Chapter 15

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Thursday, February 15, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hospital.

Eddie's Perspective. 

A blurred vision slowly began to form. Someone's muffled voice was beside me. It sounded familiar. My body felt numb. Did I still have legs? I can't feel them. The voice slowly began sounding clearer. 

"Eddie?!" It was a deeper voice. Who was it? I couldn't figure it out. My vision focusing on the ceiling. Still blurred. What happened? I can't remember. It was me and Steve in his bedroom. What were we talking about? Wheeler? 

"Is he awake? I'll get the nurse." It was a different voice. It sounded more familiar, nostalgic in a way. I tried sitting up but couldn't. The one thing I could feel was something strapped around me. What the hell happened? Where am I? Who am I with? Why can't I find answers?!

Someone new entered the room. "Did he just wake up?" The voice was soft. I've never heard it before. "Hello Eddie. How are you feeling?" The blurred figure sat down next to me. Long hair. Blond? It was hard to tell. 

"...Fine..." I wasn't. I was scared. Hurt. Confused. My eyes didn't move from the ceiling. I didn't have the energy. I don't want to talk. I want answers. 

"Good. We'll get you some food and run some tests in a bit. Take a second to wake up," She got up and left.

"Eddie, I'm so glad you're awake." Someone new sat next to me. Tall, brown hair. I must've given him a confused look because the person said. "It's me, Steve." My eyes finally looked away from the ceiling. No wonder it was familiar. 

"...Steve?" I tried to move my hand, but I couldn't tell if it actually moved. My whole lower half was numb from what I hoped was from the meds. 

"Careful, Careful." It was so nice hearing his voice. It put me at ease. "I was scared you might've not.." His voice quivered. What could've happened to make him scared. "We are never going back to my house. I've already gotten my stuff out of there and my mom helped me find a place to stay," 

Steves house. His dad. He hurt Steve, right? He shouted at us. What else did he do. "A... Are you safe Steve?" I tried to look at him. Steve's face becoming slightly less blurry. It seems he was still quite bruised. "You look... hurt." 

"You shouldn't be worried about me right now. You have enough to worry about. How's your back?" He couldn't take his eyes off of me. 

"I can't tell... I can't feel anything..." My eyes begin to close. I was quite tired.

"Let him rest kid. I know you're worried about him," Was the last voice I could hear before I fell asleep. 

Saturday, February 17, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hospital.

So many tests. The numbing meds wore off but at least I can feel things now. Steve has barely left my side. I'm less lonely when he's around. It's nice. 

As of now, Steve is asleep sitting against the bed. Using his arms as pillows. I feel bad that he's stuck with me. He won't go hang out with his friends because he's worried about me. I've tried to tell him to go out and have fun, but he won't. 

Apparently, I have to stay here for at least a few weeks from today. Hopefully I can get out in time for break. Escape this shithole of a town. Wayne probably prefers that. I was kind of dumped into his care. Ruined his life. maybe that fall should've- No. I shouldn't say that. I should feel lucky that I didn't die. But I don't. Why? Steve's father was right, I should be burning in hell right now and-

"Eddie? Is everything okay? Your eyes-" Steve stood up from where he was sat and cupped my cheek. My eyes were watering. "What's wrong? Are you in pain?" 

"No, I'm fine Steve." He doesn't believe that. My eyes shifted back to my lap. "Just stupid thoughts filling my head. Nothing to worry about."

"Eddie, you can talk to me." 

"If I say what's on my mind, they'll keep me in this shithole for longer. Neither of us wants that." He looks slightly sad by that answer. I let out a sigh in return. "Your fathers' words are just getting to my head if you really have to know." 

"Eddie. Whatever that asshole said isn't true. He was just trying to make you more upset. And guess what? He is currently locked up. Hopper is dealing with him so he will make sure nothing gets out about us. There is nothing to worry about. We'll be out of here as soon as you're healthy."  

"Thats great news. I should be staring physical therapy either today or tomorrow. I'll be out of here in no time. Your job while I'm in here is to get the okay from Wheelers parents and that Byers parents."

"Eddie Munson, the visiting time is up. We'll be starting your physical therapy now." A nurse spoke from the doorway. 

"I'll be back tomorrow with an update," Steve spoke as he waved his way out of the room. I waved back. 

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