Chapter 53

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Monday, April 7, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's Apartment.

Eddie's Perspective. 

"Here, I'll get it." Steve went off to answer the door. I didn't pay much mind to it and turned my attention back to the food. "Oh, uh. Nancy. What are you doing here? It's quite late." Fuck. Why couldn't have been Henderson like it always was? 

Nancy instantly walked inside. "I need to talk to you." She didn't even give him a choice. I could hear her footsteps drawing near. I didn't even have time to turn down the element. I backed up into the pantry and closed the door. "Steve. Did you really leave this on to answer the door? What if it caught fire?" 

"So, you came over here to berate me about cooking?" Someone's footsteps got louder. Their shadow appearing under the door. I believe it was Steve. I hope so at least.

"It's about Eddie!" She sounded frustrated. "I keep trying to apologize but he keeps blowing me off! It's been like a week since it happened." 

Steve's sigh was audible from the pantry. "Nance, he nearly died out there. I'd be very shocked if he ever forgives you." Does he actually mean that or is he just saying this because I'm here.

"You make it sound way worse than it was. I wanted to get professional help out there to save him! I know it looks bad but us four probably couldn't take on those things." 

Steve was silent for a moment. They both were. "Are you fucking serious? He made it through on his own. The four of you could have easily helped him and you know it! Stop lying to make your story look better. Get out." 

"W-What? So you won't hear me out either?" Through the door, I could tell how tense the conversation was. It felt like I wasn't supposed to be hearing this. "You guys are assholes. Enjoy the fucking food." Her footsteps left the room. Assuming out the front door. 

Once the front door was slammed shut, I knew she was gone. Steve opened the door to the pantry. His shoulders were tense. 

"Steve.." I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Let's finish dinner and then go to bed. Okay?" I could feel his shoulders loosen slightly. His face buried itself into my neck. "I'm sorry she tied you into our problem. I should've talked to her when she came up to me today." 

"She talked to you today?" Steve's grip tightened around me. "What did she say to you?"

Shit. I shouldn't have said anything. "I didn't let her say anything. I just.. can't talk to her. Not after that." I pressed a kiss onto Steves shoulder. "Please don't be mad at her." 

Steve let go of me and turned to the food. "Let's just finish this up." He continued to cook the food. What the fuck does that mean? Did I say something wrong? I can't help but feel like I did. 

We eventually finished with the food. He poured it into two bowls. Setting the pot in the sink to clean later. "You need to take better care of yourself, Munson. Please." He then proceeded to hand me one of the bowls. 

I took the bowl, making sure to brush my hand against his. "I'm trying my best. You've made it a lot easier to do so." Steve set down his bowl, then pulled me into a kiss. His hand tracing up my back. 

"I'm glad I can be a part of your life. I want to be as long as possible." We stayed there for a minute. I didn't want this moment to end. Why do people have to suck ass. I just want to be free. Be happy. "Now let's finish this food." He grabbed his bowl and took my hand. Walking to the couch. 

I happily followed. Steve sat down on the couch. I sat down on the ground in front of him. Resting my head against his good leg. Steve turned on the tv. It seemed to be a random love story movie. 

"Mood setting," I looked up at him with a grin. It only took a few minutes for the spaghetti to be gone. 

Steve turned his attention down to me. "I thought this movie would be too sappy for your taste. I picture you as more of a tied down hardcore kinda dude." 

I set the bowl down to my left and turned around. Resting my hands against his thighs. "Maybe I am. There's only one way to find out." 

"We will see. I will do it once you graduate. It'll be like a celebration. Just you and me," Steve also set his bowl down. 

I pressed a kiss onto his inner thigh. "I don't know if I can wait that long. You still owe me a date," 

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