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Darren's (POV):

I woke up to the sound of Sebastian talking to someone on the phone pacing back and for typing on his phone. Slowly reaching over to grab the little remote turning off the TV, but it didn't startle him he just hung up the phone turning to me his lips pursed.

"Are you ok? You — scared me Darren —- you scared us all. Your mom and dad are getting some food, they'll be back soon they didn't want to leave you —"

"Sebastian, what happened? I just remembered that we were at the party — Ryan and Justin were fighting with each other then I — oh my God!! Is the baby ok?"

I yelled out pulling back the covers wondering if the baby was ok, was she — tears started welling in my eyes as I thought back to the stressed and how the doctor told me —-

"Daren, look I want to be the one to tell you this before your parents get back. The baby is ok, but —- the doctor told me due to the stress you've been put under he's not sure if you'll be able to carry the baby to full term. He may be born prematurely and they might not —- "

"Hey Darren buddy, how you doing?"

Oliver said peeking into the door holding a handful of balloons and plushies. Behind him were the rest of the boys, my family and Ryan's girlfriend had come to visit to. Thinking back to the way things were at the gender reveal I was surprised that they could even believe they were being civil. Sitting up wincing in pain as I tried to move upward slowly but surely. Wiping away my tears trying to hold back the tears not wanting to worry them anymore then I already have. Me and Sebastian would handle whatever came our way and love our child no matter what.

"Woo what's wrong? Sebastian what's going on?"

Tyler asked looking over at Sebastian, but Sebastian just shook his head looking over at me for a quick second before taking a seat on the edge of the bed putting my hand over mine's. Sighing realizing no matter what they were family and they needed to know this as well so they could prepare for the worst.

"Sebastian you should tell them, I — I can't — "

"It's fine — look guys because of the amount of stress Darren's been put under the doctor said that he may be born prematurely and might not — "

"Ok I can't do this anymore — let's just change the subject."

I said wiping away Sebastian's tears with the back of my sleeve cutting him off hearing his voice cracking up. It was only painful to talk about it right now all we could do was pray that the our baby boy would come home healthy and happy. The rest of the day people came and left we'd told our fans that Darren was in the hospital sick, keeping the updated and we shot a video making sure to edit out Justin's stomach and Darren's. Darren got to come home the very next day , but was put on bed rest so we had to shoot a couple videos without him and do a couple interviews without him. When he was back to his full health we tried to make Darren and Justin as comfortable as possible.

"Hey Justin bro why are you constantly eating my snacks bro your so fucking annoying!! Bro Oliver come get your hooker bro!"

I yelled out pushing Justin away as he tried to snatch the bag of chips out of his hand. Oliver turned back and walked over to us snatching the chips out of Darren's hand earning a disapproving look from Sebastian, but it subsided slowly when Oliver poured some of the chips into the bowl.

"You two need to relax, no stress."

Oliver said taking a seat next to Justin who seemed slightly uneasy around him. Jumping when Oliver touched him, maybe I'm overthinking things or just imagining things. Getting up from the couch walking to the bathroom feeling the urge to pee after drinking that whole jug of apple juice.  Rushing to the bathroom pushing Regie and Kane out of my way not even stopping as the shot me with nerf guns. I quickly used it throwing my head back happy to finally get to the bathroom when the door suddenly flew open.

"Ah baby, sorry."

Sebastian said calmly reaching over to flush the toilet for me. I had to admit it was nice to have him around, but at times he was being a bit overbearing and overprotective especially after the doctors visit yesterday he had become my shadow. Groaning I quickly walked over to the sink washing my hands not even bothering to dry my hands I just wanted to get far away from him.

"Darren, hey slow down you know - "

"SEBASTIAN PLEASE JUST — aah ~ look please just give me some space."

I said holding my hand out trying to keep a distance between me and Sebastian. Everyone's eyes were on us now Tyler was up on his feet stepping in between us shaking head in Sebastian's direction. Sebastian gave groaned then stormed off  back into the living room I stormed off in the opposite direction wanting fresh air so I walked upstairs wanting to just hang on the roof top. I couldn't handle the way he was constantly making me feel like he had to be every way to protect me when I didn't need him everywhere I go.

"Aaah ~ this is where you headed off to, look I'm just worried about you and the baby I don't mean to be —"

"It's fine Sebastian, but I know your feelings for me are still there. Just understand that we can't go back to they even though we have a child together I can never go there with you ever again. It's best if we just stay on friendly terms, it's better for the baby and us."

I said turning to face Sebastian who was now standing near the fireplace his face was blank, but it wasn't hard to tell he was tryin his best to hide his emotions. It wasn't hard to read Sebastian, he clearly missed me the problem was the feelings I had for him died a long time ago so there's no need for us to try and rekindle anything.

"Darren look I — I don't think I'll be able to do this friends thing and even with the baby I thought about you even before all of that. I just want you and I want to be in the baby's life, so I'm just here to ask you —-  please let's just give "us" a try, one more time."

Sebastian said getting onto his knees staring up at me laying his hands flat on his knees. There it was again this pained feeling in my chest like my heart was trying to climb through my rib cage. There was no us anymore, so why was it so hard for me to turn him down. My feelings for him had died — there was absolutely no reason for me to try and take this relationship further.

"Darren come on just give me a chance I'll do anything just trust me."

Sebastian said begging, but I couldn't hear him over my heart racing. What was I supposed to say to this, a part of me was telling me to say no the other — was telling me to take a leap of faith and trust him and that I had nothing to lose.

"Please— Darren just —"

Sebastian said getting up from his knees walking over to me pulling me into his arms pressing his lips against mine. The feeling of his soft lips brought back memories, the sad and good but the sad out weighed the good and I knew then that this wasn't worth it.

"I'm sorry."

I said shaking my head backing away turning on my heel running away wiping away the tears. I wasn't even sure why I'm crying Ive done the right thing, and I know it.

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