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I don't know honestly why I'd agreed to this meet up,but I thought it'll be good for me to talk to someone who's in the same predicament as me. Oliver was just sitting next to me explaining to Manager Ty that me and him were on a little outing, that we were safe and didn't have to worry about anything.  He was supposed to just bring me here and go back, but instead he said he wanted to stay with me to be backup and support. He didn't want to admit that he was just as nervous as me about meeting this person. The guy was apparently around our age and was already in his second trimester as well so he was showing, but not as much for it to be very noticeable.

"Darren it's been an hour and the guy still hasn't came, maybe we should just leave now."

Oliver said showing me the time his tone full of disappointment and vexation. Maybe Oliver was right maybe it wasn't meant to be maybe we should just get back in the car and drive to the hotel to get ready for the concert tomorrow. Pushing back my chair standing up ready to leave now feeling despondent.

"Wait — what are you two doing here? What the hell?!"

I heard Sebastian shouting as he walked up behind Justin who just stared at us in shock. We all just stared at each other completely confused unsure why all of us had met up in the same place. Had something happened with those two that had to be it?! We were supposed to be meeting one person. Wait what the fuck was going on right now?

"Ah I see you guys are here already, I know Justin was feeling a bit sick so he arrived here a little late. Oh wait where are my manors — Justin Phan this is Darren Liang — you two are the first two intersex males to get pregnant in over thirty five years."

Dr. Ma said walking over to us smiling ear to ear his glasses resting on the tip of his nose. My heart started to race as I tried to avoid eye contact with Sebastian who was just staring at me with his mouth gaped open. Oliver was staring at me with a regretful expression on his face, but he had nothing to feel bad about I'd begged him to keep this a secret from Seb he was only keeping his promise to me.

"Oh — is something wrong?"

Dr. Ma said pushing his glasses up looking at me reading my expression and how the mood had completely changed. I couldn't even look Sebastian in the eye , but I felt more shocked that Justin was the person I was supposed to meet, but also — why the hell was Sebastian the one bringing him? Had Sebastian gotten Justin pregnant too?

"No, sir it's just we all actually know each other — very well. Me and Sebastian, the guy Justin has brought with him is my brother. Justin and Darren are our friends so it's just a little awkward, actually could you uuumm give us a moment."

Oliver said not taking his eyes off of Sebastian who was just staring back at him clenching his jaw with his hands in his pocket. Dr. Ma simply nodded before walking off leaving me, Justin, Oliver, and Sebastian standing at the blue table none of uttering a word towards each other. Sebastian let out a sigh shaking his head in dismay before walking over to me grabbing my hand trying to drag me away, but Oliver quickly pushed Sebastian back pulling me behind him.

"Oh I see how it is, so I wasn't the only person you were spreading your legs for ."

Sebastian said with a malicious tone looking over at Oliver as he spoke. Oliver just scoffed turning to me  pushing me back trying to make space between us, but Sebastian was always making me feel like I'm some whore, knowing he was the first and last guy I've ever slept with. How could he actually think I'd sleep with Oliver? His brother — Oliver was like an Older Brother to me I could never do that! Scoffing glaring at Sebastian angrily holding back my tears of frustration and betrayal. Turning to Justin and Sebastian taking a deep breath before I spoke not wanting to take shit from any of them.

"You're the one that isn't trustworthy, how do I know that you didn't fuck Justin too and get me pregnant after to cover up his bullshit. With the way Justin use to slut around for Ryan it was easy to tell he'd let anyone fuck him."

I said maliciously crossing my arms staring down Justin who look flustered, offended, and gagged at the words coming from my mouth. Sebastian's face had gone completely red and Oliver was looking at me as if he couldn't believe what I said.

"Go to hell!! You bitch!!"

Justin said pushing Sebastian back trying to run off tears rolling down his cheeks, but Sebastian grabbed him wrapping his arms around him so he couldn't get away. As tears started to fall I thought back to what Sebastian had said in the dressing room at our photo venue laughing at myself for thinking he was actually being sincere. Pushing Oliver away walking back into the hospital not wanting to hear anything else I'd take care of this by myself I didn't need anyone else to help me. As I entered the front of the hospital a taxi suddenly pulled up nearly hitting me, but Sebastian had gotten me out of the way before it could touch me.

"Darren are you ok? Please tell me your ok? Are you hurt? Darren?"

Sebastian said running his hands along my body then pulling me close when he finally realized I was ok. Oliver and Justin came walking up behind us with Dr.Ma who was just as shocked. My brain was telling him to push him away, but my heart missed his embrace.

"I'll take you back and I'll explain everything to you, because I just don't want to continue to do this with you."

Sebastian said holding out his hand for me to take and I hesitated a bit before taking it not sure if it was a good idea to trust him, but my heart was telling me go. The long drive back was an awkward silence for a while until we got back no one spoke a word. Sebastian sat me down on the bed then took a seat himself on the further end of the bed creating space. I didn't know what he was about to say, but whatever he says I needed to prepare myself for it.

"Uggh umm so — how long have you known your were pregnant? When did you plan on telling me? It would of been nice to know. Well actually I didn't think men could pregnant until I went to the doctor with Justin a few days ago. That's what made me ask you that day have we ever done it with a condom and you told me no we haven't. Now I know why, you were trying to hide that you were —"

"I didn't want to hide this from you, Oliver practically begged me to tell you months before this trip after having to pick me up from the clin-ic — "

I drifted off looking up at him to see him staring at me as if he didn't hear me right. It was hard to think back to that day I'd ran off to the clinic thinking that was a good choice until I realized that I was making the biggest mistake of my life. I called the only person I could think of who would come and save me with no questions ask .. Oliver. No matter what he was like the big brother I never had and I could count on him to save me and spare me of any agony that I was experiencing.

"Darren, did you not have that much faith in me that you first off accuse me of something foolish as being unfaithful and  second you were going to have an abortion, that you probably weren't going to tell me that either until now. Look I know I haven't really given you a reason to even believe anything that comes out of my mouth and I have no right to ask you this — but can you please just be honest with me."

In Your Arms Under The StarsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ