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Seb's (POV):

Throwing back shot after shot, shot gunning white claws with Regie watching as Darren parties along side some old friends of his. There was no way I could keep going with this bet, I don't know why I let JP talk me into this shit! Fuck! walking into my room  laying down in my bed hugging Yubi my eyes shutting slowly when Darren appeared at the door inviting himself in. Rolling my eyes I turned away from him hoping he'd think I was asleep and wouldn't bother me, but I'd only gotten my hopes up.

"Ssebbastian —-"

He said in a sing- song voice crawling into bed with me holding the camera over my face. Hiding my face under the covers annoyed with him, I just wanted to sleep. He slid his shoes off before wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, smacking me every time I tried to move away. Turning around taken aback by how close Darren actually was ... I could feel his body heat. Trying to push him away wishing he'd keep his distance away from me, I couldn't bare being this close to him.

"Come on Sebastian, you know you like it daddy."

Darren said inching closer towards me his lips puckered out as he closed his eyes. Angrily grabbing his camera and turning it off I flipped him over and crawled on top of Darren pinning him down. Dammit! He's so fucking annoying, why does he have to do this? Couldn't he just stick to messing with Ryan!

"Sebastian, bro why'd you turn off my camera!! Your such a fucking asshole bro!! Get off of me you fucking —"


I yelled out climber over him then flipping him over grabbing a hand full of his hair pulling his head back  spanking him with my other hand. Laughing when he let out a moan kicking his feet strangely I found myself enjoying the expression on his face in the mirror. What the hell is wrong with me? What am I doing? Letting Darren's head fall I climbed out of bed turning away from Darren unsure if I'd really be able to go through with this. There was the sound of shuffling on the bed and I small whimper before the sound of feet hitting the floor made me turn around.

"Sebastian —"

He called out but I just waved  it off walking out of the room because it felt stuffy and hot I needed fresh air. I had a choice either proceed to get Darren to fall in love with me or lose this bet against Ryan. No money in the world was worth doing this with Darren, I mean of all the people he could of picked he chose Darren. Shuffling down the stairs to see the boys laughing hysterically at Kane dancing along to music. He truly danced like and old man suddenly Ryan approached me nodding his head towards the kitchen . Nodded back I walked on into the kitchen taking a seat at the table not long after Ryan appeared taking a seat next to me.

"So how's Darren doin?"

Justin said teasingly a big smile on his face as he motioned his head to the living room. Looking back watching as the guys danced, and indeed Darren was leaning against the wall on his phone. What the hell was his problem all I did was spank him, dammit if hadn't been so annoying I wouldn't of needed to punish him. Uggh!! Fuck!! Fuck!! That sounds so wrong! If I lose this bet and have to become Justin's servant I'm going to die of embarrassment. Forcing a smile trying to hide the pain I shrugged it off looking over at Justin who seemed equally happy.

"So how's your time with Ryan going?"

I asked knowing exactly how his time was going with Justin. It was a stupid question, Justin had it easy I'd completely fucked up I should of better him the same thing! Justin must of been able to tell what I was thinking because he suddenly started to chuckle to himself.

"What is this? Don't tell me you actually like him like that—"

"Hell no! I don't — I'm doing whatever I have to, I'm not going to become your servant. I'll tell you one thing I know the stars and you are going to enjoy the special surprise I have."

I said calmly leaning over staring into his eyes a smirk playing at my lips as he leaned back his expression had changed, he was nervous. Laughing before walking back into the living room where Darren was recording now, though he was talking to the camera it wasn't hard to tell he was watching me out the corner of his eyes. The longer Darren put up a fight the worse things would get from here, I had exactly five months to get Darren to confess his love for me.

"Hey Sebastian come be in this TikTok with meeee."

Darren called for me in a sing song way again skipping over to me. Interlocking his arm with mine smiling up at me, my face felt hot now. Pushing him off groaning as I started to rethink my life decisions,but despite not wanting to film anything with him I followed him over to a seat where he sat down.

"Ok so you have to be close to me, but not visible in the camera. I'll pull you close to me and start singing the lyrics ok —Sebastian?"

Darren said in a irritated tone shaking me, he immediately regretted it when I looked down at him staring into his eyes glaring as he flashed me a nervous grin. Quickly turning his attention back to his phone he set the count down and started to record.

Im a gangsta's wife, to an anybody killa —-

He mouthed looking into the camera flipping his hair. I couldn't help but to watch him and laugh, this guy seriously was the goofiest person I know. He grabbed me by my shirt pulling me closer him as he started to mouth the words to the song I found myself looking deeply into his eyes. Sizing him up watching as he started to blush and I couldn't help but to blush myself. Catching myself as soon as the video was finished I pulled away fixing my composure.

" Alright we'll that was an experience."

I said laughing it off as if nothing had happened rubbing the back of my neck smiling sheepishly. With the boys around it was hard for me to do anything, but even if the boys weren't around there was no guarantee that Darren wouldn't go running his mouth. Maybe, if I just make sure he doesn't I'll just have to figure how to get him to not say anything. Walking over to Bae who was talking with Tyler about the next video as he painted his nails. Tyler was just nodding his head and taking a sip of his coffee every 2 minutes.

"Hey Sebastian could you go and grab your new camera out of my room, I know you've been busy —"

Before Bae could finish his sentence I slapped my hand on my forehead remembering that I'd left my new camera in Bae's room because someone stole my camera charger out of my room. I ended up going to Bae to borrow his charger so that I could have a full battery for my new vlog I wanted to try to do. Walking upstairs leaving Bae to stare after me, Tyler giving me side eye but he just continued to work. Running up the stairs looking over my shoulder to see that Darren was right behind alongside Ryan who was waving at me with a petty expression.

Why the hell did I let him talk me into this?!!

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