Chapter 1

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Steve's Perspective

Thursday, February 8th, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Family Video. 

"Robin! You just need to talk to her! It's your final year here-" I abruptly got cut off from the very animated Robin. 

"-We've been over this! I would be hunted down and burned at the stake if things went south dingus!" Robin began organizing tapes in Family Video on the shelves. I, on the other hand was leaning against the counter and just watched her work. "And a little help would be nice," Robin turns back and glares at me. 

After that was said, a ring of a bell rang through the store. It was none other than Nancy Wheeler. If I dare say, my soulmate in another life. I couldn't help but just stare at her for a solid minute. "Steve!" She began making her way in my direction. I turn back to Robin for a brief moment, then back to her. 

"Thats my name, don't wear it out," My face instantly cringed once I said that. "Anyway- what can I help you with on this fine evening?" My arms cross against chest as I push off the counter. 

"Could you take Mike to this party thing this Saturday? It's not very far and I'll make it up to you eventually." Nancy was in her usually unique dress. It was a cream color with black stripes. 

I was a little hesitant. I mean, I didn't have anything planned that day, but I didn't want to be a chauffeur for a kid I hardly knew. "Not that I'm completely opposed to it, but why can't you do it?" My hand glides through my hair, pushing it out of my face. 

"Because I have a job that takes time and makes me travel all over the place." She placed her hands on her hips, looking over to Robin slightly who was nonchalantly listened to the conversation. "I don't have time for this-" A small scoff left her mouth as she headed for the door.

"I'll take him there!" Robin spoke out and stood up from squatting. Her eyes shifting between the two of us. The two of us going quiet. Robin's shoulders slightly sank.

I gave her a confused look. "You don't even know how to-" I was once again cut off. This time by Nancy. 

"-Oh thank god!" She quickly began writing down her address on one of the pages of her notepad. Then tore it off and handed it to Robin. "The party starts at 6! I promise I'll make it up to you!" Nancy made her way to the door, put her hand up to give us two a small wave, then headed out of the shop. 

"We'll would you look at that, I got someone faster than you," Robin grinned at me. Then looked over the note.

"Yeah yeah, and how do you expect to get there when you don't know how to drive a damn car?" I leaned back against the counter.

"You," Her eyes stayed on the note as she said it so very casually. "I figured you, Steve "The Hair" Harrington, could live a little and have some fun! It's almost been a year since you've graduated! wouldn't it be fun to see your former classmates that you completely ignored and were an asshole to? time to make up with people and maybe find a date!" Robin began to ramble.

Saturday, February 10th, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's House.

Fucking Christ, I can't believe I'm actually going to this. If mike, the nerdy D&D player is going to this then it's probably going to be boring as shit. But maybe Robin is right, I could restore old relationships with people or make new ones. 

Aside from that, I have no clue what to wear. I flip through my closet. thinking out outfits in my head. I let out an audible sigh. Giving up and grabbing a simple black shirt, blue jeans and a jacket. After getting dressed, I head out and go to pick up Robin. 

Once getting there, I hold down the car horn until I see Robin stumbling over herself to get out the door. "STOP HONKING DINGUS!" She shouts, then climes into the car. Just out of spite, I hold it down once again and grinned at her. "STOP!!" I could hear a small laugh in her scream. "You're gonna get me kicked me out of here Harrington," 

"I have to get my revenge in one way or another." I then drove off to the wheelers home. 

"You'll be thanking me when you find the girl of your dreams there," Robin pulled down the sun visor in the car and fixed her mascara. 

"I would slam on the breaks, but I'm not that mean," I looked over at Robin for a brief second, and she gave me a death glare. "If you murder me now, you have no one to drive you to your little party," I had a cheeky smile on my face. With enough bickering, we finally arrived to the Wheelers house. "Should I honk?" My head rolled over and looked to Robin who was already getting out of the car. "Woah, Hey! Where are you going?" 

"To get the child Dingus! You just wait in here. You can do that, can't you?" Before I could even answer, she was already halfway to the door. With a small sigh, I lean back in the car seat. for whatever reason my mind starts to wander.

Tuesday, May 2nd, 1985. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkins High.

"Today you all be working on your final projects for this class. You'll be working with the person beside you. If you don't have someone next to you, then find someone else." The teacher spoke, then organized a stack of papers on her desk that she got ready to hand out. I looked to my left to see an empty seat. With a small groan I go to stand up. 

I suddenly felt something push me back down into my seat. "No need to move Harrington, I'll so very kindly be your partner." I looked up to see someone holding my shoulders. Eddie 'The Freak' Munson. His long, curly hair barely going past his shoulders. His cold rings heating up on my shoulders. I could hardly recall what he was wearing. 

"Makes things easier." I mutter as I continue starring up at him. His dark brown beady eyes looked back into mine. His usual toothy smile on his face. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna sit down?" I motion to the seat next to me. 

"'The King' Steve offering me a seat next to him? oh what have I done to deserve this!" He suddenly sat down next to me. "Soooooo what are we doing the project on? Steve?..... Steve?"


Saturday, February 10th, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Wheeler's House.

"HELLOOOOOO?" Robin was shaking my shoulder and shouting into my ear. I suddenly shoot up and grip onto the wheel. "God, I didn't think we were getting you back. Must've been a great dream." Robin sat back down in her seat. My breath was fast, I looked around to see that I was sat right back at the Wheelers house. 

"Is he okay to drive?" Mike spoke from the back seat. Setting his bag down and crossed his arms. 

"Yes, I'm fine. I just had a strange dream is all." I pulled out of the driveway and began driving to the location of the party. 

"What was it about?" Robin asked out of pure curiosity. Looking out the window, then to me. 

"Just a random school event is all." I spoke. 


Author's note:

This is the first thing I've written in a while. I'd love to hear some feedback! I know this is starting very slow, but I thought it would be a little boring if it just instantly jumped into it. It'll actually get started in the next chapter. It'll come out very soon! Bye!

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