Chapter 3

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"Can you say that again but slower?" Steve, who was now driving back to his house asked. Taking a glance back to Mike and Robin in the back seat. Mike was slumped over against the car door and Robin was sat in the middle seat, making sure Mike was alright. 

"There was a lot of drinks by the bond fire and Mike being the dumbass he is got into a drinking game with a senior and they began shotgunning drinks. Shockingly, Mike is a light drinker, so im sure he'll be feeling it tomorrow." Robin spoke, then leaned back against the seat. 

"You didn't think stopping him would've been smarter?" Steve began parking his car into his driveway. Eddie had been quite quiet during the drive. Finding it a little awkward since it was mostly bashing on one of his closer friends. He waited until Steve stepped out of the car to follow him. 

Once Steve was out of the car, he went over to where Mike was sat. He opened the door and pulled Mike out of the car. "C'mon big guy." Steve picked Mike up once more and brought him inside. Motioning for the others to follow. 

Robin went up to Eddie and took his arm. "So, you and dingus huh?" Robin looked down at him. "I knew he would find someone at that party," She nudged him a bit. 

"What are you trying to get at?" Eddie looked ahead to watch Steve enter the house, scolding the very drunk Mike. His gaze then shifted to her. 

"All I'm saying is, my gaydar hasn't failed me." She patted Eddie's back, then went off into the house. Leaving Eddie to his thoughts. All he could do was sit there. Reflecting. 

After a solid minute, he shook off his thoughts and went inside. Him and 'The King'? There's no way that could possibly actually happen. This is just a one-night thing, and they'll completely forget about this once it's over. Right? 

Looking around, it was quite the empty home. Defiantly not the same as it was in high school. There was no sign of life in his house. Didn't he have parents?

"Eddie! Can I get your help with something?" Steve, with vomit on his shirt goes back upstairs. Eddie soon follows. 

"Mike get into the fucking tub!" Robin shouts at Mike who was sat next to the toilet, leaning against it. 

"I guess she has him handled huh," Eddie laughed softly at Robin. Steve just led him to his bedroom. "What was it that you needed help with?" Eddie looked up to Steve. 

Steve removed the vomit covered shirt to replace it with a clean one. Seeing Steve be so casual about this caused Eddie's face to heat up. "Oh right, you seemed a little uncomfortable in the car and I just wanted to make sure everything was alright," Steve turned back and immediately looked into Eddie's piercing eyes. 

"So, you wanted another excuse to hang out with me and didn't actually need my help." Eddie leaned against the wall of the bedroom. His eyes drifting to see what random things Steve would have in his room. 

"I just think that our time together on the lake was cut short so i wanted to make up for it. Thats if you want to y'know- you defiantly don't have to if you don't want to of course," Steve heart began to race as he stumbled over his words. 

"Steve! Calm down. I'd love to hang out with you. Far better than getting high by myself again or dealing with a hungover teen," Eddie let out a small laugh and looked up at Steve with his doe eyes. His eyes slowly drifted down to Steve's bare chest. The shirt that Steve meant to put on was still clutched in his hands. Eddie slowly pushed off the wall and walked up to Steve. "I have nothing planned, so good luck getting me out of your hair Harrington," 

"Fuck..." Steve softly muttered. He stared down into Eddie's rich brown eyes. Getting lost in them. Steve's hand slowly reached up and cupped Eddie's cheek. Eddie's hand moved to rest on Steve's chest. A million things began running through Steve's head. What the fuck was he getting himself into. Did he truly fall for Eddie, 'The Freak' of Hawkins High? Fuck it. Regret is for later Steve to deal with.

Without more hesitation, Steve pressed his lips against Eddie's. Eddie not expecting this took a second before returning the kiss. His hand reached up and gripped onto Steves hair. In return Steve gripped Eddie by the waist and pushed him against the nearest wall. Steve trailed kisses down Eddie's neck and down to his collarbone. He began to form a hickey onto the bone. Doing his best to do it in a spot that could be easily hidden. Eddie quietly began calling Steves name with each mark. His grip getting slightly tighter on the others hair. 

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. "Hey dingus! We all need a place to sleep! So stop sleeping and help us out!" Robin called out from the other side. 

Steve slowly began to let go of Eddie. "Yeah, sorry. I'll be out in a second!" Steve called back. "Just, wait in here. We'll finish this tonight." He softly muttered to Eddie. Then grabbed a shirt and threw it on. Heading out of the room soon after. 

"What the fuck just happened," Eddie stared at the door in disbelief. Was Robin correct, was he actually more of a freak then what he thought? Eddie slowly went over to Steve's bed and sat down onto it. Putting his head into his hands, his mind began pounding. He pulled out a joint from a box from his pocket and lit it. The smoke escaped his lips and began filling the room. 

A small knock was heard on the door, then it opened. "Eddie? did you light something in here-" Steve entered the room and closed the door behind him. Making his way over, he sat down next to him. "Are you alright Eddie? You can tell me if something is wrong," 

"What makes you think something is wrong? I couldn't be better," Eddie leaned his head against Steve's shoulder. "How are the other two doing?" He looked up at Steve. His eyes instantly drifting to his lips. 

"Mike is doing a little better. He's currently loaded on aspirin so he could sleep decently. hopefully," Steve looks into Eddie's eyes, following where his eyes led. "You should get some rest."

"It would be a waste if I put this out now, wouldn't it?" Eddie held out the joint to Steve. He looked at it for a moment, then took a hit from it. 

"I thought I escaped smoking once I graduated, but that might be a little difficult now," Steve slowly laid back onto the bed. Eddie soon joined him by laying his head onto Steves chest. "Though this seems slightly safer than cigarettes. But not by much," 

With Steve saying that, Eddie put out the joint and looked up at Steve. "I won't do it around you then. I don't want to enforce bad habits for you," Steve looked slightly confused. "I also didn't know you use to smoke." 

"I did during our senior year. I thought I looked cool while doing it." He shook his head slightly. "Being a mother of 6 really changes you huh," Steve let out a soft chuckle. "Though they don't exactly need me anymore. They're going to be sophomores next year. Could you watch over them next year?" 

"Oh you little-"

I already don't really know where to take this story. I want to do something new like bringing in the upside down into this story. Y'know, add some angst. Let me know what you think! Bye! 

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