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Justin's (POV):

The night hadn't ended yet we still had the meet and greet after the concert to do and there was a long of stars waiting to see us. Of course we were there for like five hours taking pictures receiving gifts and getting roasted especially Ryan and Darren.  One fan had even painted a very embarrassing photo of Kane just for him to have.

Yeah there was no coming back for Kane after that picture he wasn't living this one down and Tyler was even receiving gifts and embarrassing photos from the stars

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Yeah there was no coming back for Kane after that picture he wasn't living this one down and Tyler was even receiving gifts and embarrassing photos from the stars. We could see his ego slowly falling as more photo cards were given to him and it was mostly embarrassing screenshots and off guard photos we've taken of each other. I was enjoying myself even with everything that's happened and going on it was nice to have no drama going on. When we got down to our last three stars we were all spent, tired, and ready to go back to our hotel rooms.

"Hey you guys have you seen Darren? Hope he hasn't ran off somewhere — "

"Oh I seen him get into a black mustang, I couldn't really see inside because the windows were tented, but I'm pretty sure —"

"Oh right he left with a friend, he said he'll be back before the morning meeting starts and there's no need to worry."

Tyler said cutting off Sebastian and Oliver walking up to us his eyes glued to his phone screen. Watching Seb out the corner of my eye it wasn't hard to tell he wasn't happy about Darren just leaving, but maybe it wasn't that — was it because of whom he went with? Oliver groaned as he helped the staff load up the rest of the gifts packing them in the back in the van while the other giant bags were being stuffed into the Uhaul we had to rent because Tyler wanted to make sure we would be able to get all our gifts back to the hotel. Sebastian looked slightly worried and guilty about something he looked as if he'd drunk a whole bottle of lemon juice. Guess him and Darren had fought again?

It took us an hour to pack the things into the uhaul, another hour to drive all the way back to the hotel and we arrived back around 9:00 and most of the boys had fallen asleep in the tour bus. I couldn't sleep it was hard for me to when all I could think about was Sky and how sad she's going to be. Even though she's only one the expression on her face were very obvious. I missed her father too, but I'm so confused on what to do right now.  Even if I were to go back to either of them I don't want it to be just for the baby and try to force something to be I need to figure out who I want to be with — but I think my heart already knew who I wanted — because even after everything the one person who stayed on my mind was

— —— —— —— Oliver.

As we started to travel around and do more concerts meeting all the stars, even new faces we hadn't seen. I found myself between a rock and a hard place I wanted Olly back, but it felt like the flame between me and Ryan hadn't completely gone out yet. Walking back down the stairs of our AirBNB walking to the door sliding my feet into my slippers opening the door when paparazzi flooded the door millions of cameras flashing blinding me. Suddenly I heard a small cry out that sounded like Sky, but it couldn't be she was back in Texas with my mom and dad.


I heard Skylar screaming from a distance and slowly as I turned around Skylar was running over to me with her arms outreached. The more my feet moved for me to go and greet my daughter the quicker the paparazzi was to block me off. I couldn't push pass them my mom was running after her and my dad was still trying to get their things out of the car. Right behind them was Christian, who was running after Skylar smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeaaah!!! Yeeeeee!!!"

Christian screamed out ducking down into the middle of the paparazzi laughing and cheering as the cameras flashed. The paparazzis focus went from me to Christian and of course Sky wanted to join in dancing even when their was no music playing. Picking up Skylar and Christian taking them into the house happy to see Ryan standing at the door completely confused.

"Paparazzi's outside stay in, go get Tyler!!"

I yelled out before slamming the door shut behind me walking up to the paparazzi making a way for my parents and Seb's parents carefully guiding them into the house covering their faces as the paparazzi became a little more aggressive.

"Hey!! So what happened in Texas?! Why did that guy suddenly get attacked by Sebastian?"

"What happened between Sebastian, Darren, and that guy?"

"Did Darren cheat on Sebastian?!"

"Is Darren pregnant again? Is he not sure who the father is?!"

"Wait are you pregnant?! Do you know who the father is?"

"Why did you pass out in the hotel hallway? Are you pregnant and hiding it?"

"Are you in a open relationship with Oliver Moy or Ryan?!"

"Does Ryan hate you?!"

"Does Oliver still Love you?"

"Are you in an entanglement?!"

"Who's pregnant?!"

"Alright!?? Alright??! You guys are trespassing on private property no one should be here's, but us!"

I heard Tyler yell in an annoyed tone resting his hand on my shoulder. Slowly looking back to see Tyler staring down at me motioning for me to go back onto the house, but I didn't want to — my head was spinning it was hard to want to answer these questions to tell them all off. It was all so frustrating, but maybe Tyler was right it wasn't good for me to get stressed again I'd need to rest. Turning away I suddenly felt like I'd been tugged backwards and the paparazzi swarmed me completely surrounding me.


I winced feeling a sharp pain in my side and within seconds Oliver was by side sweeping me up off my feet. Instinctively the boys jumped infront of us throwing their hands up jumping around blocking off the paparazzi's vision. Walking back into the house Oliver slipped out of his shoes pushing them into the wall before carefully caring me into the living room then up the stairs.

"Justin — Justin you really shouldn't keep doing this, not with the twins on the way. Look I know everything has been difficult for us, but don't over exert yourself your always like this — it's what makes me love you — ah — "

He suddenly stopped talking his mouth gaped open as he stared into my eyes. It was a long silence between us just awkward glances and our hands slowly disappearing into each other clothes. I felt more sure than I was before that I didn't want to lose Oliver, but another part of me didn't want to lose Ryan. I wouldn't know until I tried —

"Oliver I —"

"Look I know I said some stupid things, but it was because I was hurt and let it get the best of me. I can't wait to be a father or uncle, whichever I become I'll be happy to be by your side. Right now it's better if we don't do that — because I can't take my heart being broken again."

Oliver said pushing open my room door with his foot steadily carrying me over to the bed before laying me down pulling the blanket over me. I wanted to cry, but whether I liked it or not he was right —- if I wasn't sure I'd only break hearts.

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