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Darren's (POV):

I tried my best to just stay far away from Sebastian especially with all the tabloids going on about us. Every social platform was blowing up absolutely destroying Sebastian for cheating on me, but I was more focused on Christian and keeping him happy. Unfortunately Sebastian may of been onto something— we realized that the tabloids had a detailed story about what happened. Jackie wouldn't snitch to the paparazzi, so the only person who would be to blame is Nico.


Tyler suddenly yelled out from the hallway and all of us ran after Sebastian as he walked to the door. There were indeed two officers waiting at the door one already had handcuffs ready there eyes watching as Sebastian shook his head in disappointment. Oliver gave me a weird glance then turned his attention back at Sebastian walking over to the officers asking what he was being arrested for.

"— Dadas!! Dadaaaaa!!! Dadddaaaa!!"

Christian said running from the kitchen tears rolling down his cheeks as he reached out for Christian his face had gone completely red. Grabbing Christian pulling him into my arms trying my best to calm him down the best I could, but he wouldn't calm down. Picking him up I carried him into the other room as he wailed and begged for his father to hold him. I just couldn't handle any of this right now we had enough to worry about, now this shits happening. Walking over to the window watching as paparazzi snapped pictures yelling out questions as Sebastian was put into a police car, meanwhile the news truck was right outside recording live footage.

"Alright ... uh .... Sebastian call your mom and explain to her the situation if she hasn't already turned on the news. Me and Oliver will head over to the police station to see what Sebastian's nail would be. You guys stay here and —- don't do anything."

Tyler said pinching the bridge of his nose, his face had become red as tomato now. Oliver looked at me then back at Tyler before exiting the room his expression was easy to read, he was highly disappointed in me. Sighing I carried Chris into the hallway and up the stairs hoping with all the crying he'd done he'd be extra sleepy since he's already eaten and everything. Carrying him into my room I stopped for a second looking down over at the boys watching as they paced the room nervously.

After putting Chris down I took a nap as well, but I ended up waking up way before he did which was sort of great. I really wanted to oversleep to avoid hearing any bad news about Sebastian's charges, but I'd done miserably. Walking into the kitchen to see Tyler, Oliver, and the rest of the boys randomly standing around in the kitchen as if they were waiting on me. Tyler walked up to me and with a cold glance he shook his head before walking off disappearing into the next room.

"What's going on? Is Sebastian— "

"Sebastian has been charged with battery, and will remain in the holding cell until his court date which is April 15. Meaning we have to make a decision— either we cancel the tour dates for Boston, Asbury Park, Toronto and Chicago or —- we go on and just do tour without him."

Regie said holding Jackie in his arms as she buried her face in his shirt. Looking over at Oliver wondering what he was thinking, as the leader —- he couldn't possibly be thinking we cancel all those tour dates! Sebastian needed us we can't just go on without him — Aughha this is so frustrating!!

"Look I already spoke with Sebastian and he said he wanted you guys to go on without him."

Oliver said looking over at the other boys who just stared down at the floor holding back their tears. What I couldn't wrap my head around was why'd Oliver say us but not include himself? Was he staying back too? Dammit this was all so much, but Seb was Olly's brother of course he'd stay back. Tyler was our Manager and of course he needed to stay back. The question was, would Sebastian want me to stay back to support him as well or was I better off going on with the boys? Dammit!! Dammit!! Fuck!! I have too!!

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