Chapter 20

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Friday, March 22, 1986. On the Road. 11 hours in. 

Steve's Perspective. 

Eddie reeked of cigarettes when I woke up. That was so many hours ago, why am I still worried about it? Was he okay? How many did he have? Could I have helped him? 

"Steve, why did you and Eddie decide to go to California? It seems kind of random." Dustin spoke from the back. He was the only other one awake. 

"Oh, we just wanted to get away from the assholes from Hawkins. So, we brainstormed a few places to go. Then Eddie remembered about Will in California and thought we should go there." I look over to Eddie. He was still passed out and clutching onto my jacket. How was he still holding onto it after all this time?

"Steve! I get you're worried about Eddie but pay attention to the road!" My eyes quickly snapped back to the road. "Jesus. Anyways. You and Eddie seem actually close. It's nice seeing you actually make friends with someone on your own Steve," Dustin giggled from his seat. Looking back outside. Nothing too eye-catching was out there. Just dead bushes after dead bushes. 

"What's that supposed to mean? I could meet plenty of people if I tried. You can't be talking." I notice Eddie shoot up. "Is everything alright Eds?" 

Eddie was panting heavily, his eyes darting around the car. Wanting to help him calm down, I pull the car over onto the shoulder. Getting out of the car and going over to the passenger side. "S-Sorry-" Eddie muttered as he looked over to me.

"Eddie. Breathe, it's okay," I hold my arms out for him. He slowly climes into my arms and holds onto me tightly. "I've got you," I carefully rub circles into Eddie's back. Dustin watched us from the back seat. He was clearly worried for Eddie's wellbeing. 

"That stupid fucking nightmare again, and again, and again!" Eddie cried into my shoulder. I just sat there and listened. I couldn't find words to say at a time like this. "I just want it to end. Please make it stop.." He seemed so weak. 

"Eddie, we can find someone for you to talk to about this. We can find you help." I cup Eddie's cheeks. Looking into his eyes. "I promise," 

Dustin got out from the back of the car and joined the hug. "We're here for you Eddie," Dustin held the both of us tightly. 

"Okay, thank you both." Eddie gave us both a smile. But it was clear he was still on edge. 

"Do you want to stretch your legs or get back into the car?" I realized I had been holding onto Eddie's hand. He didn't let go, so I didn't either. 

Eddie nodded. "Henderson, why don't you wake Mike up and walk around a bit. Just don't go too far. It's quite dark." Dustin gave us a thumbs up and went off to find Mike. 

"Are you actually okay? You seemed very freaked out back there. What happened?" I take his other hand and squeezed them. 

"It's nothing. I promise. Just stupid shit trying to scare me," Eddie was obviously lying. Why? What did he see that he couldn't tell me? "Steve," First name? Thats new. "I'm not doing well. I want to just forget about life, forget about the past. Let's just have the time of our life this week. Go out and do things. Just you and me." Eddie looked around the area. Mike and Dustin were talking in the distance. Eddie's eyes turned back towards me. 

We press a tender kiss into each other's lips. The grip on our hands tightening. The kiss was cut short out of fear that the boys would find us. "Just us?" 

Eddie nodded. "Just us. Now, get back into the car. We've got places to be," Eddie patted my chest. "C'mon boys!" Eddie got back into the van. Grabbing the jacket he used as a blanket and put it on. "What? It's comfortable," Eddie smiled. 

I look over and see the boys running back over to us. Hopping right back into the back. I waited for them to get into the van, then got in myself. Starting the van and took off down the road. Eddie reached over and gently took my hand. I looked at him for a solid second. He wasn't looking at me. He was just staring out of the window. I smiled and looked out to the road. There were barely any cars out that late.  

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