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Darren's (POV):

I couldn't believe I'd been so stupid to believe that Sebastian actually liked me.. why the hell didn't I listen—- Oliver —- Oliver! Springing up off the floor I swung open the door to see Manager Ty and Oliver standing at the door, Oliver holding his hand up to knock slowly letting it fall when he realized he looked foolish just holding his hand up. He knew... and didn't tell me — he fucking knew AND DIDN'T TELL ME. Tackling Oliver to the ground punching the floor missing him completely wishing that the stupid no fighting rule wasn't around.


Tyler said sternly staring down at me his voice was more frightening when he was smiling even in a situation like this. Sighing I swung my leg over Oliver climbing off of him pushing myself up from the floor feeling tears stinging my eyes, but I didn't want to cry in front of everyone it just wasn't me. Turning back to go and hide in my room not wanting anyone to see me cry, but Sebastian had appeared out of thin air blocking off my path.

"Darren I'm sorry I — "

Without even thinking I drew my back my fist wanting to punch him right in his jaw even if it meant being kicked out of the group. How dare you speak to me!! Sebastian held his hand out his hands reaching out for me, but smacked them away not wanting him to even touch me.

"Darren look I'm sorry I should of just told you, but I couldn't bring myself to do it because I knew you'd act like this just give me a chance to explain things to you —"

"The fuck are you going to explain to me!! I seen the text messages you fucking asshole!! Seven hundred dollars and Justin would be your fucking maid if he looses the bet. If Justin lost and couldn't prove that he wasn't in love with Ryan and their is something going on between them then he'd be yours!! Your such a fucking asshole!! You lied to me!! You used me!!"

I yelled out unable to hold in the tears feeling the pain my chest getting harder to bear. I couldn't breath anymore if felt harder to breath as he stepped closer. Pushing him away tears fogging up my vision I could barely see it seemed like the more I tried to breath the more my heart was was pounding faster.

"Darren calm down, I'm sorry ok I'm Soo Soo sorry just calm down."


I yelled at him pushing him away from me still unable to control my breathing it felt like someone had ripped a hole inside my chest. Justin walked over to me and looked at Ryan then at me slowly walking over to Ryan. Looking over at Ryan wanting to yell and scream at him too — he knew as well and didn't even tell me, because he knew — he knew Sebastian would screw this up!! I couldn't even trust my own fucking friends, I — I —-

"I hate you, Sebastian! I hate you, so much!! Fuck you!! Fuck you!!"

I screamed pushing him punching his chest tears streaming down my face as I thought about the special moments we had together. About how he was the first guy I've ever been with, he was my first time ... and he was using me the entire time — was I really that much of a joke to him that he decided to play with my heart.

"Ryan, look I —"

"I already knew."

Ryan said suddenly cutting Justin off turning to him a malicious smile creeping up on his face. As he walked over to Justin patting his shoulder, all Justin could do was stare at him in confusion his brows furrowed. Justin backed away tears rolling down his cheeks as he realized that he'd been played as well.

"Don't you think it's funny, how can someone who thinks their a player get played so easily. Guess you should try and do better next time, well I tell you one thing your are a good sex toy though. Even if we don't stay together together, we could have an open relationship."

Ryan said reaching out caressing Justin's lips staring at him with a smirk on his face as he watched Justin dying on the inside. Everything seemed to be going wrong, I've been played and Justin got played the thing is I didn't deserve any of this. Tyler just stared at all of us in disbelief while Oliver looked as if he was about to blow a fuse. For a minute we were silent just exchanging looks until there was knock on the door then Regie and Kane came running up the stairs panting.

"Tyler there are police officers at the door asking for Darren."

Kane said struggling to catch his breath, meanwhile Regie just took a seat on the stairs panting. Tyler gave me a look of disbelief and confusion then let out a slightly big sigh before walking down the stairs. I didn't know what exactly was going on, but this had to be worst day of my life. Pushing past Oliver I rushed down the stairs after Tyler to see that that he was talking to two police officers. One was balding with a huge mustache and he was rather round around the stomach area, he was about in his fourties. As for the female officer she looked as if she was twenty seven close to our age range, she was light skin,  had freckles, she was slim thick  and  had light green eyes.

"—- Look as long as they don't rough house again they won't be banned from the gym, well anyways have a good night."

"You too Officer."

Tyler said following them to the door guiding them out a bright smile on his face. As the door closed I could see the smile on his face disappearing ever so slowly. As he turned around staring up at me I knew that me, Justin, and Sebastian were in deep shit.

"I don't know what the hell happened, but can someone please fucking explain to me why Darren was trying to fight Justin?"

Tyler said walking up the stairs menacingly staring at me. Sebastian walked down the stairs stepping in front of me blocking Tyler from my vision. I didn't need him to protect me — I wanted him to just leave me the hell alone!

"Tyler it's my fault— I made a stupids joke, it's nothing — it got taken to far and Justin just took it a little far and Darren reacted I promise that's all it was nothing else."

Sebastian said I could hear the panic in his voice, he was scared Tyler wouldn't believe him. With the way he'd come up with that lie so quickly I'd honestly believe him. I hated him so much but if he wanted to act like he was doing something for me then I'd let him act like a hero, but he wasn't getting any sympathy from me. Walking back up the stairs lazily opening the door shutting it behind me and locking it letting my tears fall as I slid down the door. This whole night felt like one big wrecking ball all I could think about is how foolish is been. My own friends betrayed me, Sebastian — someone I thought cared for me had ripped my heart out and all for a stupid bet.

I don't want to be consoled I want revenge

Laying on the floor just forcing my eyes shut curling myself into a ball laying my tears fall.

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