Chapter 29

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Sunday, March 24, 1986. California. Byer's Household.

Steve's Perspective. 

"Why did it take you over an hour to get in here?" Henderson went up to me and Eddie as we entered the house. My whole body was aching. We really did that. Right in the van. 

"Harrington didn't want to get up. So I let him get some extra rest. I hope you didn't mind." Eddie wrapped his arm around Henderson and walked off into the kitchen. "Did ya save anything for us?" How did he have so much energy. 

"Steve," I turned to who called my name. Mike. "Can I talk with you for a second?" Mike seemed nervous. 

"Yes! Of course. Let's go take a walk," I probably need to stretch my legs out anyways. Mike got up from his seat and went to get his shoes on. I still had mine on. "We'll be back in a bit. Make sure those two don't burn the house down." I made my way out of the door and Mike followed. "So, what did you want to talk about Wheeler?" 

"Have you ever felt like." He paused for a second to find words. "Like you should like something, but you don't? Like you will be seriously judged if you don't like said thing." He finally looked up at me. Those eye's felt far too similar. Desperate. Denial. Pleading. 

"Far too often." I stopped walking and turned to him. "This is the opposite but, I always get that sense when I'm around Robin or Munson. I shouldn't be friends with them because of how society would see it. But I haven't been this happy in such a long time." Mike's eyes stayed on me. Absorbing every word. "Honestly, do what makes you happy. Fuck what society thinks. Whatever this thing you feel like you shouldn't be doing, do it. Unless it's like killing someone for no reason. Then don't." 

I got Mike to crack a small smile. "Thank you, Steve. If things go south, I'm breaking into your place and making my own room." Mike began walking back. 

"What? Hey! That wasn't part of the deal!" I catch back up with him. "I feel like I should be concerned for what you're going to do." What the hell could this thing even be? He's not planning like world domination. Right? 

"If all goes well, you won't have to worry about anything. If something does go wrong, we probably need to leave instantly." Mike said non-chalantly.  

"Now I'm really concerned-" Before I could get another thought out, Mike spoke.

"Now thinking about it. What is going on with you and Eddie? You two seem far too close way too suddenly." Mike stopped again to look at me. 

"For one, We sometimes talked when I was in school so it's not like we just met. And two, he has decent taste in music." Am I saying too much.

"You, Steve Harrington. Like metal?" Mike stared at me in disbelief. 

"Is that so hard to believe? It's entertaining seeing Munson go full nerd on the topic. Showing me all the mixtapes he's made or collected. Or him randomly breaking out the air guitar mid song. Or when he- I'm rambling like Buckley aren't I?" I covered my face with my hands. 

"Has he made a mixtape for you?" Mike grinned at me. It felt like he was making fun of me, but he physically wasn't. 

"He said he was in the works of one. But I have made one for him. but I don't think he was into the whole John Lennon Beautiful Boy or The Smiths Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now. And I'm rambling on about him again. How do you do this-" I swear I need to learn how to shut myself up. 

"You two seem very close. I hope to find that connection with someone." Mike then walks into the house like nothing happened. What the fuck did he mean by that?! I thought Him and Eleven were the unstoppable power couple. Was that what this whole conversation was about? Harrington how are you so stupid sometimes-

"Harrington! Wheeler! Welcome back. I made some food for us because someone decided to eat it all." Eddie glared at Dustin as he finished the sentence. 

"You guys took too long! It would've been cold by the time you two got up." Dustin crossed his arms. 

To keep the two from bickering. Eleven entered the room. Tention immediately grew. "...Mike." 

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