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Sebastian's (POV):

I can't believe I let Justin drag me into this mess, but to make matters worse is Darren as definitely seeing through my bluff. Even after telling him I had feelings for him, dominating him in his bed he didn't believing me. If I was going to win this bet and get Darren to admit his feelings for me then I'd need to —

"Kiss me already."

He yelled out his cheeks flushed and the cute little expression on his face told me that he wasn't completely acting —- was he in denial? Before I could back away wanting to make him come to me he grabbed me by my collar and smashed his lips onto mine leaving me speechless. I should want to beat his ass for this, but even with the bet going on all I could think about was how soft his lips felt. Letting his arms fall to his side I wrapped my arms around his waist slowly reaching down gripping his ass. Dammit!

"Oh my god!! Darren!!"

I yelled out pushing myself away from him angrily glaring at him. Rubbing my fingers over my lips wondering why they'd started to tingle and why his lips tasted exceptionally sweet. I'm so confused... running to my room slamming the door shut and locking it behind me. Throwing myself onto the bed staring up at the ceiling brushing my fingers over my lips feeling absolutely frustrated. There was no way in hell I'm actually thinking of Darren as anything more than a friend —- no way in hell!! Punching my bed and flailing my arms before turning onto my eyes and forcing my eyes shut. This was nothing more than a stupid bet — a bet — a dumb bet —

The next day was tough for me I couldn't stop thinking about Darren. To make matters worse while we were filming Darren kept touching and flirting with me. After we got done I tackled him onto the couch and started to beat him up while Oliver and Regie did the outro. Suddenly he kissed my cheek leaving me flabbergasted as I looked around wondering if anyone noticed, but Ryan seemed to be the only one watching us enjoying my pain and suffering. Pushing Darren away jumping up from the couch walking to the other side of the room where Kane was wanting to get space away from Darren.

"Bye Stars!"

Oliver yelled out before the camera shut off  waving goodbye a bright smile on his face. When the shoot was over I walked outside needing fresh air, for some reason the house felt completely stuffy to me. It was hard to breathe with Darren around me, he made me feel —- putting my hand over my heart feeling it race as I thought about Darren's lips brushing against mine.

"I hate Darren so much."

I mumbled under my breath, but l Manager Ty suddenly appeared and gave me a funny look before walking back into the house. Rolling my eyes turning to walk to the path that lead to the tree house we'd finished building last year. Walking down the long path with my hands shoved into my pockets happy that I'd have a little freedom away from them all. Suddenly they're was a loud crunch as if they're was someone following me and as soon as I turned around I heard someone yell out in pain. Groaning wishing that I'd just ignored it and kept walking, but it's to late now. Backtracking looking around for the source of the yell, it took me a few minutes to find Darren leaning against a tree.

"Darren, why are you following me?"

I said slightly annoyed, but I could tell he was hurting to much to answer. He kept quiet for a second before shaking his head holding his ankle whimpering in pain. Dammit! Why couldn't he be less clumsy!! He was hanging around Kane a little to much. Grabbing his arm wrapping it around my neck stopping midway when I realized that wouldn't work. Walking up to him I turned around pulling him onto my back struggling to hold him up. It'll be a long walk back to the house it's better to just take him into the tree house.

"We should —"

"Just be quiet, it's to long of a walk back to the house. There's a first aid kit in the tree house so just stop worrying —"

"Sebastian I'm sorry —"

"Don't apologize it's not a big deal, let's just forget it ever happened. Plus your —- your my bestfriend — well your like a little brother to me so let's not ruin that ok."

I said sternly adjusting him on my back trying to use all my strength as I carried him to the treehouse luckily it wasn't that far from where we were. When we reached the tree house I gently bent down carefully grabbing Darren's arm to wrap it around my shoulder. We walked the rest of the way in silence as I helped him up the stairs feeling a bit awkward about the situation between us.  We opened the screen door and stepped into the tree house the smell of Oliver's cologne was heavy, it was obvious he'd been here.  Sitting Darren down on a green bean bag rushing to the cabinet grabbing the first aid kit then grabbing a towel.

"Sebastian — "

"Yes Darren."

I said in a irritated manner knowing exactly what he wanted to say. Sitting the first aid kit sitting it to the side opening it taking out the alcohol pad and a bandage for his ankle. Opening the alcohol pad looking up at Darren giving him an apologetic look before dapping the cuts. He hissed in pain wincing with each touch easing back in his chair throwing his arm over his eyes. Throwing away the pad I started to unwrap some of the bandage cutting off a long piece to make sure it stayed on. Throwing the bandage wrap back into the first aid kit then shutting it.

"Sebastian — "


I hissed angrily looking up at him to see that it was pouring outside. We were stuck in the house and with no where to go ... Why can't I catch a break? Sighing I just shrugged it off carefully wrapping Darren's ankle up. For a few minutes we just listened to the rain beat against the roof of the tree house before Darren let out a weary sigh. I should of known Darren of all people wasn't going to let this go.

"Darren look that kiss — you took me by surprise I didn't expect you to —"

"It's frustrating you know — to feel like your playing with my emotions. I mean — I don't have feelings for you, but do you really have feelings for me?"

Darren said sitting up looking down at me I could see the tears forming on his eyes. I didn't want him to feel like that, this was just a stupid bet — my feelings for him aren't going any further then friendship. Rolling my eyes feeling ice cold towards his feelings even if it hurt him I'm unsure how far I can go with this. Grabbing the first-aid kit standing up and turning to walking over to the cabinet sitting the kit onto the third shelf.

"I — "

Hesitatingly stopping in my tracks scared to look him in the eyes and admit such a thing. If I could get Darren to fall in love with me and admit his feelings —- the big question was, was all of this worth it? Turning to Darren walking over to him climbing over him parting his legs our faces inches from each other. No matter what I'd win this bet plus this was all jokes, no one was actually feeling any effect, no one would get hurt — right?

"Darren, I love you as more than a friend. I want you to be mine. My feelings for you are getting hard to deal with, but right now I can admit to you and you only that — I want you."

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