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Justin's (POV):

For weeks Ryan was giving me the cold shoulder for a couple of weeks and Oliver seemed to be worried for me since I've been stress eating. For a while I'd just been eating carelessly and gained weight, but we've been thinking nothing of it since there was no morning sickness and I'd taken four pregnancy test and they all came out negative. Darren wasn't saying anything but it was obvious he was pregnant again, we just were waiting for Seb and him announce baby number two or — three knowing those two rabbits.

"Justin can we talk? Umm — "

"What the fuck!! Look I'm sorry ok just — calm down — don't cause a scene!!"


Me and Regie turned around to see Bell walking towards me full speed tears rolling down her cheeks and her face was bright red. Regie quickly moved out of the way taking a few steps back holding his hands up. Looking at him in disbelief I shook my head in disappointment, but then again I really didn't want to drag anyone else into this unnecessary drama. Bell walked into the kitchen and without wanting slapped me across the face my face felt hot and slightly numb. Oliver grabbed her pulling her back, but she quickly kicked him in the leg and then slapped him across the face tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"Don't you DARE fucking touch me!! You cheating lying fucking asshole!! I trusted you I can't believe I trusted you. I thought after everything you'd grown up, but like always I was completely wrong about you, your just like the rest of them."

"Baby look I — Bell look I'm not going to apologize because I know it doesn't fix things but you —"

"It's my fault — ok — I should known when I saw the fucking headlines what I was getting into — I don't even know if the things you told me are true. We'll have fun I won't stick around and play fool I'm done with you!!"

Bell said running out of the living room and right as she left the sound of the front door slamming shut echoing throughout the house Tyler entered the living room his face completely red. Of course Kane, Darren, Seb, Ryan, and Bae walked into the room looking utterly confused. Rubbing my face not sure what excuse I could give Ty at this point we'd cause drama for the past year especially with me and Darren getting pregnant. At this point Tyler really had every right to send us home because we've done nothing by cause trouble.

"I was on the phone doing business with a brand ambassador and heard the commotion and at first I tried to ignore it until I came down the stairs and heard the sound of someone being hit. Now I don't know you've done and I don't want to know, what I want is for you to make sure that I don't have to worry about a dam headline damaging your fucking careers and my reputation!!"

Tyler said angrily motioning for us both to leave the living room. Holding back Oliver I chased after Bell thinking it's better if I was the one to go and talk to her, even if I was risking getting hit by her again. Sprinting out the door running in front of her car before she could pull off. For a second she looked as if she was making us her mind wether to run me over  or turn off the engine. For a few minutes I stood in the driveway in silence watching as the gears turned in her head.

"Hear me out — please."

I shouted out hoping she could hear me, but I wasn't sure if she could because she gave me a confused look before turning off the engine. She swung the car door open stepping out slamming the door shut behind her. Whether I liked it or not I'd done the same thing Ryan did to me and Oliver to someone else — and I had to make up for it. 

"Bell look this is all my fault, don't blame Oliver for any of this. I just —"

"Spare me the bullshit, I knew — I should of listen to my gut telling me he wasn't over you. When he opened up about his past two relationships telling me how he'd gotten cheated on and how it was getting difficult for him to fall in love. Then I noticed the way he was looking at you, how'd his mood would completely change when you were around you. He was clearly in love with you despite the charade he put on with his friends. So Justin spare the bullshit, just know that you both are going to regret everything."

She said shuttering wiping away her tears enraged holding up her phone and I could see a picture of me on top of Oliver our bodies covered in hickeys, bite marks, and scratch marks. My heart was pounding against my chest like a three ton rhino now as I thought about what Tyler had told us earlier. Walking up to her reaching out to grab her arm and beg her not to do whatever she was planning, but she quickly snatched her hand away laughing as she saw the nervous and scared expression on my face.

"Tell me Justin, how — how long was this going on for? If you tell me the right answer and are completely truthful with me then I'll delete this picture and it'll never see the light of day. Unfortunately if you tell me a lie or the wrong answer I'll make sure to ruin your career and I'm promise you there's no coming back from this."

She said looking at the picture then back at me a very evil grin spreading across her face as tears fell down my face every part of my body felt numb and I couldn't breath. It felt like someone had their hands around my throat and was squeezing my neck so hard. I couldn't speak it was hard — I had no choice if I lie — she'll expose —

"Bell!! Bell!! Look this isn't Justin's — fault — Justin? Justin what's wrong?"

Oliver said walking up next to me running his hands through his hair then turning to me a worried expression on his face. I wanted you tell him what was going on, but maybe —

"Ah since your Lover can't seem to handle the bed he's made maybe you can help us Olly, now here's the question and — it determines what happens next and trust me you'll want to answer properly your — no all of your careers are on the line."

Bell said calmly stuffing her phone back into her pocket winking at me as she saw the nervous expression on my face turn to pure fear. We had no choice, but to tell her the truth even it could be the end of us it would end up even worse if we lied. Oliver let out a weary sigh before looking at me then at Bell.

"A year Bell — and I regretted it all but Bell whatever your planning it's not going to solve —"

"Solve it? Oh trust me Oliver — this will solve all my problems and your sweet fans will know exactly what type of person their sweet Oliver Moy is."

She said smiling as tears rolled down her cheeks while she backed away slowly opening the car door ducking down to get in. My heart started to pound as her words sunk in, what exactly was she going to do? Had I really just made things ten times worse than before? Turning around on my heel I rushed back into the house looking around for Tyler wanting to tell him everything before that picture is released.

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