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Sebastian's (POV):

After what I said to Darren that day I could understand why he was upset with me. I hated what I said to him, but the feelings that I have for him should remain strictly friendly. Despite hating this bet all I'm waiting for now is for Darren to come running to me admitting his feelings which probably won't take long. I just have to remember that this is all for the sake of a bet I made with a friend, I'll just get Darren to admit his feelings record it and then send it to JP. Shuffling my way to Regie's room peeking in the door to see Oliver and Regie dancing together for a TikTok smiling ear to ear. Spinning around on my heel I walked back to my room making a decision that I wouldn't disturb the lovebirds.

"Hey Sebastian, let's have a chat."

Justin said gripping my shoulder with a very odd expression. Sighing knowing he wasn't giving me a choice I followed behind him walking up the stairs and onto the roof. This seemed like a sketchy scene out of a movie, but JP wasn't that type of person and thankfully we weren't in a movie.  Walking over to the lounge chairs we'd set up he took a seat letting out a loud exhale as he leaned back putting his hands behind his head resting then there.

"Hey come sit down let's talk Seb."

Justin said in a cunning tone looking over at me patting the seat next to him. Rolling my eyes I reluctantly sat down feeling a bit on edge not knowing what exactly Justin of all people wanted to talk about, but it wasn't really a choice in the matter because Justin was a smug arrogant person at times and loved to be right about everything. 

"Sebastian I know it's not that time, but I think we should raise the stakes to make this more fun."

Justin said holding up his phone shaking it infront of my face. Whatever he was planning it would be giving him an advantage no doubt, but it wouldn't hurt to hear him out then deny him the pleasure of seeing me lose. Leaning closer I pressed my fingers tote staring up at him frowning.

"Five months seems like it's to long especially for you, it seems like your struggling a bit to get Darren to admit his feelings. Now I want to make you an offer you won't be able to refuse —- how about we shorten the time limit to two weeks — seven hundred  dollars and the loser has to be the winners servant for two months with absolutely no backtalk."

Justin said mimicking me leaning slightly closer his dark brown eyes shimmering from the sunlight. Honestly this bet did sound good, but what exactly was he playing at? It didn't sound like it was much of an advantage for just me it put him at a disadvantage as well he just needed to collect evidence proving theirs no feeling between him and Ryan, meanwhile I'm trying to get Darren of all people to fall for me. Hopefully my plan goes accordingly, and then I'll have seven hundred in my pocket along with Justin as my servant for two whole months. What's the worse that could happen right? You have to take risk some times, plus I've got nothing to lose now.

"Alright —- deal."

I said holding out my hand for Justin to shake smiling happy to take this bet. It was an easy bet, but I was still unsure of how far I wanted to go with this bet. Suddenly Oliver appeared walking over to us with his arms crossed and a very disappointing expression. Justin looked at me and shrugged before getting up and walking off leaving me and Olly alone on the roof. The awkward silence was killing me, but I didn't know what to say? I didn't even know what exactly he'd heard. Oliver took the seat across from me pressing the tips of his fingers staring at me, I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"Sebastian I don't know what exactly happened between you two to make such a stupid bet, but I'm telling you as your brother and as you're best friend — this isn't going to end well for anyone. You can't tell me you'd play with someone emotions just for money."

"Come on its just a bet that's all it is, that's just what it is. Plus me and Darren will never like each other romantically, it's just for a fun. Look don't worry about Olly I'm going to win this money and in the end you'll see what its over that your wrong."

"Ok — alright — just be careful with what you take risks on and thinking there's nothing to lose."

Oliver said patting my thigh before getting up pulling out his phone walking off. It seemed like a bad idea to continue with the bet with Oliver knowing about the bet, but I Oliver wasn't the type to pester or snitch so it was fine with me that Oliver knew. Pushing myself up off of the chair walking over to the edge of the balcony staring out clinching my jaw confused on whether this bet was even worth it.


I cursed out turning to walk back into the house when I spotted Darren standing at the door. Before I could ask him had he heard anything he darted down the stairs. Running after him chasing him through the hallway cornering him in the library. Grabbing his hand I dragged him into my room hurriedly walking past Kane with a forced smile. Hastily walking into my room shutting the door behind me locking it staring at Darren who seemed just as confused.

"Sebastian—- I wanted to tell you something —"

Darren said softly twirling his fingers pressing them together nervously staring up at me. Reaching down in my pocket i walked over to him taking a seat next to him sitting my phone on the bed hiding it so he couldn't see it. Quickly typing in my password and going to the voice recorder I pressed the record button before turning to him.

"Sebastian —- I think —- you should know that I — "

He stopped looking at me his dark brown eyes seemed to be caressing my face. I could tell he wanted to say more, but he was afraid to because of how I reacted when he said all those things during that video.  Taking his hand in mine leaning closer wanting it to make easier on him to tell me. He suddenly shuttered at the touch of my hand and pulled away jumping up from the bed. I could tell this was bugging him, but he was unsure of how to say it. Pushing myself up from the bed walking over to Darren wrapping my arms around his waist holding him close swaying side to side.

"Darren — what I said before I only said it because I couldn't understand my own feelings.  I've had some time to think."

I said lying through my teeth, or am I? Honestly I'm a mess when it comes to him, so I couldn't tell you how I truly felt. If anything this bet was really all I thought about for a while, but once I start something I can't quit I have to keep going. Me and Darren were nothing more than friends and that's all we can be, so nothing else mattered at this point. Taking a deep breath then exhaling I reached my hand out slowly staring into his eyes then I began to caress his cheeks with the tips of my fingers watching as he melted beneath my skin.

" I couldn't think of anyone, but you no one else matters to me but you. Just tell me whatever it is I promise no matter what I'll be with you."

I said watching him closely hoping he didn't run away from me. Instead he grabbed my cheeks and kissed me passionately his lips felt oddly softer than before and I couldn't help, but kiss him back. As we pulled apart my heart started to flutter and at that moment I dreaded the moment that I win the bet.

I was in love with my best friend and was using him to win a stupid bet...

"Sebastian —- I — like —- you."

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