Chapter 56

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Sunday, April 20, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Wheeler Household.

Dustin's Perspective. 

"Look dude," Mike looked over at me from the couch he was laying on. "I know El dumped you like a few weeks ago. But you have to stop moping around. Plus, you looked miserable in that relationship." I went up to him. Mike in return pushed his hands into his face. 

Mikes eyes peeked out from between his fingers. "I wasn't miserable! It was fine!-" 

"-It shouldn't be just fine!" Mike turned away from me. 

"Whatever. It's over now. Nothing we can do about it." I plopped down onto the couch where Mike's feet were at. 

Mike kicked me slightly, trying to push me off. "Well... What about you and Will? You two seemed quite close during the break." 

"What about us?" Mike instantly seemed to be nervous. He began picking at the skin around his nails. "We are just friends." 

I scooted a bit closer to him. "Bullshit." Mike hid further into the couch. "Oh my god! I knew it!" I pushed myself up. 

"Please don't hate me, I'm-" I began pushing digits into the phone. "Wait, who are you calling?!" Mike got up after me. He grabbed the phone just as someone picked up. 

"Hello?" It was Will's voice. "How can I help you?" Mike was hesitant to speak. 

I backed away from the phone and sat down on the couch. "Erm.. Hey Will," Mike looked over at me. His finger twirled around the cord. "I just wanted to check in. How are things going?" 

"El has been a little down-"

"-About you dumbo! How are you?" Mike turned away from me to speak into the phone. 

I looked up and saw Nancy in the stairway. "Your ride is here." She then left. Nancy has been very short with everyone. Understandably so. My jaw clenches whenever I see her. 

I waved to Mike. His face was burning red. Oh this summer is going to be full of couples. Maybe I can see Suzie thus summer. Go on like a triple date or something. 

Oh shit they're waiting for me. I hurried up the stairs and out the door. "Thank you for having me over!" I yelled out before leaving. 

Eddie was sat in the drivers seat smoking something as he waited. The car started up when he saw me. "Took you long enough," He muttered to me when I got into the car. "You've wasted precious minutes I could've has with Sabbath." Eddie pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

"You should've brought her with you. I would love to meet her," Eddie's face was beaming with joy. I'm convinced that he loves this cat more than Steve at this point. 

Eddie looked over at me for a second. "Thats it, I'm taking you over to meet her!" Eddie whipped the car the opposite way of my house. 

I mean, I don't really have a curfew tonight. 

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