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As  the days  started to pass on by and the longer I stayed here things tarted to stirr up. Since fans recorded clips of our concert in Boston — Justin, Ryan, and Seb have been catching hell with the press. Manager Ty had come back to discuss things with my lawyer, I even got a phone call with my mom who of course my mom was heated and very disappointed in me, while my dad was not saying a word he'd become completely silent. It was more scary then him saying anything. After two weeks  the boys came back to sit in court to support me, but honestly I just felt more uncomfortable with my family seeing me like this — especially  Christian.

"All rise —  for Judge  Matthew Horton —"


I was nervous the longer we sat in court Nico had turned me into the worse type of person, the jury was soaking up every word and it didn't seem like the Jury would listen to me anymore. The judge suddenly leaned forward looking at us both then he took a deep breath.

"I'd like to request bail your honor."

"Well — since this is a bit of a minor offense I will allow — it — this time."

"Well we will move to the jury since it seems like we've heard everything. We will take a 3 minute recess and then we will hear the juries verdict."


There was a long pause before the judge's eyes met mine he let out a heavy sigh then banged his gavel down. Slowly standing up pushing my chair back I walked to the back feeling my heart start to race. I didn't want to go to jail, I don't want to miss out on my child's life. I had to do something— but would Nico even listen to me at this point? It was to late the jury's verdict was what I needed to wait on — I needed to pray. Taking a seat dragging it across the red carpet over to the window sitting down pressing my hands together I shut my eyes and began to silently pray.


I will accept my fate — I swallow my pride here and now —

"Alright recess is over would the jury please give their verdict."

A short pale women stood up her wavy red hair falling over her shoulders, her green eyes surveying the room before she gave me a side ways smile then looked down at the paper in her hand. I could feel my heart trying to escape my chest —- here it comes —- tears were threatening to escape, but I won't cry — I have to swallow my emotions and hold them down. The pale red headed women took a deep breath before the paper, her words somewhat sincere.

"The Jury finds Sebastian Moy —- guilty of third degree assault."

I felt my heart drop as the words left her mouth tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt my friends eyes burning a hole in my back. I stood up pushing my chair back so hard it fell to the floor with a loud slam. The everyone was startled by this, but I just simply turned to look at the boys one last time giving them a reassuring smile.

"Bail will be set at one thousand dollars — case dismissed."

"Darren — Christian — I — Love you — no matter what we've been through in the past."

I said calmly forcing a smile as two officers approached me cuffing me and escorting me out of the court room ... I couldn't think of anything else it seemed like I'd really messed up and there was no escaping the fate of this one. As we walked down the long hallway my life began flashing before my eyes and I couldn't think of anything else, but Darren and Christian and how sad he'd be without me — how all of them would be sad without me. As we approached the door I could here the reporters outside, fans screaming to the top of their lungs that I deserved to be freed. When the doors flew open I was blinded by the flash of cameras, bombarded with questions and had little space to move around.

"Sebastian, are you regretting assaulting Nico?"

"How do you feel knowing your abandoning your child?"

"Please no more questions — back up!!"

The women officer said pushing through the paparazzi guiding me to the bus where other inmates were and my heart began to race. Avoiding eye contact I kept my head down and found a seat next to a short round yet buff man who was just staring out the window mumbling something under his breath. Looking out the window I watched as fans waved good bye, cried for me and felt hurt.

I'm going to swallow my pride and deal with this..


This chapter is short because I just wasn't going to write out the prison scene ... but from here two chapters will be dedicated to Oliver Moly's point of view now.

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