Chapter 23

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Friday, March 22, 1986. On the Road. 18 hours in.

Eddie's perspective.

I kept hearing my name over and over again. But nothing changed. The two people stood above me. Both muttering, "Failure!" over and over again. Getting louder each time. Why won't it stop? Please stop! Please-

-As if it was one of my dreams, I snap back to reality. I couldn't catch my breath. All three of them were in front of me. Steve was holding onto my shoulders. He looked terrified. His eyes were wide, his face pale. Dustin stood behind him, holding onto Steves shirt. Was he also scared? I could barely see Mike.

"Eddie! Are you okay?! Talk to me!" Steve shook my shoulders. 

"Steve?" I softly mutter. I reach up to hold onto him. My hands were violently shaking. "I'm okay..."

"What's with the first name? You never call me that," Steve smiled slightly. It seemed it was mostly out of relief. I only saw a glimpse of it before I was pulled into a hug. Dustin and Mike soon joined it as well. 

What the actual hell was wrong with me. "Can we get back to the car? Something feels off about this place," I spoke, barely louder than a whisper. The two kids backed up slightly, allowing Steve to pick me up. "My legs work y'know," I look up at him. He just stared forward towards the car. 

"I know you're safe in my arms. So, you're staying here until we reach the car." Steve looked down at me for a second, then back to the car. "You scare me, Munson." 

"You scare me too, Harrington." The smile stays on Harrington's face as we make it to the car. He sets me down on the seat and buckles me in. "I'm not a toddler." 

"And I'm only helping out a little." He pats my shoulder and closes the door. Wheeler and Henderson both got into the back. It seems they're no longer worried about the situation beforehand. 

Harrington got into the driver's seat. He looked back at the two to make sure they were in then started the car. Pulling out of the spot and driving off. I couldn't help but just admire him for a minute. Looking over all of his features. I still can't believe any of this is real. Me and Harrington? And I was Steve's gay awakening. I shouldn't be proud about that. 

My eyes slowly close and my arms wrap around my body. But I didn't want to rest. What if that dream came back again like it always did? I wish I could just numb myself like back in the hospital. That would be way easier. But like most things, I probably wouldn't be able to stop.

Sorry for another short chapter! I have something special planned for the next part so please stay tuned! 

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