Chapter 12

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WARNING!! Homophobic slurs! 

Monday, February 12, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Harrington Household.

Steve's Perspective

Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins. Two people I haven't spoken to in years. Apart from stares in the hallway back when we were in school, I refused to say a word to these two. "Steve Harrington? I guess you've really fallen off after high school!" Tommy snickers

"Sounds 'bout right!" Carol chips in. The two of them then walk over to some movies. I didn't bother responding but someone did. 

Eddie rises from the counter and looks to the two of them. "Oh, like you two can really be talking. There's a reason why it's only been you two together for three years. No one else can stand being around you. Your only personality trait is generic high school asshole. You've got nothing else going for you." Tommy was the first to whip around from that. I again just couldn't get myself to say anything. Just watch in awe. 

"Wow Steve, you've gone so low that you need a faggot boyfriend to defend you? How pathetic." Tommy spat at us. My hands start trembling. All I could do was stare at the door. I physically couldn't look in any other direction. 

I then hear Robin. "Get the fuck out of our store! If you don't, I'll call the police. I can easily make a great story they will instantly believe. So, get the fuck out!" Robin slams her hand on the counter. She once again saved my ass. 

"Seems the whole store is full of these fags. We can find movie's elsewhere." With that being said, the two of them leave the store. Eddie flipped the bird at them as they drove off. 

"Asshats!" Eddie shouts. Was it really that obvious that me and Eddie are a thing? Surely not Tommy and Carol would call anyone that. Right?

"Steve, are you alright? Those two probably won't be back and you'll never have to see them again," Robin gently placed her hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch slightly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine Robin. I've just never been called that before. It's just a little jarring." I turn back to look back at Eddie and Robin. My eyes were... watery? Why? I didn't think that bothered me that much so why was I on the verge of crying? 

Eddie looks around, then takes my hand. "Robin, we'll be in the back if you need us. We're just going to take a breather. I'll help you out in a bit." Robin nods as Eddie leads me to the staff room. Closing the door behind us. "You can let it all out. It's only us in here. Just us-" I instantly grab Eddie and pull him into a tight hug. It felt like everything that had been building up in me finally gave out. 

My eyes flooded with tears. We slowly went to the ground, still holding onto each other just as tight. "I'm sorry..." I mutter out to him. Choking on my tears. 

"There is nothing to be sorry about Steve. Figuring things out about yourself is terrifying. But once you figure it out and learn to accept it, so much weight will be off your shoulders. There will always be assholes like Tommy out there. But us outcasts have to stand our ground and prove them wrong. They can't win Steve. I will help you throughout this entire thing." Eddie's voice was soft. Calming. Hearing his voice helped me calm down. 

"Thank you, Eddie. I really appreciate it. I truly hope one day we can live freely. Just us. Maybe a few kiddos of our own. I've had plenty of practice." We parted from the hug slightly to look into each other's eyes. His eyes were wide. Was it shock? Fear?

"Thats been my dream since freshmen year. I'd love to get a cottage in the woods, raise a few dumbasses and maybe a dog or a cat." Eddie's eyes softened. I let out a sigh of relief. 

We sat in silence for a moment. We both admired each other. My eyes close as I slowly press a kiss onto Eddie's lips. My hands slipped down to hold him by the waist. After a few kisses, we part. "We should continue this in a more private area. With my luck some dumbass will barge in through the door. Plus, Robin probably needs help closing the store." I pushed myself up, reaching out to help Eddie up.

"As long as you're careful with me, we can do whatever your mind desires," Eddie winked, then gave me one last kiss before heading out. Him doing that caused my face to turn bright red. 

Eddie's wrists held down by- NO! Those thoughts are for later! I take a few more minutes alone by myself to calm down. I give my face a few pats, then head out. I see Robin and Eddie talking. I wonder what about. Though Eddie does have a pink tint to his cheeks. He looks so cute like that.

"You just going to stand there and drool dingus?" Robin's lips curl up into a smile. "Closing time is soon and we have a few chores. So, hurry up and start them. I'm sure you two would love to get out of here already," Robin goes off to do her own tasks. Leaving me and Eddie speechless and bright in the face. 

"You heard her. Chop! Chop!" Eddie lets out a giggle as I shoot him a glare. 

"You can help me, and it would go faster," I go off to grab a broom to start cleaning. Eddie joins me. We start talking about random things until we got all the tasks done. We said our goodbyes to Robin then head to my house with the movies we rented out.

Things would get interesting tonight. 

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