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Justin's (POV):

I've been struggling for a while now to just edit my my videos! I've been so focused on just getting stuff done and taking my mind off Ryan I've because I'm so frustrated. Today was Saturday and it didn't even feel like it I felt so stressed out it seemed impossible to focus on anything else.


I yelled throwing my headphones down and pushing my chair back angrily. Tapping my finger on the desk staring at my door now wondering what exactly Ryan was thinking about after that kiss, the first time we kissed he reacted how I expected... disturbed that our lips had touched, but this time he just —- he had no reaction he seemed to be unbothered by it. This was rubbing me the wrong way entirely, well there was no point in overthinking things today is Saturday which means a good Saturday night with the boys.

"Yoo Kane bro your girlfriend is here!!"

I heard Tyler yell from downstairs his voice echoing throughout the house. Kane's girlfriend was finally able to see him after two months of being apart because she was currently coming back home to LA after her trip to Japan. Walking over to my door to close it wanting to get ready before all the guest started to arrive even though my mind wasn't all the way in it I wanted to forget everything that happened. Shutting the door locking it sighing as I turned and shuffled into my bathroom turning the hot water on watching as steam started to creep from the shower.

I took a long hot shower feeling my stress slightly melt away, but what would really help with this stress is some soju. It always hit different on a stressful day like this, it made me feel entirely better. Grabbing my Gucci belt that Oliver had gifted me sliding it in through the loops watching as I tightened it around my waist. No matter what I'm going to forget everything no matter how hard it's going to be for me. If Ryan can act as if it's not bothering him then so can I! Walking over to my door swinging it open taking a few steps into the hallway shutting my door behind me inhaling and exhaling.

"Hey Justin, you look good."

A girl called out her cheeks rose red as she stared me down. Turning to my left to see a beautiful brunette girl staring back at her face was cute and round. She had nice dark brown eyes, and she looked very intimidating until she smiled she also had a perfect smile she kind of reminded me of —

"Oh hey Ryan."

She suddenly said leaning over waving her hand side to side smiling sweetly. Turning around my jaw dropping to the floor to see Ryan wearing a black shirt that was slightly open at the top showing a little cleavage with black pants and his favorite shoes. My jaw dropped to the floor he looked really ducking good tonight, well anytime Ryan dressed up he looked good so this shouldn't surprise me. I found myself taking in his cologne and how good he smelled.

"Justin bro, are you ok? Your kind of staring s bit hard. You good?"

Ryan said patting my shoulder as he walked past me a smirk on his face as he watched me shutter at his touch. All I could do was stare after him watching as he walked down the stairs disappearing. Was there really any chance of me forgetting Ryan and the way his lips felt against mine. We've kissed twice now, but it meant nothing so why am I trippin? Exhaling I shuffled down the stairs joining the rest of the boys as more and more people started to fill the house greeting us at the door.

"Have any of y'all seen Sebastian and Darren?"

Tyler asked looking around making everyone else do the same. We all just now realized those two had completely disappeared from our sight. Slowly backing away from the boys disappearing behind the wall I pulled out my phone to text Sebastian to see what the hell he was trying to pull! Had he gone off to get Darren's confession. Now that I think about it after I left him on the roof with Oliver he had become completely weird afterwards him and Darren.

JP: Sebastian? Where are you!!

JP: Sebastian!!

Sebby: I'm with Darren we are getting dressed we will be down in a second, just


Sebby: Just give us a minute

JP: just remember you have short time to be playing around, unless your actually catching feelings for him

Sebby: No, but you shouldn't worry about me .. you and Ryan seem to be getting closer

JP: Fuck you.. worry about yourself

Angrily shoving my phone into my pocket I walked to the kitchen to do shots with the boys hoping I didn't miss my opportunity to do so. Right as I entered the kitchen I bumped into that girl again the cute one from before, the one who looked like a female version of Ryan. Rubbing the back of my head nervously unsure of what to say, the right response was sorry but for some reason I'm getting tongue tied around her. Right as I opened my mouth to apologize Ryan appeared next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder smiling evilly.

"Woo Justin, are you playing this game again pretending to bump into girls just so you can hook up with them. Well I mean this has worked on fifty thousand other girls especially during our trip to Florida. You should of seen him in Florida man was a dog on Demon time — remember when we had that threesome with those two girls yeah man it's hilarious—- "

"Oh umm my friends are asking for me — see your around Justin."

The girl said abruptly hurriedly scurrying off disappearing into the crowd a very hurt expression on her face. Groaning punching the bridge of my nose looking over at Ryan in disbelief as he smiled at me innocently as if he'd done nothing wrong. I couldn't believe this dude right now, was he really cockblocking me for revenge! Honestly I knew how much of an asshole Ryan was, but this was honestly a new low for him. Scoffing I walked off back into the crowd wanting to apologize to the girl for Ryan's stupidity. Rushing through the crowd putting my hand on the girls shoulder or so I thought until Sebastian turned around swaying along to the music beside him was Darren.

"Fuck!!! Sebastian!! What are you doing here?!"

I yelled out pushing past him still searching frantically for the girl, but the house was to full of people for me to be able to find the girl easily. Groaning I rushed back to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of soju and popping it open pouring myself a shot.

"Let's take a shot together man.. "

Regie said already tipsy his face was red as he swayed to the music. Smiling as I smacked my shit glass into his glass then we tapped our glasses on the table before throwing them back. We threw shot after shot after shot until we both could barely stop laughing. I'd completely forgotten what I was upset about and I was happy that I couldn't remember. Walking into the crowd wanting to dance with the boys and it wasn't surprising to find them on the left the side of the living room dancing along to the music. Well Oliver had walked off right as I got close no doubt taking the red head girl up to his bedroom.

"Hey JP let's take some shots!!"

Darren yelled pouring shots for us lining them up spilling some of it on the floor. Kane gave me an slightly awkward glance before disappearing with his girlfriend. Of course I didn't turn down the shots, but right as I lifted the glass Ryan appeared with his arm around a girl smiling from ear to ear and I felt knots in my stomach.

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