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Oliver's (POV):

Looking back at Justin with a look of disgust staring down at him as his beautifully small face stared up at me tears rolling down his cheeks. Dammit!! Those eyes, I can't stand the way he looks at me —- why was he even here?! Scanning him up and down realizing he'd followed me all the way here barefooted. Hhmp, this is ridiculous! Why did I continue to fool myself into thinking we could go back to the way things were, things were never going to be the same and for the first time I was sure —

"Justin, what ever we had died with my feelings for you — go home — stop following me — it's pathetic and annoying."

I said watching as his expression changed his eyes widen and he suddenly dropped to his knees crying hysterically grabbing onto my pants staring up  at me with those sweet eyes. How could I not feel something when he looked at me like that? Dammit! I can't keep doing this — I refuse to do this to myself.  Snatching  my leg away I turned around pulling Justin to his feet by his collar our faces inches from each other.

"I hate you with all my heart, just leave me the hell alone Justin. I regret ever falling in love with you, because a piece of me I'll never ever get back died along with my feelings for you. You are the worst thing that could of ever happened to me and right now seeing you here in front of me makes me sick to my fucking stomach."

I said angrily shoving him backwards storming off walking back to the house feeling to tired to film for my channel, Ty will be upset but I'll just film tomorrow— today has just been too much for me. Suddenly I heard a click and a paparazzi popped up out the bushes shoving his camera into my face. Shoving him aside not even wanting to be bothered with the idea of having to answer any of his shit questions. He probably heard what I'd said to Justin, but at this point it was to late to take anything back.

"Guess your just as much as a fucking prick as your brother, I can see where he learned -"

Before the guy could finish I snatched him up by his collar slamming him up against the concrete wall snatching his camera out of his hand and threw it down a sewer. Tossing him aside rolling my eyes before walking away from him before I did something I regretted as if it wasn't already to late for that. The guy grabbed my shoulder pulling me back causing me to drop my phone and just like that I grabbed the guy kneeing him in the stomach. Throwing him onto the ground I punched him one or two times before it wasn't long until I couldn't stop and all my anger poured out.


Justin screamed to the top of his lungs rushing over to me trying to pull me away in the end he failed and instead I pushed him away causing him to fly into a pole. He stood up and looked at me as if he couldn't recognize me, but I could care less I — couldn't stop — I didn't want to —

"Have you lost your mind?!!"

Tyler yelled out I could hear multiple footsteps approaching me, but I'd don't bother to stop to look who it was. The sound of sirens could be heard and I didn't even realize a crowd of people had surrounded us and of course some of them were watching me in disgust or filming. Tyler, Regie, and Kane pulled me off of the guy dragging me back to the house while trying to shield me from the cameras even if it was pointless. When we got back to the house Tyler was completely red in the face and I knew I was in for a long talk from him. Justin wouldn't even say a word to anyone he just stood there silently staring at the ground staring his expression had become completely dull.

"What happened? Explained to me what happened? Oliver? Justin?"

Tyler said looking at me and Justin with a disappointed expression, but I didn't answer I just looked away the aggravation of having to deal with all this was enough, Justin — Ryan —

"Dammit! Oliver!! Do you realize what's going to happen when the cops get here because —"

Right as Tyler said that the door bell rang and when Kane opened it two officers appeared. Tyler walked over to the door to talk with the officers, but before he could I got up from my seat pulling Tyler back and held out my hands staring at the ground. The officers looked at each other then back at me be for the officer on the left with grey and white hair and round plump face cuffed me.

"Oliver I'm not going to be the one explaining to your mother what happened when she gets here, because you know she's coming."

Tyler said before I was dragged out of the house by the two cops. Of course we had an audience, my fans and our neighbors— all watching as I was out into a cop car and recorded it all. To think right as we find a way to get Seb out I'm going in, guess it'll be good for me to get away from Justin.

But honestly was that how I truly felt?

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