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~~~~~ A YEAR LATER ~~~~~

Justin's (POV):

As we balanced family life with creating content and eventually we had to tell the stars about the story of how Christian and Sky came to be. We made headlines of course, rubbed people the wrong way but we didn't care. As long as we had each other and the stars we could care less what anyone else thought of us. There were a lot of things that needed to be talked about though even after Two Years I'd never made peace with Oliver after everything that happened. As Sky started to run and wrestle with Ryan who was smiling as he daughter started to quickly chase after him I couldn't help, but think about what could of been with Oliver.

"What's wrong?"

Tyler said leaning against the counter a cup of coffee in his hand as he stared down at his computer his brows furrowed. Sighing I turned away from the living room walking off into the next room to see that Oliver was in the hall talking to Regie about something laughing at his jokes. I couldn't stop thinking about him and yet it felt like the closer we got to getting back to normal we took fifteen steps backwards. He'd forgiven me, but I knew I'd lost his trust a long time ago and it hurt to know that.

"Justin bro your being weird, why are you staring so hard."

Regie said picking up Christian's ball and throwing it at me, but luckily for me he missed me and hit Ty instead. Ty gave him a side eye glance before walking off and coming back with one of the big nerf guns. Regie immediately ran upstairs trying to escape Tyler's wrath while the other boys laughed, screamed and cheered him on. Leaving me alone with Oliver who was awkwardly keeping his distance from me. Sky ran into the room jumping in front of Regie protecting her uncle from big bad Ty and of course Tyler caved in picking up Sky and swinging her around. Christian of course thought Tyler was trying to attack and came to the rescue not giving Ty the chance to explain he just started to attack with his mini boxing gloves on.

"Oliver — can we — "

"Let's not, we should just count our blessings as they are. We are better as friends and that's it, we weren't meant to be together. I'm just thankful that you were the first guy in my life that I got know deeper and share that level of intimacy with. Us being together was nice while it lasted, but it's not worth holding on to, it's best we forget about the past and just focus on now."

Oliver said avoiding eye contact with me completely keeping his eyes on the boys who were now having a full on battle against Christian, Ryan, and Skylar. Tears started to well up in my eyes not ensuring to forget any of what was in the past, I wanted him — I haven't thought about anyone but him and it kills me. Grabbing Oliver's hand I dragged him into the guest bedroom upstairs slamming the door shut behind us. I refused to let him go, I wasn't going to give up as easily as he wanted or expected me to.

"Justin give up, I don't think we should be together because your still holding on your feelings for Ryan and you know it. You used me as a cover up and I knew it, I shouldn't of let it go on as long as it did!"

"I don't want anyone else — I want you."

"Well I'm sorry, but I no longer feel that way about you because you've killed any part of us left within my heart. Even if we were together I wouldn't be able to trust you, and without trust we don't have anything so what would be the point of us getting back together— tell me!! TELL ME!!"

Oliver said walking over to me shaking me until my teeth rattled and my body felt cold. It was har dot come up either anything the words were stuck in my throat and the lump seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. I wanted so badly to be with Ryan and even when I had him for that one night the very next day all I could think about was Oliver. Tears rolled down my face as I dropped to my knees tugging on Oliver's shirt tightly to keep him from leaving.

"Just let go! Justin!! I don't love you anymore!! Alright is that what you wanted me to say!! I don't love you that way anymore — I love you — but as my friend — AND THAT'S IT."

Oliver said snatching his arm away walking briskly out of the room slamming it shut behind me. As I sat there on my knees unable to think straight as Oliver's words floated through my head echoing loudly pounding against my brain all I could do was cry. I didn't want this to end not between us and I wasn't going to give up, I refuse! Pushing myself up off of my knees I walked over to the door throwing it open to see Ryan standing at the door. Walking past him wanting to chase after Oliver before it was to late to say what I needed to say and hopefully change his mind, but Ryan quickly grabbed me and slammed against the wall pushing his arm against my throat.

"Don't you even care about how I feel or have you forgotten that my feelings for you are —"

"Irrelevant, we only slept with each other once and that night was the biggest mistake of my fucking life. After sleeping with you all I wanted to was to rework my relationship with Oliver after telling him. I'm not going to give up no matter how hard you try to hold me back."

I said trying to free myself from Ryan's arms but he wasn't fighting fair at this point. Suddenly Oliver appeared his eyes on me the entire time my heart started to shake. Ryan quickly let me go and rushed downstairs disappearing his footsteps slowly fading. This was unnerving I just wanted him back and this was breaking my heart into pieces, now I know how Seb felt trying to get Darren back and he still was fighting to do that.

"Look I know you still have feelings for me, but this will never work out the way you want it to no matter how hard you try. My feelings for you are long gone, along with the bittersweet memories we created together."

Oliver said into my eyes not breaking eye contact as he spoke. The harsh words hurt, but I refused to believe it and I didn't want to he couldn't really mean he'd moved on from "us." Refusing to accept it I walked over to Oliver staring him dead in the eyes wanting him to take back everything he said, but the look in his eyes was different from before he genuinely seemed happy without me.

"I'm sorry things aren't going your way you expect them., but it's better if we just continue to be friends because there is no longer an us. I just want my bestfriend back."

Oliver said looking down at me holding out his hand waiting for me to shake it. I couldn't believe that he was actually ok, I'm just here bothered entirely by this new Oliver. The feelings he had for me were gone and there was nothing I could say or do to revive the relationship we had back then, instead I just needed to — move on.


Sebastian yelled from downstairs his voice throughout the house. Taking Oliver's hand reluctantly giving up not wanting to cave in so quickly, but it was better this way — for us to just go back to being friends instead of holding onto what could of been. Pulling him into an awkward hug quickly pulling away when it took to long for us to pull apart. Turning on my heel I quickly jogged down the stairs walking into the living room to see that Regie, Kane, Tyler, Christian and Skylar were sitting downstairs while Sebastian and Darren were standing up exchanging soft whispers.

"Alright so you guys as you know me and Darren were at odds for a while, but for two years we've been secretly trying to better our relationship and kindle it. After a month or two I asked Darren something that I didn't think I'd have the courage to ask him —- I asked Darren to marry me — and —"

"I said Yes."

Darren said holding up his finger showing us a silver wedding band on his finger and Sebastian quickly showed his smiling as everyone surrounded them congratulating them. I was happy that at least they found love, who knows maybe I can do the same next time around.

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