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Darren's (POV):

Our flight was delayed so we were currently stuck in the airport. To make matters worse paparazzi were lurking around watching our every move, but luckily for us Tyler had hired and assigned us each two bodyguards each to help keep them away. For Justin he had three since apparently he was getting it worse than anyone. I was a bit suspicious that Justin was the one who was pregnant, but maybe I'm just overthinking things.

"Baby Christian's giving them a fit already maybe we should —"

"No Seb it's fine, they'll be fine I promise now please stop worrying."

I whispered grabbing his face squeezing his cheeks with the tips of my fingers bringing his face closer to mine when we heard the flash of a camera and I immediately felt myself just lose the moment. We couldn't even have romantic moments without eyes on us it was so jarring. Sighing wishing our flight would hurry I put my bag onto the floor laying my head onto Sebastian's lap snatching his jacket off of his bag and pulling it over my body. I honestly was just hoping while on tour we'd just all mellow out after months of touring w' be able to forget everything that's happened between us, hopefully. Shutting my eyes drifting off to sleep hoping, praying we could all just get along.

"I'll wake you up if our flight arrives, you should just go ahead and get some rest baby."

Sebastian said softly rubbing my head gently playing with my hair a bright smile on his face as he stared down at me. I couldn't shake the feeling that Seb would be just as disappointed as I was that I'm not pregnant, even though I'd been slightly scared since we technically weren't ready for our second child just yet  --  Seb was making me feel as if he would be disappointed in me.  Maybe I was just overthinking things -- I was letting myself get into my own head too much. I was able to take an hour long nap before our flight arrived, or course we had to rush because the paparazzi had bombarded us yelling questions and shoving cameras in our faces. Luckily the two flight attendants were nice enough to help us escape them and get us on the plane safely. Looking down at my ticket walking down the aisle searching for my seat, of course I was seated next to Kane as well as an old lady who'd gotten the window seat. Unfortunately we were right next Oliver, Justin and a man who looked to be in his mid forties with thick glasses and an Hawaiian shirt on. We could tell the atmosphere was off between them they were  just awkwardly sitting in awkward ways to keep a distance between them. Oliver was sitting directly behind them with Tyler and a blonde cutie who was clearly into Tyler because every time their eyes met her face would flush red.

"Dude I think one of us should find a way to switch with one of them. If things keep going like this the entire tour is going to be awkward, we've already got Justin who's pregnant and since he won't be able to have fun with us we —"

"Kane just forget it, they need to solve this on their own. Plus I'd rather not do anything it'll probably make things worse, so let's just let it play out."

I said calmly looking over at them then back at Kane who sat back in his seat slowly running his fingers through his hair. I didn't want to deal with their mess I just wanted to get through this flight without drama, because as soon as we arrive in San Antonio that's when things would become a mess. Waking up from my two hour nap had me completely rejuvenated, but I ended up needing to run to the bathroom to pee. What I didn't count on was coming back to see Oliver arguing with the flight attendant and Justin to change their seats. The curtain was pulled back and Tyler peeked his head around scoffing.

"You two are ridiculous — I'm so sorry miss you don't have to worry about these two I'll take care of them."

Tyler said walking over to the flight attendant comforting and reassuring her keeping his eyes on the boys. Sighing wishing that the flight was over already and that I was in the bed cuddling Sebastian in our hotel room. Suddenly something really hard hit me nearly knocking me off of my feet, but someone's arms quickly wrapped around my waist to keep me upright.

" oh — are you ok? I should be more careful— oh my god your that guy who I saw in the hospital— wow umm I didn't think I'd run into you here."

Looking up my eyes widened as the tall, lanky blonde guy with blue eyes from the hospital was staring back at me worriedly. Oh no, what do I do? I mean this is harmless we were only talking — Sebastian isn't type to get jealous over nothing. Taking a step back awkwardly laughing as I combed a strand of hair behind my ear. The guy was cute, but he wasn't Sebastian the father of my son —

"— hey — hello are you ok? I don't know if they're any doctors on board, but if you need one I can —"

"No I'm fine I swear I just— ... I just am really surprised that's all. Anyways we ... we  — probably should get back to our seats so we don't get into any trouble."

I said cheekily patting his shoulder stepping over to walk past him, but he suddenly grabbed my hand pulling me back. Giving him an small smile I pulled my hand away before heading back to my seat where Kane was staring at me with a judgmental expression, which is very uncalled for since I'd done nothing wrong. Sebastian had nothing to worry about, I would be faithful no matter what.

"Kane whatever it is — keep it to yourself."

I said knowing he'd want to give his input on it whether I wanted to hear it or not. I'd done nothing wrong! If Sebastian or anyone has a problem with me just being nice and making friends then it sounds like a personal fucking problem. Rolling my eyes bending down unzipping my bag reaching down until my fingers brushed over my headphones. Whipping out my headphone I pressed the little button before putting them onto my head. Scrolling through my phone trying to find a song to listen to for an hour and forty-five minutes. Sighing I ended up picking a random song shutting my eyes as the music blasted into my ears soothing me.

When our flight arrived at the airport of course we were greeted by fans as well as the press which was surprisingly small, but we still wanted to avoid them. Our security got us to our taxis and helped us pack our bags of course the paparazzi followed us out screaming questions.

"Hey! Are Ryan and Justin still together?"

"Are Oliver and Justin together now?"

"How's the kids doing Darren — Justin?"

"What's it like it being fathers while on tour?"

"Are you in an open relationship Justin?"

"Ryan do you still love Justin?"

Rolling up the windows quickly shoving my earphones back on wanting to drown out the questions they'd ask pounding on my head. I knew that Ryan, Oliver, and Justin's relationship had become awkward now that JP had made the decision to be alone. We arrived at the hotel a little late, but we're still able to get our rooms we'll kind of Oliver, Justin, Ryan ended up having to share a room.

Room Situation:

Sebastian > Darren (708)

Regie (704)

Justin ( 703)

Oliver, Justin, and Ryan ( 604)

Kane (602)

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