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Darren's (POV):

Most of the food I couldn't really eat because it was making me sick to my stomach the disgusting smell. Walking back to my hotel when Oliver popped up next me stopping me shaking his head. He grabbed my hand pulling me back from the door pulling me to the end of the hallway. What was with everyone and pulling on me like I'm some fucking dog!! Snatching away, but Oliver quickly grabbed my hand pinning me to the wall pointing his finger in my face.

"Look, I haven't told Sebastian anything at all but you can't keep this from him forever. You promised me that day you called me to pick you up from that clinic you'd tell him. I'm not pushing you to do anything, it's just best he knows this Darren no matter his reaction you've always got us no matter what."

Oliver said whispering each time someone walked past, he'd simply nod in their direction and waved turning to me. Biting my lower lip wanting so bad to take back that stupid promise, I'd knew it'll come back to bite me. He was right, I didn't have to tell him now, but I'd have to tell him before my second trimester started our he found out —

"Sebastian really cares for you, I'm not saying forgive him for being such a dog just — he's really trying to mend things. Just do it for me, he needs to know."

Oliver said letting me go letting his arms fall to his side as gave me a little nervous smile. He put his hand on my shoulder slowly raising his hand rubbing my chin lifting it up forcing me to stare into his eyes. Suddenly Sebastian walked up to us looking me up and down scoffing pushing me aside pulling out his phone then shoving it back into his pocket.

"Guess my brother wants my sloppy seconds, well I've got to warn you about this one bro — after a while it goes bad."

Sebastian said eyeing me as he spoke each word cut deep, but Oliver was right about one thing — Sebastian was nothing more than a dog and that's all he'll ever be. Shaking my head not wanting to be around him any longer than I had to be my  head was starting to hurt now. Walking to our room unlocking it with my keycard throwing the door open as I entered our room. Taking a seat on my bed wanting to just ball up and cry because now my side was hurting. The nausea was disappearing, but now I seemed to be growing my pecks that were swelling up with milk. Sitting staring down at my stomach thinking about how it'll look when it gets bigger.

"Darren look— I'm —sorry— I know what I said was cruel, but why do you have to do that? Why go for my older brother? If your using him to get back at me it's actually very pathetic don't think?"

Sebastian said throwing his keys down on the bed crawling onto it his arm propping up his head so we look each other in the face. There was no point in giving him the satisfaction of giving him the attention he desperately craved. He was saying all of these hide the fact he was jealous of Oliver even though there's clearly nothing between us he was determined to treat me like trash.

"I'm seriously shocked I didn't think you'd stoop so low, hell I didn't think Olly would want my sloppy seconds —"

"Sebastian, If you expect Darren to forgive you then you can't continue to -"

"Aah I see you must of already slept with him, Darren's super easy like that he'll spread his legs for anyone."

Sebastian said in a cruel manner laughing hysterically as tears rolled down my cheeks. Did this asshole just call me a fucking slut?!! He's the only guy I've ever been with honestly how could he just assume— mmhmm I felt like my head was pounding and I was slightly dizzy. All this stress from dealing with Sebastian was no good, if this dog expected me to forgive him then it'll be when hell freezes over. Walking back to our room ignoring Oliver's pleading for me to hold on still feeling dizzy. For a second I felt fine then everything started to get dark and my body felt as if it was shutting down on me. Falling onto my side my eyes closing slowly as I looked up to see Sebastian and Oliver staring down at me, The sound of Tyler's voice yelling out what happened? Echoing through my head.

I woke up to the sound of Oliver arguing with Sebastian there faces inches from each other. Looking down surprised to see Oliver's fist were balled up as he clenched his jaw. Looking around realizing it was now nigh time and I'd probably missed a lot since we did have a busy schedule. Sighing loudly to let them know that I was finally awake and they didn't need to argue anymore. Oliver motioned for me to just stay put, but I wasn't going to listen. Throwing the covers off of me swinging my legs over the bed carefully pushing myself upward pushing away Sebastian who reached trying to help me.

"Oliver, why didn't you take me to a hospital?"

I asked looking over at Oliver who was now sitting in the chair at the edge of my bed . Oliver shook his head and nodded towards Sebastian who was now searching through the mini fridge. He pulled out a bottle of water holding it up before slamming the door shut and making his way over to me. He opened it up handing over to me placing it in my hands forcing me to take it. Rolling my eyes I chugged down half of the water taking the top from Sebastian putting the top on then slamming the water bottle into his chest. Oliver sneakered as he witness Sebastian cave in rubbing his stomach in pain.

" Darren I don't know what exactly is going on with you or why you are trusting my brother rather than me, but I don't think this is some common flu, cold or you getting cold feet before the concert. Can you just please be honest with me at least once?"

Sebastian said pleading with me taking my hands in his holding them up to his face. I honestly couldn't believe this hypocrite was telling me— telling me to be honest for once . Holding back the urge to slap the hell out of him I walked over to Oliver wanting to be taken to the hospital so that I could at least get checked up and make sure the baby is ok. If anyone was going to take me I'd prefer that Oliver take me and Sebastian to stay the hell away from me.

"Oliver take me to the hospital, I just want to make sure that —- I'm ok."

I said calmly walking back over to the bed sliding on my shoes grabbing my bag and wallet shoving it into my pocket. I had to make sure that we were both ok, even if it was a small fall the doctor told me that because I'm male their are high chances of having a miscarriage, still birth, or me dying while giving birth. It was very important that I needed to be very careful about everything I do from now on, I needed to avoid stress but with everything going on it was very much impossible to do so.


Oliver said grabbing on my shoulder snapping me out of it. Turning to him sighing as I headed towards the door wanting to leave and check quickly as possible, this also helped me get far away from Seb as possible.

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