Chapter 75

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Sunday, May 4, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's Apartment.

Steve's Perspective.

Waiting. Waiting for the kettle to boil. Eddie was sat in the chair beside me. He had barely spoken since we've gotten home. His whole body was covered to hide the bandages that wrapped every limb. I want Viktor to burn in hell for this. 

The kettle then began to yell. I picked it up and poured it into a cup. Stirring in the tea. After finishing that, I went back over to Eddie and set the tea in front of him. "Is there anything else you need me to get?" 

Eddie stared at the cup for a solid minute, then shook his head. " long as you're here, I'll be fine," Eddie slowly reached out and took my hand. I needed to make sure I was never pushing any boundaries when he was in this state. Having him guide everything until he's comfortable enough. " can sit next to me y'know. I don't bite." 

I made my way to the seat next to him and held onto his hand tightly. "I just want to make sure you're comfortable," Eddie turned to me, weakly smiling.

"I'm comfortable here. It's far better than there.." Eddie looked away and looked to the mug. spacing out once again. 

"Eddie?" I gently tapped in front of him to get his attention. "Will you be alright to go to school tomorrow? You don't have to if you can't." He looked into my eyes for a second, then looked away.

I felt him mess with my knuckles. "Erm.. I don't know.. I'm scared he will be there. I know he won't because of the police, but there's that part of me that thinks he will be," Eddie's eyes began to water. "I never want to see him again," 

Eddie looked down at his arms. "I won't let him get anywhere near you. I promise." I adjusted myself in my seat. "I will go to Hawkins high with you if you need." 

He tilted his head slightly. "You would do that? Is that even allowed?"

"If it's not, then I'll make it allowed. I'm sure they'll understand," Eddie let go of my hand to drink his tea. "I'll talk to them tomorrow." 

Eddie turned to me, cup in hand. "Why don't you get someone that actually goes to Hawkins to follow me around? I feel like that'll be way easier." He kept drinking from the glass until it was finished. 

"Because they have classes as well, I don't. I don't want their grades to plummet. So I will go instead. I don't have anything to do all day," I stood up and took the mug once Eddie finished. Heading over to the sink to wash it. Hanging it on the rack afterwards. 

Eddie came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Can we go lay down now?" I turned to him and nodded. "Let's go then," He guided me over to the bedroom. Sitting down onto the bed first. I went to the light to turn it off. "W-Wait!" I turned to him. "Can we.. keep the light on tonight?" 

"Of course, if that's what makes you comfortable," I went over to the bed, taking my shirt off and getting into the bed. "Goodnight Eddie," 

He turned to me. "I'm glad to be back here." Eddie slowly held onto me.

"I am too," 

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