Chapter 28

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Saturday, March 23, 1986. California. Byer's Household.

Mike's Perspective. 

It was just me and Will. Alone. Well, isn't this what I wanted? "I've Missed you too Mike," Will smiled towards me. What the hell was this burning feeling? It feels wrong. 

"Y-Yeah," I looked around the room. "When did you pick up painting?" My eyes glance over to him. He was messing with the cuffs of his shirt. 

"I've been doing it since we got here. Gave me something to do after school." His eyes went over to something. I tried to follow where they went but I couldn't figure it out. 

"Y'know, I've kept all of your drawing you've given me throughout the years. You should show me something new you've done. I'm curious on how much you've improved," His eyes went wide as he looked over at me. 

"S-Sure!" He bit his lip slightly as he smiled. He then went off into his closet to look for art works. I took the time to look more around the room. Boys Don't Cry huh? Good choice. "Okay!" He suddenly popped up behind me with quite a bit of work. He caused me to jump. Will started laying out the different pieces over his bed. 

"Jesus Will, these are cool." I looked over them. My eyes were drawn to one that was made in black and white. It looked like a picture. It was someone standing in a field. A bunch of blank space in the sky. 

"If you really want, you can have one of them." Will looked over at me. His eyes were glowing. I haven't seen his eyes that bright in ages. Seeing him this happy made me happy. It seems he's doing a lot better than at Hawkins. "Earth to Mike," Will waved his hand in my face. Shit. Why do i keep staring at him?! And why does he keep catching it?! 

"Yeah! Sorry, it's just nice seeing how happy you are. It reminds me of the good days. Before all of that." I quickly look down at my feet. 

"I think you need rest Mike. You've been stuck in a car for a few days and an eventful day so far. We should set you up a bed." Will froze for a moment. "But where-" 

"Can I just join you in here?" That really just slipped out of my mouth. "I mean- I would probably disturb the others if I went out there." Thats a great reason dumbass. 

"I don't mind." He looked to the floor. It was littered with clothes. "Want to just erm... Share the bed? Makes it easier." Will's face kept getting more and more red in color. Before I could answer, he went over to the bed and began making a barrier in the middle of the bed. "That's your side, this is mine," 

"Works for me," I go over to my side and get into bed. "Goodnight Will," 


Sunday, March 24, 1986. California. Byer's Household.

Eddie's Perspective. 

I woke up to the sun blinding me. It was one of the first times in a long time I didn't wake up to a nightmare. I reached up and rubbed my eyes. Blinking a few times to get them to focus. "...Stop moving.." I hear muttered. My eyes trailed down to the voice. Of course, it was Harrington. Faced down into my chest. 

"Sorry Harrington," His arms tighten around me. "If only we could stay like this," My hands slip up Steves back to keep them warm. 

"Your hands are fucking cold.." Harrington looked up at me. It felt like more of a glare. 

"Suck it up. I'm not moving them," Steve groans at me and hides back into my chest. I press a kiss into the top of his head. "They'll warm up in no time," 

All of a sudden, banging was heard on one of the windows to my van. Causing us both to jump and pull away from each other. 

Henderson. "Both of you! Wake up! Breakfast is being made!" He shouted at us then went back inside. 

"Fucking children I swear." I sit up and close the curtains as much as possible. "I hope you don't mind me changing here." Steve shook his head. But he wouldn't look away. "Taking in the view?" 

"I am while I can," 

It's Just a Favor || SteddieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora