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Justin's (POV):

"— alright now since we are releasing the mini album soon we are also going to push the album date back due to the constant run in with the tabloids. It'll be hard for us to release this when we still have to deal with all the tabloids negative media. Today we won't focus on that instead we will focus on —"

Suddenly the sound of what sounding like a bunch of people running down the hall and a women whispering made Tyler stop turning to the door. Regie suddenly opened the door and we witnessed two hotel security guards running down the hall.  Regie wakes over to Tyler whispering something in his ear before running out the door again in the same direction the security guards had. Within Seconds Tyler ran out the door barefooted behind him Kane ran off and like magnates we all followed not sure where we were going.

"Sebastian!! Sebastian!! Stop!!"

I heard Scream out trying to pull Sebastian off of someone, it was hard to make the person out when the two security guards were in the way. Tyler grabbed Sebastian pushing him up against the wall pressing his hands onto his chest while Regie and Kane stood in between the guy and Seb. The security guards were talking on their walkie talkies to someone, but we were more worried about what exactly happened.

"Sebastian what the hell happened?"

"I —"

"I'll tell you what happened— Sebastian came out here acting all crazy accusing me of cheating on him and started trying to fight Nico. I keep telling you nothing happened between us — nothing — yet you don't even trust me enough to believe me!! You fucking asshole!!"

Darren yelled grabbing at his finger sliding his ring off throwing it at Seb's chest, right at that moment I heard the sound of a camera shuttering and girls squealing we were being recorded and photos were being taken. We were going to be seeing our faces all over social media now —- dammit!! We needed to go back into Tyler's room before more fans show up and we won't be able to go anywhere and we've got a lot planned today. Grabbing Darren's arm trying to guide him back into Tyler's room, but of course he was being stubborn and the way my head was pounding plus my stomach felt like it was being twisted on the inside. Letting go of Darren's arm staggering backwards holding my hand over my stomach feeling the pain getting even worse the hallway felt as if it was spinning around me...

"Darren please just leave this bozo, that kiss we shared last night had to of meant something, because it meant a lot to me."

"Are you fucking kidding me!! You kissed him, I thought you said nothing happened between you two!!! Are we lying to each other now?"

Leaning over putting my hand on my knees  trying to shake off this feeling, but I couldn't. My eyes started to slowly shut and I could feel my body falling, and screaming could faintly be heard in the distance.


"Dammit!! Justin!! Justin!!"

"Someone call 911!!"

"CALL 911!!"

I woke up to the sound of a machine beeping and the tv playing. Tyler was standing at the end of my bed, Regie and Kane were sitting on the window seal, Ryan was walking in the room with a Coca-Cola in his hand looking as if he hadn't slept in hours.  Darren and Oliver were was sitting to my left as Ryan and Seb was sitting on my Right.  Smiling faintly reaching for Oliver's hand out of instinct, Ryan just gave me a look of disbelief his eyes resting on Oliver's hands on top of mine. 

"Guys I think you should give me, Ryan, and Oliver a minute to talk to Justin."

Oliver said retracting his hand back looking over at Ryan who didn't seem to be happy with the way immediately went to Olly. Feeling slightly nervous I sat up pushing myself up a little on my hands preparing myself for anything. Tyler gave me a very odd look before waking out the room of course the rest of the boys followed him out, but Sebastian was hesitant and rightfully so.

"Leave Sebastian!""

Oliver said in a vexed tone turning his head slightly towards where Seb was standing. Sebastian looked as if he was going to say something, but quickly exited the room without saying a word. Oliver took his hand placing it over my leg letting out a sigh somewhat of a unpleased sigh. Ryan just took a seat
Quitely pressing his fingers together leaning onto the bed nodding his head.

"The — Doctors — told me about — you being pregnant, but what I would like to know is why you only told Oliver and not both of us if you were "unsure". Now what it really sounds like is no matter who's the actual father you've made up your mind."

Ryan said in a low tone his eyes on me as he spoke, but it wasn't hard to tell that he was trying to keep calm. Oliver bit his lower lip as if he were trying to conceal his feelings, save face with Ryan here but I'm guessing he hadn't told Ryan what was really happening behind that happy couple facade we put on. Holding back my tears I turned to Ryan reaching out to take his hand in mine wanting his forgiveness, but he just snatched his hand back scoffing in disgust.

"Don't — its — in the past — I just really want to know what exactly you were thinking jumping in the middle of that mess, if your going to at least be reckless think of how to take care of yourself instead of doing dumb shit like that!"

Ryan said angrily glaring at me and it was the first time in a long while were we would actually look at each other without him giving me a look of betrayal, disgust, or hurt. Oliver let out a little chuckle covering his mouth trying to hide his amusement, but Ryan's expression had already changed within seconds. Oliver raised his hands his dark brown eyes shaking, but suddenly Ryan let out a laugh that shook the entire room and I felt a hint of relief in my body. Suddenly the door opened and the doctor came in with a clipboard pushing his round glasses up onto his face. The cool air flowing throughout the room flowing through his Toupee lifting it up slightly revealing his bald spot.

"Ah — Dr. Marcil."

Oliver said leaning back in his chair stretching his legs out his expression was slightly less sad now, but Ryan looked as if he was slightly scared or —- worried. The doctor gave me a smile before walking to the left side of the bed handing me an ultrasound picture and at first glance I didn't know what he was expecting for me to see. Wait was he trying to tell me something is wrong with the twins? Will one of them not make it?!

"Ah I told you he wouldn't get it — pay up Olly!"

"Ah come on."

Ryan and Oliver said laughing hysterically as I still stared at the picture completely dumbfounded unsure what I was supposed to be seeing. The doctor grabbed the machine next to me setting up walking over to the shelf's pulling open a drawer pulling out the tube of clear liquid then shutting the drawer. He walked back over to me laying the blue sheet over my stomach carefully placing it. Grabbing the the bottle with clear liquid squirting it onto my stomach and my mouth felt numb and there was a lump in my throat that seemed to feel like it would explode.

"Look closely —- there's fetus one — fetus two — and I don't notice them one before, but if you look closely— "

My jaw dropped as soon as I saw the third fetus .. I couldn't believe this I'm — not pregnant with twins I'm pregnant with —


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