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Justin's (POV):

The entire drive back home I was silent plagued by so many thoughts in my head I couldn't really focus on anything else. Even during the photo shoot and the video my mind was elsewhere scared to give the news to Oliver. No one knew that I was struggling with my self and I wanted it to stay that way until I could figure things out, because truthfully the relationship me and Oliver share isn't what they think it is.

"Ah baby — what's wrong? You've been acting strange ever since you came back from getting ACAI Bowls with Darren. What's going on? Ah I know you need a little -"

Oliver words drifted off as he slid his hand under my shirt pressing his cold wet lips against my neck sending a chilling tingle sensation throughout my body. Pushing him off I stomped off wiping away my tears as I walked up the stairs hiding my face not wanting them to see me like this. I couldn't believe this — I've gotten pregnant again — this time with twins — to make matters worse I don't even know who the father is. There is a fifty fifty chance it's either Ryan's or Oliver's, but I doubt Ryan would believe a word that leaves my mouth as for Olly this isn't going the way we planned it out at all.

"Justin— what's going on with you why are you acting like this? I don't know what exactly Darren told you, but you need to stop letting everyone get in your head about stuff. Look I know our friends with benefits relationship has been a lot, but since the boys believe we are a couple and the rest of the world it can take a toll on you trying to live up to the image people have painted of you."

Oliver said locking the door behind him a smirk on his face as he stared deeply into my eyes. Reaching down he began to pull his shirt over his head slowly stripping out of his shirt tossing it aside. Turning away not wanting to fall into his tricks knowing I'd only be sucked into prolonging this, I can't do this. Last time I did this things didn't go well if I do it now—

"Oh come Justin I known what daddy's little slut wants —"

"Oliver I'm pregnant!! I'm pregnant!!! I'm having twins and I —- "

I blurted out spinning around not surprised to see the pure shock on Oliver's face as he stared back at me blankly as If he'd seen a ghost. The room fell silent the sound of the air conditioning blowing could be heard and the sound of Darren screaming at Sebastian to catch Christian was echoing throughout the house. This was bad, I hadn't even told him the entire truth yet — would he hate me once I tell him this? Suddenly he let out a groan before taking a seat on the bed folding his hands.

"Alright well I don't know what to say — honestly I'm excited and scared. Originally I'm going to be honest with you — the only reason I started screwing around with you behind Ryan's back was to get back at both of you, but now that your knocked up I feel kind of —"

Before he could even finish his sentence I blacked out and within seconds I was across the room my hand raised out. I slapped him across the face tears rolling down my cheeks as I stared down at him in disgust, disbelief feeling betrayed. I thought even if we were friends with benefits it could be more, but he was — was — just using —— me — how could I be so fucking stupid? Oliver jumped up rubbing his face glaring at me, but I didn't care he'd gotten what he deserved in the end. Oliver grabbed me by my wrist slamming me against the wall his eyes full of rage.

"Oliver let go of me!! Olly stop your hurting me!! Stop!! Stop!! Oliver let go!! Please please — stop — "

I cried out tears fogging up my eyes as tears fell harder I couldn't see his face a blur, but the anger and rage he felt was clear. The door burst open and Tyler walked in behind him was Kane who was staring at Oliver in disbelief. Kane grabbed Oliver slamming him down onto the bed furiously yelling at him while Tyler tried to drag me out of the room. Maybe I shouldn't of tried so hard to rekindle something that wouldn't work out. It's best if he doesn't know anything—

"Oliver — you — you — don't have to even worry about anything — I don't know who the father of the twins are, so you can go back to your life and forget about me. What we had was fun — while it lasted."

I said trying my best to talk through my tears and get my voice to stop cracking up. Tyler looked at me then at Kane then at Oliver who looked just as stunned as they did. Marching out of the room I needed to get out of the house, but it wouldn't be easy since our house was surrounded by paparazzi. It felt hard to breath suddenly my legs started to collapse under me and my eyes became more blurry.

"Hey JP! Justin!!"

I heard Ryan's voice call out to me and the feeling of someone warm gentle hands touching my skin. Snatching away not wanting him to come to my rescue anymore, I'd messed up enough I'd just raise these children alone it was just to much to even deal with all the fucking drama that was going on around here. Pushing myself up onto my feet I walked as my vision started to become clear walking down the long hallway until I reached the guest bedroom. I'd stay here and raise the twins as well as Skylar who'd know her fathers love, but as far as me falling in love I'd never go through that pain ever again. Slamming the door shut locking it behind me sliding down the door tears rolling down my cheeks as I thought about every time I'd caused Ryan pain.

This was my karma...

I woke up to the sound of a Tyler outside of the door trying to convince me to come out of the room. This went on for weeks I just stopped feeling like myself I didn't ate by myself, played games, and streamed in the room but to keep the stars from dragging out any rumors or mess I played it off to me just having one of those days, which wasn't a complete lie. With the tour coming up and me having to leave Skylar with my mom and dad I just felt even more sad.

After a few more days I feeling myself getting into a slump I got back into the gym closely getting back to myself. After a while my confidence was boosted getting back to talking with the guys, but keeping my distance from both Oliver and Ryan. I was happy to finally get to see Skylar smile again since I'd been in a bad situation I'd dragged myself away from her. I'd become closer to Kane than anyone lately he would always have my back no matter what even Regie seemed to be more understanding with me. I grew happy not having to feel like drama was surrounding me. I was even more happy because Darren was doing the wedding planning finally and of course he wasn't lightning up with the expenses.

"Baby come on we have to pick a venue we've got everything else but the venue."

Sebastian pleaded with Darren dragging along as Christian held onto his leg laughing hysterically. I missed having moments like that, but right now it's best that I focus on myself, Skylar, the twins and the tour.

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