Chapter 67

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Tuesday, April 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkins High.

Steve's Perspective.

"YES!" Roared through the classroom. Mike landing the final blow to the monster. Eddie laughed maniacally from behind his screen. He stood up from his chair. 

"You think that's it? That easy?" Eddie laughed more. "All around the pub began getting flooded with monsters of various sizes. It looked like the herd was never ending." Eddie turned his eyes to the clock on the nearby wall. "Unfortunately, we will have to wait until next time." 

Groans filled the room. Everyone stood up from their seat and I followed. Before I had a second to grab my crutch, Viktor was already gawking to Eddie about the game. "Munson!" I called to him. Cutting Viktor off mid-sentence. "Can you give me a ride home? I forgot to grab money for the bus." Dustin gave me a confused look. Knowing how much of a lie that was. 

Viktor stared daggers into me. I did my best to ignore him, but it was difficult. "Yeah, sure. I just need to clean up here. I hope you don't mind waiting," Eddie began putting away his equipment. 

"Not at all. Let me know if you need any help," I took a seat once again because my leg was throbbing. Viktor grumpily made his way out of the room.

The rest of the members made their way out as well. The door closed behind the last one. Eddie turned to me with a small smile. This reminds me of break." He got closer to me until he was right in front of me. Placing his hands on the arm rests of the chair. 

He pressed kisses onto my neck. Slowly making his way down my body until he was on his knees. "It's just us. Most of the teachers are gone as well." Eddie's hand traced up my inner thigh. "I-"

Eddie was cut off by a knock on the club door. I quickly turned to the door. Luckily there was curtains covering the windows of the door. 

"I-I'll get it," Eddie quickly stood up and went to the door. I quickly turned away and covered my face. "Oh, Viktor. Did you.. erm.. Forget something?" Eddie had quite a few cracks to his voice. His face flushed. 

Viktor was quiet for a moment. "Yeah. My bag." I hear Viktor whisper something to Eddie, but I couldn't make out what it was. "Oh right, Eddie. A teacher down the hall said she needed to speak to you. I don't know what for," 

Eddie's face lit up. "It must be my art project!" Eddie rushed out of the door and down the hall. 


His shoes were loud. 


I looked over, he wasn't where he was sat before. Looking over my other shoulder, he was standing right there. The sudden appearance caused me to jump. "Can I help you?" 

I looked him up and down. Very confused. He in return grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. Raising me up. I tried squirming out of his grasp. "Listen. You better not do anything to Eddie. If you do, I know where you live. You.. With your asshole nature. I think we both know what you're doing. Do not lay a finger on him."

"What the fuck dude! Get the hell off me!" I tried to push him away. "I don't know who the hell you think you are but me and Munson go way back. I don't have any intention of doing anything bad to him. So will you please let me go!" Viktor throws me back into the chair with enough force to cause me to fall. 

Landing straight on my back, I let out a gasp. "Stop talking to him." Viktor grabbed the crutch from the table and tossed it across the room. 

After grabbing his bag, he left the room. I couldn't even stand up. A few minutes afterward, banging was heard on the door. "Steve? You alive in there?" I tried to crawl over to the door. Eventually making it and opening it. "Why are you on the ground? Are you okay?" 

"Y..Yeah, I fell because I was being stupid in my chair." Eddie assisted me up. I hopped over to where my crutch was thrown. He looked slightly confused but didn't question it. 

It sure as hell looked like he wanted to say something though. 

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