Chapter 30

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Sunday, March 24, 1986. California. Byer's Household.

Mike's Perspective.

"Where did you go last night Mike?" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. El stepped closer to me. The whole room fell silent. Why was no one talking? Please someone.

"He was with me. We decided to catch up last night. It got too late when we were done talking so he just stayed in my room for the night." Will stepped in. Thank God. My heart began racing faster. 

"Friends don't lie." She looked between me and Will. Why didn't she believe it? 

"It's true! I didn't want to accidently wake you up because it was quite late," I crossed my arms. Her face was full of doubt. 

"Mike. There is clearly something you're not saying," I only now notice that she was holding the letters I've written for her in her hands. Shit. Not even saying anything else, El went back into her room and slammed the door. 

"That ended better than I expected." Eddie stuffed his face with chips soon after. Everyone turned and looked at him. 

"I can't do this." I made my way out of the door and went back to the walking trails that we were on previously. This trip so far was going swimmingly. So far, Will has gotten the shit beaten out of him and I've questioned my whole relationship with El. Why is this all happening. I should be happy! I have the ideal partner but why am I doubting this whole thing? 

"Oh my god! It's the weirdo's boyfriend!" That same, annoying voice chirped behind me. 

"Angela, was it?" I turned around and saw the blond girl. Alone this time. "What do you want?" I really just want to sock her in her stupid face.

"Nothing, I just saw you and thought I'd say hi. I think we got off on the wrong foot. Your little girlfriend snitched on me. It was only payback for her being so rude to me and my friends." She stuck her hand out for a handshake. 

I took her hand and shook it. I still didn't trust her. "So, what did she snitch on you for?" 

"That doesn't matter. So, Mike. How long are you in town for?" She walked around me. People really do that? 

"I'm here for the rest of the week. Why?" What the hell was she plotting? There's no way she isn't. 

"We should hang out then! Just you and me," She took me by the arm and began walking. 

"Woah- Hey- I don't-" She quickly cut me off.

"Oh you'll live. Let's have fun!" She wouldn't let go of my arm. 

"Mike!" I hear from the distance. I turn my head to see who it was. Angela pulled my arm down so I couldn't get a glance at who it was. "Let go of him!" The person pulled us apart. 

"Will.." I felt instantly relieved. I quickly grab ahold his arms like that would stop Angela from taking me. 

"Oh, it's you. Oh my god! Its making sense now! Ew!" She stepped away from the two of us. She looked almost afraid. Grossed out even. "You're one of those queers!" 

"What?! No!" I let go of Will as fast as I grabbed onto him. 

"Get the fuck away from me!" She kept looking between us as she backed away. Everyone was staring at us. Look away. Stop. Look away! Please!

They all began whispering. Staring. Judging. "Wheeler! Byers!" Eddie and Jonathan began running towards us. "What the hell happened?" The two of them looked around at everyone. 

"Lets go. I can guess those looks from anywhere." Eddie took my arm and began walking. "Get back to your days! This isn't a problem that you should be a part of!" Eddie shouted at them. It seemed like everyone looked away when they said that. "Are you guys okay?" 

"Could be better but that's how life is." Will answered honestly. 

"It's better than getting kidnapped some place and getting attacked by her friends." I sighed. I looked to the Byers house in the distance. 

What is wrong with me. 

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