Chapter 51

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Monday, April 7, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkin High. 

Eddie's Perspective. 

I've had a while to rest. Heal. Gather my thoughts. We are finally back in school. Everyone sitting in the gym. The principal doesn't look happy. "Attention students!" Echoed through the gym. All the conversations began to die down. "It has come to my attention that someone had broken into the school while on break. We will.." I began tuning out of the conversation. 

I happen to look over. Across the bleachers. One person was looking at me. Nancy. We made eye contact for a moment until she looked away. She looked.. Scared? Damn fucking right. Leaving me to die. She should be scared. Now that Jonathan was back in California, she didn't have anyone to back her up. 

We still need to find a way to clear the basketball's team name. Prove their innocents. It's not fair that they're stuck hiding while the rest of us get to roam around free. 

before I knew it, the speech was over. Finally. Everyone began shuffling out of the gym. Now that school was over for the day, I didn't know what to do with myself. I'll just take some time for myself. The dealer spot in the woods works.

As I took a step out onto the sport's field, someone stood in front of me. "We need to talk." Nancy. Once again. 

"I have nothing to say to you." I walk past her. I just want to be alone. I don't want to talk with her.

"Please, let me explain myself-"

"No! You left me for dead out there! I was right outside the cabin! It would have taken you, what? 5 minutes to turn and look to see me struggling there! What if I died?! How can you live with yourself knowing that you left someone to die." Don't cry Munson. Don't fucking cry!

Nancy was speechless. Good. I continued to walk past her. Heading to the forest. Nancy didn't even move. Should I have heard her out? It's too late now. I was already at the table. 

Why did this feel so off? Glancing around, there was no one else nearby. So why did it feel like I was being watched?

I shook off the feeling and sat down on the bench. After pulling out my little black box, I looked through it. I pulled out something that wouldn't have too much effect. 

Before I could even light it, some girl came waltzing out of the bushes. It caused me to jump and almost throw something at her. "Sorry! Sorry. Erm.. I heard you do deals an-and I was wondering if you were selling anything today." She looked so timid. I have never seen her before. Normally when I do this, I have at least talked to them at some point or known of them.

I looked her up and down. "Do you have anything in mind?" Her head slowly nods. She wouldn't even sit down. Was she that nervous? 

"J-Just something that's strong." Her foot kept tapping. 

Something just didn't feel right. "Should I really be selling to you?" I closed the box. "You don't really seem okay." I shouldn't say anything. It's not my problem- "Do you want to talk about it?" Goddammit Munson. 

The girl finally sat down, across from me. "It's just.. All of my friends do drugs or drink. Some of them tell me I should. Makes their problems vanish for a while." Her finger traced along the grain of the wood. 

"Their problems are still there. Being high or whatever they do only make it go away for like 10 minutes. If anything, it makes their problems worse." I look her in the eyes. "If I were you, I'd find different friends." She wouldn't look at me. In fact, she tried to look in any direction but mine. 

She eventually stood up. "Y-You're right! Screw those guys!" After shuffling her way out of the seat, she headed for the woods. "Thank you, Eddie!" She then ran off. I didn't even get her name and yet, she knew mine. 

Now I was actually alone. The feeling of being watched was gone. I held up the joint I had earlier and finally lit it. 

I sat alone and smoked it until it was fully gone. I didn't even feel different. But. Looking around, everything felt dark. How late was it getting? I looked to my watch. 

Before I could read the time, something wrapped around my ankle. I looked down and it was one of those things. The vine, tentacle things from the other side. Everything around me suddenly felt like it was deteriorating. The vine thing pulled me under the table. 

I grabbed onto the bench. "Fuck!" I tried kicking it off with my other foot. 

Everything went black again. 

My eyes shot open. I was still sat on the bench. I was covered in sweat. "What the fuck?" It was very dark now. Checking the time, it read '9:40'. Shit. I grabbed my things and ran off to my van. 

Fuck! I told Steve I would make dinner tonight. 

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