Chapter 27

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Saturday, March 23, 1986. California. Byer's Household.

Will's Perspective.

We eventually get back to the house from the walking paths. I hid behind Dustin so mom wouldn't worry about me. He guided me to my room. Mike and El went off to her room. "Thank you, Dustin. I'm sorry if this trip hasn't been very fun so far," I mutter and fiddle with my thumb. 

"You don't need to apologize. I knew Mike would ditch me. And I guess Steve and Eddie would prefer hanging out with people their age." Dustin looked around my room as I went to sit down on my bed. 

"Then I guess you're stuck with me. It hasn't been just us in so long," I smile up at him. His face quickly lit up. 

"Ice! You need ice!" Dustin quickly ran out of the room to the kitchen. As if it was on cue, the front door also opened. Giggling voices was all I could hear. 

"Henderson! What are you.." Was the only thing that I could understand. Out of curiosity, I stuck my head out of my room to see what was happening. Thats when Steve noticed me first.

"What the shit happened to you?" That made the rest of them look. Jonathan quickly turned to sibling mode and went over to me. 

"Will- Jesus that's bad. Are you okay?" Jonathan dragged me to the kitchen with everyone. I froze up and looked at everyone. "Get him sone ice." 

Dustin handed over what he pulled out from the freezer. "He looks worse than what you did to me all those years ago," Steve looked over my face. "All I had was a coke to help it," Steve's eyes were very red. Must not be as much of a smoker as the others. 

"If you think this is bad, you should see the other guy!" Dustin chipped in. "Dude wasn't even recognizable!" I really didn't need that. 

"They poured a drink on Mike and were just being rude. The person deserved it." I could sense Jonathan was proud about that. "Can we just stop taking about this please?" I didn't even have the ice on my eye yet. Jonathan was just holding it. 

It seems the group understood. Eddie wasn't even paying attention. He was just looking around for something to eat. Jonathan eventually gave me the ice for me to put on the bruise. 

"Have we figured out where everyone is sleeping?" Dustin looked between everyone. 

"Me and Steve can sleep out in my van. I'm sure there's enough room." Eddie pulled out a bag of chips and began eating from it. Steve seemed okay with the idea. 

"The couch is a pull out so you can sleep on that if you want Dustin." I point over to it. "And we have extra blankets and pillows if you guys need." 

"What about Mike?" Dustin motioned to El's room. 

"He can figure something out. Either come out and join you or in El's room. Whatever he's comfortable with," Jonathan went over to the couch to try and figure it out. 

"Do you seriously not know how a pull-out works?" Steve laughed from where he stood. Watching Jonathan fail to figure it out. 

"Shove it up your ass Steve," Jonathan muttered. Eddie gave Steve a sly look which caused Steve to go red in the face. "Stop standing over there and help me!" 

"Jesus alright-" Steve went over to the couch and removed the cushions. 

"While you do that, I'll be setting up the van. Where did you say the blankets and stuff were?" I point over to a closet. "Thank you, mini-Byers." Eddie raided the closet and went out to his van. 

After Steve and Jonathan got done with the couch, they both waved their goodbyes and went to bed. "Now we got mostly everyone settled." 

Mike came wandering out of the room just a moment later. Closing the door behind him. "She's officially asleep in there. What the hell were you all screaming about?" Dustin went over to his bed and sat down on it. 

"If you guys are gonna stay up and talk. Please do elsewhere." Dustin laid down onto the bed and turned away from us. 

"C'mon," I take the ice with me and head towards my bedroom. "The three of them came back and worried about me. Jonathan and Steve argued over the pull-out. Thats probably what you heard." Once Mike was in the room, I closed the door behind him. 

"I missed you Will," 

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