Chapter 10

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Monday, February 12, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Harrington Household.

Eddie's Perspective

I couldn't get myself to look at Steve. I just couldn't look at his sad eyes. My heart began pounding faster and faster. "Eddie you can talk to me. If its sensitive, you don't need to tell me. But it looks quite serious." I hear Steve's voice crack as he spoke. 

"Just your average bullies. This wasn't the only time I've been stabbed. Clearly. I'm not really a fan favorite around here." I close my eyes. Thinking if I just don't look at him, it'll make things easier to talk about. "Being the town freak really takes a toll on you," 

I feel Steve's hand slowly wrap around me and pull me into a hug. His grip tightening on my shirt. "If this stuff ever happens again, please come here. I will kick whoever's ass that's hurt you," Him saying that made me laugh slightly.

"Steve, I don't think I've ever seen you win a fight. But I guess there's only one way to change that though," I reach down and cup Steve's cheek. "I can survive a good stabbing what can I say. You don't have to worry about me Stevie." I press a kiss into his forehead. "You can also come to me whenever you have an issue." 

Steve nods. "I will, don't worry. I'll also come by for other reasons." Steve slowly parts from the hug then looks back down at my wounds. "Let's get these cleaned up now, shall we?" I take a small breath then nod to him, slowly. "It will hurt. Let me know if it's too much." Steve began removing my bandages. I lean back slightly, gripping onto the counter slightly as I did so. 

Steve looks to the wound for a minute before cleaning the wound. "Fuck!" I yelped. My grip getting so tight that my rings began digging into my skin, cutting it slightly. Steve apologized, then continued to disinfect it. 

"Almost done, hang in there. I'll do whatever you wish once we're done." Steve spoke calmly to me. I couldn't respond, I was in too much pain. 

Finally, I felt Steve wrap the bandage around my torso. My grip on the counter started to ease. Once it was over, I wrapped my arms around Steve's neck and mutter, "Can you carry me to the car?" I hear Steve laugh. 

"I need to change first, but I'll carry you to both places." Steve grabs me by the lower back, then carried me to his room. Setting me on his bed. He grabbed a random shirt, which I give him a confused look. "Can't go there with a bloody shirt." He tossed the shirt at me. Getting dressed afterwards. I reluctantly remove my shirt, then quickly replace it with the new one. I couldn't help but admire Steve when I could. "Do I have something on me?" He turns to me. 

I quickly shake my head, looking away. "N-No! Sorry, I just can't believe this is real. Like me and Harrington being close? Couldn't imagine it for a million years!" I cross my arms and look up at him once more. We lock eyes for a long moment. "I'm glad I got stabbed with you. I probably would've been a lot more scared and infected if I was with anyone else." 

Steve finishes getting dressed. Then makes his way over at me. Picking me up again. Giving me a deep kiss. I couldn't help but return the passion. Gripping onto his shoulders. "I'm also glad we actually met. You've made life a little more tolerable." Steve carries me out to the car. Kissing the side of my head when he could. 

Once we made it to the car, he set me inside. "Thank you darling," I wink at him. He quickly looked away in a blush. Making his way to the driver's side soon after. 

"I need to figure out names for you. You seem quite good with making them up," Steve starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. 

"I'm always up for experimental names." I look over to him. He had a goofy grin on his face. Seeing him smile like that made me smile too. 

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