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Darren's (POV):

After a three days of oddness I finally forgave Sebastian deciding that I couldn't continue to let people get in my head about him. When we weren't working he took me on dates and we spent the week just spending time together whenever we can. It was nice to be able to spend time with the guy I loved. It was odd to hear myself say that, originally it was supposed to be girl I loved now it's guy. Happily skipping to my room when I saw Sebastian walking down the stairs shyly I turned around and bumped into Ryan.

"Ooh my God!! Bruh watch where your fucking walking!!!"

Ryan yelled out pushing me aside before walking off scoffing as he walked passed me. Ryan was honestly such an ass, but no one could be honest with him at times because the guy was the most dramatic and  moodiest guy with the hugest attitude problem I've ever seen. It was about time someone put that jerk in his place, and you know what I'm going to do just that.

"Hey Ryan, why don't you learn to just shut the fuck up some times and stop crying like a bitch. Your worse than Kane bro your so fucking dramatic for no reason. You might as well be our little chihuahua the way your always barking  and talking shit!"

I said spinning around on my heel  walking over to the balcony yelling in Ryan's direction not caring who heard me. I was telling the truth and every one knew it, Ryan had a serious attitude problem and Seb may seem like the guy with the highest ego but Ryan is the fucking worse! Ryan popped up on the stairs heading towards me walking over to me aggressively. Ryan walked back and leaned closer a smirk on his face as he saw my expression change.

"Bro ain't no way your talking about me being dramatic!! You know what don't worry about it because soon, you'll wish you'd left me alone — by the way I hope you and Sebastian wear protection."

Ryan whispered in my ear leaning closer  so that only we could hear. Feeling a chill go down my spine jumping back unsure what exactly was going on? How the hell did he know about me and Sebastian?! No I could be just assuming things now, maybe I should ask Sebastian about it. No he'd kill me if he knew I broke his rule and would never talk to me again if he found out. Sighing I rushed down the stairs wanting to look for Sebastian, but he was no where to be found instead I found Oliver. Olly.. wait Oliver knows too, did Oliver tell Ryan to mess with me? Had he told him about me and Sebastian's relationship?

"Oh Darren you — you ok?! What's wrong? Did Sebastian hurt you?"

Oliver asked me with a sincere tone putting his phone into his pocket. Rolling my eyes ignoring the urge to yell at him that this was his fault and instead I walked off into the kitchen happy to finally see Seb walking in, but behind him was a girl who looked as if she'd stepped fresh off the runway. Turning away to hide my face wanting to get far away from them as possible. Just as I reached the door Regie appeared from behind me and took the girls hand in his. Letting out a sigh of relief as I realized Sebastian would never cheat on me or lie to me. I really just need to get out of my head sometimes.

"Hey Darren, want to go to the tree house and just chill there."

Sebastian said walking back up the stairs a slightly worried expression. What was he worried about? Was he worried about Ryan and that he'd have to protect me? Hugging him tightly not wanting him to worry about such trivial things like that. He gave me a slight smile I could tell he was worried about something, but I didn't want to pry I'll let him open up to me on his own time. As we snuck out the back door we ran to the treehouse joyfully skipping along the path.

"Baby, come here."

Sebastian called holding his arms out a bright and warm smile on his face. Throwing myself into his arms happily snuggling my head in between his neck and collar bone. For a few more minutes we held each other before proceeding to get into the treehouse. Opening the door stepping in happily laying down on the floor stripping out of my shirt and Sebastian followed.


I said nervously looking over at him rolling over to my side so we could look at each other face to face. If I asked him this question it may ruin everything, but if he says the truth I don't think I'll be able to handle that. Alright I can't be a coward my entire life I have to say something!

"Sebastian why did you really want me to stay away from Ryan? I mean, he hasn't done anything wrong."

I said calmly waiting for him to say something, but he seemed to be deeply thinking about what to say. Feeling slightly worried I pulled myself onto my knees waiting for him to explain it to me, worrying that he was keeping secrets from me now.

"Look Darren just trust me when I say being alone with him isn't a good idea. I don't want him —"

"Don't want him what?!"

I said yelling now feeling what I'd said early was true, that Sebastian was keeping secrets from me. No ! No! No!! Sebastian cared about me!! He never to hurt me?!! He'd never lie to me like this, there had to be a reasonable explanation why he thinks Ryan shouldn't be alone with me.

"Why can't I be alone with him? What is he going to tell me? Is it something your hiding from me?"

I asked frantically feeling my heart pounding against my chest worried. Sebastian sat up exhaling looking over at me as if he wanted to say something, but he looked as if he wanted to cry. I felt afraid to ask him what was it what he was going to say my heart wouldn't started pounding in my ears like a drum.

"Darren I want to tell you the truth, but I'm afraid you might hate me."

He said staring deeply into my eye then looking away. I didn't know what he was going to say but the way my heart was beating I could barely breath. He was my everything and he was telling me something that could possibly break my heart.

"—- Oliver knows about our Relationship and so does Ryan, I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean for them to — Ah "

Before he could finish his sentence I leapt into his arms and held onto him tight. I thought he was going to say he'd lied to me about something or cheated on me. It felt like the air my lungs had come back now I could breath happily now. Tackling him onto the ground I started to plant kissed on his body before crawling into his arms happily laying on the floor staring up at the skylight. As we looked up at the sky watching the stars dance in the ski I couldn't help, but to think back to what Oliver said. I couldn't let it bother me, but somehow the more I thought about it the more it actually bothered me.


"Yeah baby."

He said back planting a kiss on my neck sucking on it then biting then repeating the process as if he was trying to mark his territory. Letting out a small moan scratching and clawing at his back panting as he kissed me roughly the feeling of our bodies rubbing together made me feel as if I was going to melt.

"I love you."

I blurted out, feeling slightly embarrassed for being the one who said it first. He just smiled at me and gave me a sweet smile before taking my hand and kissing it.

"I — I Love you more."

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