Chapter 9

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Monday, February 12, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Sinclair Household.

Eddie's Perspective

I wake up to someone shaking my arm. "Eddie, Steve. It's not safe to stay here. Do you by chance have a place you could lay low for a few days?" I sit up slightly, realizing I was still laying on Steve made my face heat up a bit. I blink a few times to let my eyes adjust. It seemed to be Hopper standing there. 

"I've got my place. There's a convenient store near my trailer so food isn't a problem." I mumble out, rubbing my eyes in the process. 

"What about my job? I can't just skip a few days." Steve sat up, his arm still slightly around me. "Me and Ed's can just hang around there during working hours. There are enough people there that they won't attack us there. Speaking of work, I have a shift tonight, so we need to figure something out." 

"Okay, but if you do get attacked there it's on you." Hopper pushed himself up and went towards the door. "I'll be looking for the culprits. We'll let you know if we catch them." With that being said, Hopper left the house. 

I look back to Steve. Gently taking his hand into mine. "We should go stop by your house and grab your stuff then head to my place." I slowly lean against Steve again. 

"If only I could get up. But alas there's someone laying on me." I see Steve's lip curve up. "We could hang out at my place before my shift. That's if you want to of course!" I push my way up to my feet and pull Steve up with me. 

"I'd love to Steve. C'mon! Let's go!" I respond and pull him out the door to his car.

"For someone who was just stabbed less than 24 hours ago, you're quite spry." Steve got into the driver's seat as I got into the passenger side. 

"Same goes for you. But almost getting choked to death. Kinky." I once again get the side eye from Steve. "I still can't believe you went after them. What if they killed you?" I start fidgeting with my rings. "If anyone dies between us, it would be me. You're way more likely to have a future than me." 

"Don't say things like that. Neither of us will die. Got it?" Steve began driving to his place. "I will make sure of it." Steve looked over at me from time to time. Was he scared? 

"All I'm saying is if I can sacrifice myself to make sure you make it out safe, I would." I reached over and held onto Steve's spare hand that wasn't on the wheel. "Jason will get what he deserves eventually. I'll make sure of it." I press a kiss into Steve's hand which makes him slightly bashful. 

"He better." Eventually we made it to Steve's house. "We should probably redo your bandages before I pack," Steve steps out of the car. I take a moment by myself, then step out of the car. 

"I think it's just an excuse to check me out," I went up to him. "Which you don't need an excuse for. Just so you know." Steve eyes me up for a second, then opens the front door. 

"Just not in public." He pulls me inside of the house, then kisses me once the door was shut. His hands trailing up and down my waist. 

"It seems like you were waiting to do that. How cute." I reach up and cupped his cheek. 

"Shut up," He moves to my neck and begins kissing it. Pulling against my waist as he did, causing me to wince slightly. "Shit- Sorry! I completely forgot," Steve looked me up and down to check if I was okay. 

"Hey, look at me. It didn't hurt too much. And a little bit of pain never killed anybody," I press a kiss onto his cheek. "How about we check the bandages to make sure nothing happened," I take Steve's hand into mine, then lead him into the bathroom. Getting slightly lost in the house. 

"It's over here," He ended up showing me the way. "Sit on the counter," I oblige and sit onto the counter. "May I?" Before waiting for an answer, Steve lifts my shirt to change the bandage. This time, he actually took a second to look at my torso. 

"Eddie, what happened? Who did this to you?"

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