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As Darren had finally reached his due date I really wanted to be the one to go with him, but Darren had said he also wanted Ben to be there also. I let it go, knowing me making a scene about it would do no good I'd only be the bad guy so I'd rather just keep my mouth shut and deal with it. They'd been dating for a couple of months now and it seems like the more he was happier with him the more my heart started to hurt, lately I'd been trying to keep Oliver a float because he'd fallen onto a bad path. He was partying more and sleeping with girls every night there was a different one in his bed, but I'd fallen the same way to fill the void Darren had left I found myself talking to different women.

"Your healthy and so is the baby, so are you sure you want to do a home birth instead of going to the hospital baby."

Ben said cuddling Daren holding him in his arms as Regie and Kane blew up the pool Ben had bought from Amazon. Darren's midwife, obstetrician, and pediatrician was standing aside talking to Tyler watching as the boys set up the pool. Our parents wished us well and told us to at least try to get along for the baby's sake, I wanted to promise that but some promises weren't worth making. Justin came in rocking Skylar side to side smiling happily as Skylar gripped onto his finger.

"Justin can we talk?"

Ryan said walking over to Justin taking Skylar from his arms smiling down at her. Justin gave him a death stare then walked off into the kitchen and Ryan followed. Oliver didn't even care he was just on the phone talking away smiling as he swiped. Pulling out my phone as pinged non stop opening up my phone to see my dm's had been flooded with naughty things and nudes.

"Hey Sebastian can we talk?"

Ben said walking up next to me a can of Coca-Cola in his hands. I didn't think he'd ever want to talk to me, but guess it was long over do that we have a heart felt conversation about how things would be once my son is born. It was hard for me to want to be around them, I wanted to be happy for him but it was impossible when he was happy without me. Rolling my eyes I walked to the stairs turning to him shoving my phone into my pocket. Crossing my arms waiting for him to get out whatever he had to say to me.

"Look I know it's been difficult for you, but there's something I want to get off my chest. I think it would be best if you stay away from Darren, with everything going on it's best if you just don't come around either once the baby is born."

Ben said walking closer to me shoving his hands into his pockets a serious expression on us face as he spoke. I couldn't tell whether this guy was being serious or not, but I couldn't believe this asshole was actually—- asking me to disappear from my child's life.

"Darren and the baby will be taken care of you don't have to worry about —"

Before he could even finish his sentence I punched him in his jaw. He wiped the blood from his lip looking up at me in disbelief and before I Tyler could calm things down we were on the floor exchanging punches until Regie, Oliver, Tyler pulled us apart. There was no way this guy was really asking me to leave my family!!  This asshole!! Trying my best to free myself from Regie, Oliver, and Tyler; but they were it was impossible.

"Baby, are you ok?"

Darren asked walking into the room with his hand on his back waddling over to Ben coddling him as he winced in pain when he touched his eyebrow. I should be the one he should be coming to attend to, this ass — was purposely acting like a wounded animal when he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. This seemed like it would get worse the more I'm around them and Darren couldn't see that I'm the one who cares for him the most.

"Darren just — "

" Look Sebastian I know things are difficult between us, but you can't continue to do stuff like this. Ben is the man in my life and your not, just deal with it and learn to stop trying to ruin anything that brings joy into my life. I couldn't bring myself to say this before, but now I'll say it — the only happiness brought out of our relationship was the baby."

Daren said his harsh words felt like someone was ripping open my insides. Tears rolled down my face as I thought about all the memories we had together and how much I wanted him to be my past, present, and future. All that was being ripped apart by this one person who's got Darren all twisted around his finger, but if Darren really thought this guy was going to replace what we had then so be it.

"Ok, I'll do as you wish Ben and Darren I'll disappear from my child's life. I'll give up on the idea of ever getting you back Darren and being able to hold you and my child in my arms then I give up. None of this bullshit is worth dealing with you or him constantly making me feel like I'm walking on eggshells."

I yelled out pushing Regie away Tyler and Oliver had let me go stepping in front of me holding out there arms hoping I would make a move. They didn't need to worry about any of that though I had finally reached my limit trying to beg or make up for my mistakes and prove my fucking  self to him. Walking up the stairs heading to my room to lock away wanting to just be myself maybe if I just slept the entire day I'd feel better. Walking up the stairs I pulled out my phone stopping midway when I got a notification.

Natalie: I'm in LA, I was wondering if you wanted to continue our little thing. My husband is away on a trip with his idiot friends so why don't you just come through and keep me company. 😈😜💦

Well she always came around during the perfect time, and now that we didn't have to tread carefully since her idiot husband wasn't around I could just stay over. Smiling to myself sighing looking over my shoulder wondering if I should leave? Who was I kidding, it's not like I'm needed here.

Sebastian: I'll be over, make sure you wear that lingerie set your husband bought you for Christmas.

I said being completely cheeky but serious, that lingerie set he bought her was fucking amazing. Walking into my room I grabbed a duffel bag out of my closet and started filling it with clothes and other things I might need for my stay. Suddenly the door opened and Oliver appeared a very disapproving look on his face as he shook his head. I didn't want to hear anything from him, especially after how he would constantly dog Justin out any chance he got in a video throwing shade.

"I don't want to hear anything, I won't even be here for the birth so none of you have anything to worry about at all. I'll be over — at a friends house."

I said calmly zipping up the bag throwing it over my shoulder grabbing my charger and my car keys off of the bed. Oliver gave me a discontented look, but when he realized he wouldn't win this one he quickly stepped out of the way. Walking past him turning off my light smiling as I thought about the things I was about to get into with Natalie knowing that girl it was only going to be a good time.

"Hey!! Tyler!! Umm I'll be back tomorrow I'm heading off to a friends house, we've got everything done already and I just will have to edit tomorrow."

I said heading toward the door and by the time Tyler opened his mouth to ask anything I was out the door clicking the button on my car key to unlock it.

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