Chapter 34

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Friday, March 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Cabin.

Eddie's Perspective. 

Everyone was here. "Shit. I need to go see if Rob is alright." Harrington quickly left the cabin without another word. They never did say the second death. Hopefully it's no one we know. 

"Let's get this place patched up." I speak up to the group. "They need a safe place to camp out at. And places to hide would also be a good idea." 

"I'll go get cleaning stuff." Jonathan motioned for Argyle to join him. Then the two of them walked out to Argyle's van. I guess while we wait for them to return, we can pick stuff up. It's a little odd without Harrington. It feels like we haven't really been apart since ages ago. God, I sound like a possessive parner. 

Before I could get more upset with myself, I go off to a random room and began picking up random things that had been knocked over. What the fuck happened to this place. Everything looked like it was flipped upside down. 

Chrissy. Why did she suddenly pop into my head? We never spoke in school. I think Jason would've killed me if I ever said a word to her. I wish I could've talked to her more. From what she was like in middle school, she seemed actually nice unlike Jason. 

Oh wait, there was that one time. 

Tuesday, November 6th, 1983. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkins High.

Would it have been junior year? Chrissy would've been a freshman at this point if I'm remembering correctly. If only I had paid more attention. 

"Hey Freak!" A group of voices called. The athletes. Back when Jason wasn't the head of the pack. Him and Chrissy started dating not long before. "Get the fuck out of our spot." Whoever was the senior of the basketball team at the time got into my face. 

"Go find a different spot. Or are you too incapable of finding one on your own?" I push the dude's shoulder back so he wouldn't be so close. That would be one of the worst things I could've done at the time. 

The dude retaliated with a punch. Knocking me off of the table I was sat on. Dirt covered my face. I spit out what dirt got into my mouth and went to push myself up. Getting a kick to the back as a result. "There is a reason why you sit alone most of the time Freak. No one can bare to be near you. Not to mention how much your music sucks ass!" The dude spat into my face. "C'mon, the place is probably tainted with queer." Just to rub salt in the wound, Jason pushed my face into the dirt. Then the group walked off. 

Everyone but Chrissy. She crouched down beside me. "Your band, Corroded Coffin, right?" I give her a small nod. "From what I remember from a few years back was actually quite impressive to listen to. Don't listen to them." Chrissy stood up and held her hand out to help me up. I take it and stand up. 

"Why do you stay around those assholes?" I looked past her shoulder to see the group walking off. "And thank you." Was Chrissy Cunningham a fan of metal? I never would have guessed otherwise. Wait- She actually remembered our band. Why? Or how?

"Parents mostly. They want me to be a part of cheerleading and that group happens to suck. There's not much I can do about it." She turned around. "Dammit, I better catch up with them before they realize I've been gone for too long." Chrissy gave me a smile. "So long Eddie. Make sure to wash your face," With that being said, she ran off to the group. 

"...Bye." I've always wondered what would've happened if I spoke up back then. Tell her to do what she wanted to. Not what others wanted. Would she be alive today if I said something? Would she have been happy? Free?


Friday, March 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Cabin.

Henderson stood behind me. "You've been staring at a wall for a solid 5 minutes. Is everything alright?" I turned and looked at him. 

"I was just thinking of a past memory about school. How different things could've been if I had actually done something. Maybe she would be alive." My eyes turn to my feet. "She didn't deserve to die."

"There's nothing you could've done to save her Eddie-"

"But there was! I could've at least made her life more enjoyable! But she died doing something she hated!" Munson stop. Stop crying! I feel the tears fill my eyes. We weren't close at all! Why am I so upset about this?!

"Eddie... Please calm down. We need to focus on saving whoever the next victim might be." Henderson grabbed onto my shoulders. 

"You're right. I'm sorry. Everything is just so confusing right now. I don't know what to do." I slump down onto the floor. Henderson joined me. Moving to sit next to me.

"We just need to find who is doing this and why."

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