn't think I'd he introducing you until after the baby's born, but I didn't expect to see you here either so I guess—"

"Look Sebastian, I understand that you feel inferior to me since I've taken your place but If your worried about your son there's no need trust me, I'll make sure to keep both of them safe."

Ben said in a derogatory manner holding out his hand with a smile on his face. I wanted to badly to say something very rude, but for the sake of Darren and everyone else I'd hold the peace. Taking his hand in mine squeezing it staring into his eyes not breaking eye contact. I didn't feel inferior to him, I could care less about him and he'd never be able to take my spot no matter how hard he tries I wasn't going to lose my spot to him no matter what. As time passed on Darren and Ben got closer unfortunately I had to constantly witness them laughing together because Tyler let Darren convince him to let Ben come over.

"Sebastian, you should just give him a chance he's a cool guy you just need to get to know him. Your — making things difficult, just like before I'm going to give you some brotherly advice. Let it go, because he's let it go a long time ago he's happy and you should just be happy for him."

Oliver said putting his arm on my shoulder staring at me with a worried expression on his face. I knew that he was right, but at the same time letting Darren be happy with someone else wasn't me. He's mine and as selfish and toxic as it sounds — his heart belongs to me and only me. Pushing Oliver's arm of my shoulder I marched over to Darren and Ben, but Tyler suddenly walked in front of me holding out his hands.

"I don't know what your thinking about, but whatever it is please think before you do  something stupid."

Tyler said looking over his shoulder in Darren's direction, but I had already made my decision that Darren wasn't worth loosing and that this Ben guy was just an obstacle I needed to get over. Ignoring Tyler's warning I walked up to Darren grabbing him by his wrist tightly of course Ben snatched him back pushing me away.

"Watch how you touch him dog."

Ben said stepping up to me his face inches from mine. Looking over at Darren waiting for him to defend me, instead he grabbed onto Ben's arms looking up at pleadingly tears in the corner of his eyes. I couldn't believe Darren right now, what did this asshole have that I didn't have? I'm the father of his child yet he was clinging to him when I've been here for him relentless trying to restore what we had.

This was useless, everything I was trying was useless and if he wanted to play this game I could play it ten times better.

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