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Sebastian's (POV):

We'd been working hard these past few months, Darren was finally in his second trimester and decided to keep the gender of the baby a secret so he could have a proper  gender reveal He wanted to invite his mom and dad after telling them the news, Justin also told his parents there news and they didn't take it well the first time but after carefully explaining it they wanted to come and see him. Oliver had invited our mom and dad since Olly was taking on the role of father since Justin and Ryan's relationship wasn't going well.

"Hey mom — dad."

"Well I can't believe I'm going to be a grandma this early. After all those talks we had you've gone a knocked someone up, hughh and I never thought you'd end up getting a guy pregnant let alone one of your friends."

My mom said handing me a pink gift bag filled to the brim with gifts. My dad just patted me on the back heading into the living room. Sighing hoping things go alright today during the gender reveal for Darren. Walking into the spare bedroom where were keeping all of the gifts hopefully the room was big enough for all the stuff. Sitting the gift near the closet door as more of our family members entered and close friends. Oliver was trying to calm the Justin down who couldn't seem to sit still, even though he already knew the gender he still was going to have a baby shower and receive gift while Darren was getting the full experience.

"Sebastian, Darren is asking for you."

Tyler said appearing next to me out of thin air holding a big pot of meatballs for the baby shower carefully walking into the kitchen.  Walking upstairs to see what Darren wanted, out the corner of my eyes I could see Justin and Oliver kissing. Guess those two love birds couldn't wait, but I wonder if Justin will ever actually tell Ryan or will he continue to rope him along. Heading up the stairs looking around for Darren surprise to see him talking to Ryan. This looks like he could be bad, maybe I should just —

"You should really stop hurting Justin, it doesn't make things easier for him. If you are in love with him then verbally hurting him doesn't help, it makes things worse."

"I know that, it's just now that I couldn't get in the way of his happiness. He's happier with Oliver than he's ever been with me, so it just goes to show that I was nothing more than someone he screwed around with."

"But your also — your also —"

Quickly walking back taking a seat next to Darren gripping his shoulder tightly to warn him that telling Ryan this was no good. Sighing I decided to finish Darren's sentence, but then Oliver appeared with Justin laughing next to him their smiles fading away once they spotted Ryan sitting across from us.

"Oh maybe we should go."

Oliver said turning to Justin, but I could tell from the look on Justin's face he didn't want to leave he wanted to say something it was Oliver who just wanted to leave. Ryan gave them a odd look then got up from his seat slowly making his way over to Justin who didn't seem bothered by it, but Oliver once again was on guard.

"Well I guess I should apologize for what I've said in the past, but I won't—- Justin I wish you happiness, but I also wish that—-"

"Hey baby I got us some drinks."

A girl said walking over to us her beautiful skin tight sundress flowing as she moved. She had beautiful pale skin, ruby red lips, a beautiful smile and shoulder length brown hair. She handed Ryan one of the cups filled to the brim with punch wrapping her arm under his smiling brightly. I could tell by the tension on Justin's face he was feeling uncomfortable and everyone else was for him, the poor girl had stepped into a mine field.

"Ryan come on aren't you going to introduce me to your friends."

The girl said shaking Ryan's arm laughing cluelessly not knowing what she'd signed up for. Ryan coughed patting her hand laughing awkwardly his eyes meeting Justin's who's composer had changed it was very clear he was bothered. Suddenly Tyler appeared and everyone's composer changed up it seemed like we'd all become tense knowing Tyler wasn't having any of it.

"Ah - well this is my girlfriend — Jade — I met her a month ago and ever since then -"

"Well I'm glad someone is able to put up with Ryan's attitude, but I really am getting hungry so Oliver could you please take me downstairs to get some food."

Justin said rudely cutting Ryan off patting Oliver's arm motioning towards the stairs. Oliver gave the girl an apologetic look before escorting Justin down the stairs leaving in me, Ryan, Darren, and Jade upstairs staring at each other in bewilderment. Unable to think of anything else to say I pulled Darren aside knowing he'd start worrying about things out of his control if I didn't calm him down now.

"Don't worry, Darren everything will be fine I promise you that. I told you while we planned this that for you I'd make sure that everything— and I mean everything is perfect for you and my son."

I said cupping his face in my hands raising his head so that his eyes were focused on mine. In all honesty there was no way that I could keep the promise that everything would go as planned especially after Ryan suddenly decided to announce that he had a girlfriend, although all of knew because it was obvious. For Justin's sake we never spoke about it in front of him and made sure he didn't stress over anything even though it looks like this gender reveal wouldn't be drama free. The next few hours were crucial we had to make sure that we were all getting along , also keep Justin away from Ryan to keep the peace while the games went on.

"Hahhaaa ggoooo Mrs.Bray!!!"

Oliver yelled as Kane's mom started to chug down apple juice out of a bottle. Next to her was Kane who was trying his best to win, but it was hard for him to get anything out. In the end though of course Kane lost and we all chanted,"you lost Kane." Bullying him as usual. As we all stepped out into the warm air Oliver and my dad carried out the cannons handing one to each of the guest everyone was super pumped up to finally know what Darren was having. 57% voted girl and 70% voted boy I was amongst the people who voted boy because I just had a feeling I'd have a son before I had a daughter. Taking my place next to Darren who was already in tears to comfort him I took his hands in mine wiping away his tears with my thumb.

"Alright guys!! Are you ready??!! One —"



My eyes closed instinctively it wasn't until I opened them and saw blue confetti flying around us that I'd realized I was right. Pulling Darren closer to planting kisses on his lips and cheek smiling as tears rolled down our cheeks out of pure joy. I was going to be a father but — I still didn't know if I was really ready to become a father or not.

"Oh my God Justin!! Can you please just admit it you'll never let anyone be happy!!! Just get over it already just like you've moved on I've moved on, you talking down to Jade is pointless."

I heard Ryan yelling from inside of the house then there was the sound of glass shattering and a women screaming. Looking over at Darren then back at the house I ran into the house behind Oliver to see Justin throwing glasses and plates at Ryan who was trying his best to protect his girlfriend. Rushing over to Justin grabbing the glass cup from him before he could throw it Oliver struggled to calm him down I couldn't believe what was unfolding.



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