Chapter 65

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Tuesday, April 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkins High.

Steve's Perspective. 

I know I told Eddie I would be here early, but work ran late. We went to the club room several weeks ago, but I can't for the life of me remember which room it was. 

I wandered around until I saw a familiar face. "Steve? What are you doing here?" Henderson turned to me, water bottle in hand. 

"I was trying to find your guy's club room. Eddie invited me to watch.. what is it.. the campaign?" I don't know a single thing about any of this. Just the small things that the kids sometimes talk about.

Hendersons face lit up. "Close enough! This way!" Henderson rushed off to a nearby room. I followed after him. The room was quite dark. Dimmed lights lined the room. It felt like everyone's eyes were on me once I stepped inside. 

I recognized a few people there that weren't the kids. I probably had a few of them in my old classes. "What the hell is he doing here?" One of the members turned to Eddie.  

"As it turns out, Steve Harrington isn't an asshole like he was in high school." Eddie pushed himself up. "I told him to join us for today. The more the merrier, right?" Eddie turned to someone in the room. "Speaking of which, give a warm welcome Viktor! He will also be joining us today," 

Viktor awkwardly scratched his neck. His eyes were glued on Eddie. Who the hell is this guy? "Are we going to get started or talk the whole time?" I believe the dude who spoke was named Gareth. 

"Right!" Eddie slammed his hands onto the table. "Everyone take a seat!" Eddie sat down behind the giant screen. 

I sat down next to Henderson. He was the only one I was truly close to that wasn't Eddie. The Viktor dude sat across from me with his sculpted jaw and strong looking arms. I just wanted to punch him in his stupid, handsome face. 

"So, you all were gathered in a pub. The place had a warm aura." 

All of a sudden, it felt as if I was in the world. Knives in holsters lined my thighs. I had what felt like a robe with a hood on. 

A voice from the heavens began speaking. Describing the area around us. The pub looked worn out in a loving way. Different wood types were used all around as patch jobs. 

A graying lady worked behind the bar. Cleaning out a glass with a rag. A tipsy guy sat in the corner with a drink in hand. He looked like he would pass out at any second. There was also another group of people that looked very pissed off on the other side of the pub. 

The group I was with looked exactly like the ones in the club. Though everyone was in really fancy old outfits. 

I decided to go up to the tipsy guy. He was muttering something to himself. "..We're all dead. They're going to be here soon." The guy muttered over and over again. Slowly rocking himself back and forth. 

"I'm sorry?" I leaned in to hear the man properly. Before I could hear the first word. Someone showed up behind me and rudely interrupted.

"Who is this guy?" Viktor crossed his arms, looking over the slumped guy. 

I turned and looked at him. "Thats what I'm trying to figure out." Viktor was towering over me. Was he this tall in person? Jesus Christ.

Viktor lifted the head of the slumped man. "Hellloooooo? Are you awake?" He shook the guys head.

"Ay! You're not going to get anything out of him like that-"

I was cut off by the man. "-They're going to kill us all! Don't let them in!" The man cried. Now there was a giant scene around us. A very tall new guy grabbing the head of a crying drunk guy screaming about how we were all going to die. 

It felt like everyone was staring at us. The old lady from behind the bar walked up to us. "Yellin again, huh?" She grabbed the drink from his hands. "Thats plenty enough for today," Her back was hunched to a concerning degree. 

A knock was soon heard on the door. The drunk guy began hiding under the table as the rest of us turned to the door. 

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