Chapter 8

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Steve's Perspective

Sunday, February 11, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Woods.

"STEVE PLEASE!" Robin was shaking my shoulders as my eyes slowly began opening. "Oh thank god!" I felt Robin pull me into a hug. 

"Woah- Hey Rob, what's wrong?" I try and sit up which causes my head to instantly throb. "Your face..." 

"It just makes me look more badass," She let out a weak laugh. "I'm just glad you're not dead," She gave my cheek a squish to make sure I was real. 

"Those assholes? They couldn't kill me. I have kids to protect still," I reassured Robin. Looking into her bruised eyes. They looked exactly like- "Eddie! Shit! I broke our promise!" I scramble my way up. The feeling of fainting growing in me once again. 

"Slow down! What has gotten into you lately? You feel like a whole different person," Robin pushed her way up. "You can talk to me Steve," She took my arm. I let out a small sigh in return. 

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I thought I liked this one thing my whole life, but then this one thing happened and my whole life has come crashing down. I don't know what to do." All I could do was look at my feet. I couldn't get myself to look at Robin. 

"Is it so bad being something different? Or at least like both? I think you're making rules that you don't need to follow." Robin and I begin walking back to the Sinclair's. "People might not agree with that. Even you might not agree with it either, but you along with others will learn how to accept it." 

My head finally rises and only for a moment did everything feel alright. "Robin." I stop where I was. "I think I like a dude." 

Sunday, February 11, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Sinclair household.

Eddie's Perspective

I wake up with a groan. Moving to sit up but I Instantly fall back down, my torso ached in pain. I look around to see an empty room. A room that he's never seen before. "Helllllooooo?" I call out with the energy I had. Nothing. I groan out again. I look down at the blood-soaked shirt. Curious, I lift up the shirt and looked at the bloodied bandages. "Jesus Christ." 

The front door suddenly flung open. "Jesus Christ!" I shout out again. Alas it was Harrington and Buckley. Of course. "The fuck happened when I was passed out." I look between the two quite beaten-up idiots. "Please tell me you didn't chase after those asshats." I push through the pain and sit up. 

"Woah- Woah- Hey- Hey- Careful!" Steve ran over to me and helped me up. I couldn't help but grin at him. 

"Is Steve Harrington worried about me? Though..." I reach out and gently touch his neck. "You should put ice on that. Same with you Buckley. You guys are both idiots." I spoke out, staring into Steve's eyes. Unable to look away. "But thank you for patching me up. It's slightly better than bleeding out." I see Steve's lip slightly quiver up into a smile. 

"I'll leave you two to check up with each other. I'm getting ice because this doesn't feel great." With that being said, Robin left to the kitchen looking for ice. 

"You absolute dumbass. Why would you go after them? You know damn well Jason had a knife and he could've easily slit your throat." I quickly pull Steve into a hug. "I'm just glad you're not too hurt." 

Not wanting the truth to come out about what happened, so he went with Eddie's story. "I know, I just wanted couldn't let them get away with that. You should see what Robin did to Jason's face. He looked like the dude from Texas Chainsaw Massacre," Him saying that made me let out a very weak laugh. Instant pain erupted in my torso. 

I pull Steve onto the couch. "You must be tired. Having a low amount of oxygen really knocks you out." Steve takes a look around the room, takes a deep breath, then gives me a small kiss. I couldn't help but instantly kiss him back. But with the slightest of sounds, Steve instantly pulled away. 

"Sorry, It's just very open and someone might see us," Steve kept looking around. Paranoid that someone was watching.

"Hey, look at me Steve. I understand. You don't need to force yourself to do things you really don't want to do, okay? We can just act like bros around others," I try to lighten the mood and smile at him. I lay against him afterwards. "Maybe someday, it'll be just us. Maybe a few others." I close my eyes as I slowly start drifting off. Before I completely fall asleep, I feel Steve's arms wrap around me as we slowly lay down.

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