Chapter 49

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Sunday, March 31, 1986. Hawkins Indiana Upside-down. Creel House.

Dustin's Perspective.

How could we leave Eddie like that?! Why wouldn't they help him?! It felt like my heart would rip out of my chest. What if we come back and he's -

"We're here." Nancy cut my train of thought off. This house is way more terrifying on this side. I clutch onto the bottle in my pocket. Turning around, we saw the light twinkle on our side. Robin waved her hand through the lights. 

Jonathan took the first step into the house. It was covered head to toe in those vine things. "Watch your step. It's our turn." He slowly made his way through the landmines. Nancy followed.

Robin looked hesitant. "Hey, take a breath. We have made it this far. Let's kick his ass." I look up at Robin. She took the advice and exhaled a long breath. 

"You're right. We got this." Robin went inside the house and carefully made her way through the field of vines. 

It was now my turn. There was barely any room to step. How did they get through this? I just need to do this. My mind went blank as I made my way through there. If I overthought it, I probably wouldn't be able to do it. 

Eventually we made it to the top. Holy shit. We made it. 


I cover my mouth so I wouldn't make a sound. I've seen my fair share of demo-things. But this is something else. This thing almost looks like a person. It was just resting there. 

Without further hesitation, Jonathan lights up the rag he had. The bottle soon set ablaze as he threw it at the thing. It instantly snapped awake and turned to us. Thats when Robin threw the next one at it. It screamed in pain and stepped back. Nancy followed it back with the shotgun. Shooting the thing a few times until it fell through the wall. Plummeting down until it hit the ground. 

Was that it? We all turned to each other. Confused. Shouldn't it be more difficult? It was Jonathan who looked over to where that thing fell. "...Shit." Escaped his lips. 

The three of us join him. That thing was completely gone. Huh? How was that even possible? How did it move so fast? 

The vines around us retract somewhere. "We need to get out of here before something comes for us." Nancy started making her way out of the house. The rest of us followed her. 

None of them seemed concerned about Eddie. Why? Why didn't they care? Why aren't they worried at all?

We cautiously made our way through the forest. It felt like ages to get to the cabin. I could see it in the distance. Fuck. I hope he's inside. We all glace around for a moment. No sign of him. "We can come back for him. We need to make sure the others are okay first-" 

"-What?! No! He could be seriously hurt!" I felt my hands clench. They couldn't be serious. 

"He should be fine. He has plenty of weapons. We can get Hopper to come out and look for him," Nancy walked inside the cabin. What the fuck. What the actual fuck!

I got dragged through the portal by the others. Trying to fight them as they did. I was the first back into our world. I could hear the others shuffling outside the cabin. Shit. What do I say to them? To Steve? Steve will- Oh fuck. He won't take the news well.

Soon the rest of them got through. One of the others opened the door. We were face to face with the other group. All I could see was Steve's eyes search over our group. His breathing hitched. His eyes wide. His hand went over his mouth.

My head went down. I couldn't look at him. Any of them. "I-..." Steve started to talk. "I gave you one job!" He stepped forward towards Nancy. 

"We were attacked! It's not my fault he decided to run!" Nancy crossed her arms. 

Jonathan looked confused. "Job? What job?" He looked between the two of them. Why were we just arguing here. Doing nothing. Not calling for help. 

"Everyone! Shut up! He can still be out there! We never found him dead!" Robin stood between the two sides. Her hands trembling. "He might still need our help!-"

As Robin was saying that, a sound made itself known from the room we came out of. 

We all turned to it. No one saying a word so they could hear the creaks of the floorboards. 

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