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Sebastian's (POV):

I was really tired from these daily practices, but I knew we had to take the precautions to make sure everything was good. Most importantly that the stars who were coming to see us were happy and enjoying themselves. Taking a seat next to Christian and Sky turning to Christian when he suddenly tossed a block at my head with full force.


I yelled out turning around  rubbing the back of my head to Christian innocently sitting behind me playing with the rest of his blocks pretending as if he'd done nothing. Why did Christin suddenly attack me? I hadn't done anything had I? Looking around I scooted a couple inches away from Christian moving Skylar over to the other side. Skylar suddenly flung herself into my arms then let out a wail punching and kicking.

"Ooh Sky  what's wrong?"

I asked scooping her up in my arms carefully maneuvering my arms around so I could use my legs to stand up. Rocking her side to side trying to calm her down and for a minute it was working, but Christian wasn't happy with me. Christian looked up at me then at Skylar before getting up and kicking my leg. Guess I knew exactly what he was upset about now? He was jealous when there's no need to be. Right when I bent down to pick up Christian Justin and Oliver walked over to me their eyes avoiding contact completely. Justin grabbed Sky from my arms rocking side to side burying her head in between his head and collarbone mouthing the words, "Thank you." Before walking off.

"What's up Olly?"

I asked him, but Oliver had completely spaced out his eyes focus on Justin who was happily smiling at Ryan sharing a laugh as Skylar left Justin's arms to be in her fathers arms, she was definitely a Daddy's girl when it came to Ry. It wasn't hard to tell that Oliver missed him and despite the act JP is putting on he misses Olly too. Ryan had set himself up for his own failure getting in between them the way he did, in the end he's going to be the one to get his heart broken. Well I just hoped it happens after the wedding because drama before the wedding always causing a big falling out.

"Stop staring at me, whatever you've got to say — say it just spare me of your pity. It's useless to me — I just — whatever I'm going to order some food before it gets too late."

Oliver said walking off reaching down into the left pocket of his grey sweatpants pulling out his phone. Looking back over at Justin who was taking family photos with Sky and Ry with the Polaroid camera we'd bought a couple days ago. Even though he was focused on Ryan and Sky his eyes started to wonder and for a few minutes he stopped and stared at Oliver who wasn't even paying him any attention.  I really felt bad for Ryan, but you know what they say Karma's a bitch and this is going to hurt him a lot.

"Baby — I don't feel good I'm going to go and lay down."

Darren said walking past me heading for the dressing rooms his movements slightly sluggish. He'd been sick like this for months and yet he wasn't pregnant, maybe we should just head to a different doctor outside of LA. Maybe around tour time we should just visit a doctor to get him checked out I really have been worrying about him. He's gained a little weight, but not much he's also been eating a lot more lately yet the weight doesn't really show since he's out on weight any ways since Chris's birth. Maybe I'm just worrying for nothing, he's probably just gaining weight like a normal human being does when they are stressing.

"Baby what's wrong? Sebastian?! Sebby! Dammit Sebastian Moy!! Uggh whatever I'm going to change Christian, do whatever you want."

Darren yelled out scoffing before walking off angrily mumbling under his breath. Had I done something wrong? I'd spaced out for a second, but that's no reason to get upset about for Christ sake the mood swings were the worst. Sighing I walked over to Manager Ty tapping his shoulder to get his attention making him whip around his phone practically glued to his ear. Mouthing," sorry" I walked off to go and grab my charger out of my bag when a WingHut food delivery guy came carrying two big bags of wings behind him was Justin who probably insisted on helping.

After dinner we continued to rehearse for another hour then afterwards we began to pack up our things making sure to keep the place looking exactly the way it was before we got here. Walking around checking if all the dressing room was clear shuffling down the hallway when I heard moaning coming from the back room. At first I thought it's best to just walk away and pretend nothing happened, but we needed to leave so there was no time for playing around. Banging on the door repeatedly until there was the sound of muffled whispers and shuffling coming from the room. The door swung open slowly and to my surprise Oliver opened the door his face flushed. Pushing past him searching the room trying to get rid of the nervous feeling in my stomach.

"Sebastian look I don't know what exactly it is your looking for but —"

Suddenly there was a loud thump and the sound of a chair scraping against the floor. Looking over at Oliver who was just nervously standing by the door I just felt the pit in my stomach get worse by the second. Moving the chairs aside until I saw a glimpse of eyes staring back at me and I immediately crouched down holding my hand out.

"There's no need in hiding here — just come out —Justin."

I said confidently feeling like that would be the one person Oliver would hide. He knew this would cause drama yet he still fooled around behind Ryan's back. Just as I suspected Justin crawled from up under the counter dusting himself off quickly sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as Oliver glared at him. Honestly I didn't know what to think exactly  it was odd to me. Earlier it seemed like they were avoiding each other now they are screwing around during rehearsals —- on top of that Ryan seemed to be happier now a days.

"You've got to be kidding me — are you serious right now? Ryan —"

"Bruh what do you want bro! Let's go!! I want to get home bruh I'm tired!!"

Ryan suddenly yelled out directly behind me and my entire body froze for a split second. Slowly turning around I backed away unsure of what to say knowing nothing would be able to justify what either of them has done. In the end Ryan was going to be the one to get hurt —

"Oh my fucking God!! Are you guys serious right now!! Justin!! Really — wow don't either of you fucking talk to me , especially you!"

Ryan said pointing at Justin before backing out of the room spinning around to walk down the hall his footsteps fading away slowly. Looking over at Justin and Oliver who were now shoving on their clothes rushing out the room all I could do was watch them knowing this would all blow up. Walking out of the room shuffling down the hallway turning off each light sighing before closing the door stepping out into the warm air. Justin was arguing with Ryan while Oliver was chatting with someone on the phone. Walking over to Justin and Ryan wanting to know what the hell is going on with them.

"—- So you've been going behind my back for a year now fucking Olly behind my fucking back!! Are you serious— I — I thought we had something—"

"Look that night I came to you I — I was doing it to forget him, but even then I— was thinking of him and I realized then that I'd never be able to forget him. The truth is I let myself fall into your arms to fill a void, but I won't do this to myself anymore."

Justin said shaking his head reaching down pulling something off his finger. Sighing he grabbed Ryan's hand putting the object into his hand closing it gently before walking off. Ryan and I just watched as he walked to the car tears rolling down his cheeks as he furiously tried wiping them away. Turning back to Ryan who had a very vicious look in his eyes , things weren't ending here — it's only just started.

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