Chapter 45

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!! Warning Internalized Homophobia And SH !!

Saturday, March 30, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. War Zone.

Eddie's Perspective. 

What the fuck. This place is way more intense than I thought. American flags at every turn. I probably would've been a little less tense if Harrington was here, but he needed to stay back and rest. I just hope Henderson is making sure he's listening to that music. 

"Okay guys. Everyone spread out and get what we planned." I was tasked with finding jackets that would protect us. After seeing what could happen and that gate thing, I don't think we can get enough protection. 

I made my way over to a clothes rack. Grabbing whatever could work. My eye's shifted over to a pocketknife. My hand stretched out and grabbed it. "This might come in handy." I mutter to myself. I flipped it open to check the blade. Flipping it closed soon after. I look around to see if there was anyone near me. Only a few people. I pull the bandana out of my back pocket and wrap the knife in it, then stuffed it onto my pocket. It might work as a disguise. 

Once I was finished grabbing the outfits, I made my way over to Robin. "Is something up Eddie?" She turned to me. Setting some things into her cart. 

"How did you figure out about me and... Y'know." I probably should've asked this in a less populated area. And where most of the people here would shoot me in an instant. I start scratching at my hand. Nervous habit. 

I hear a laugh escape Robins lips. "As one, it makes it a lot easier to spot them out." Robin leans up and whispers into my ear. "Steve wouldn't shut up about you that one time when you bought something at Scoops," My face instantly heated up at that. I remember that like it was yesterday. 

Sunday, June 23, 1985. Hawkins Indiana. Starcourt Mall.

My hair barely reached my shoulders. I've been growing it out ever since. I had a Metallica shirt and torn up jeans. Some things don't change it seems. 

I don't really like very sweet things and yet I found myself in front of Scoops Ahoy. Only here because of a rumor. A rumor of Steve Harrington working here. Of course I had to see for myself. Back then, I didn't know why I wanted to see if he was there. Now I get it. 

I hated myself back then. Hated the fact that I didn't like girls like I was supposed to. Any romantic settings I was in with a girl felt so uncomfortable. And yet, I couldn't imagine myself with a guy. Each time I thought about it I wanted to end everything. I remember sitting in the corner of my room, holding up my lighter to my arm until it was discolored. I didn't care about the pain of it. I just didn't want others to see it. See how weak I was. 

Fuck I'm going down a spiral. Standing in front of Scoops Ahoy, I made my first step inside. I instantly locked eyes with him. Steve "The Hair" Harrington. I never knew why I was so nervous. We did a project together. 

"Ahoy! I Steve Harrington will be your captain and serving you today. But I'm sure you already knew that. What can I get ya?" Steve put his hands onto the counter and leaned against it. 

I couldn't help but giggle at the sentence. It felt like all my troubles went away when I was there. Wait fuck. What the fuck do I order. "Give me a minute Captain Harrington," Glancing over the flavors, none of them really felt appealing. "Can I do Captains choice?" I look up at him. He looked behind me. 

"Seeing how you're our only customer here right now, I will make an exception." He grabbed his scooper and did a little trick with it. Grabbing random flavors, I can only image are ones he likes. "Here you are, Matey. That'll be $2," 

"Thank you, Captain," I pull out my wallet and grab the cash. Handing it over to Steve. He took it and exchanged it for the ice cream. When I took it, our hands brushed for a moment. I'm sure he didn't think much of it. But I know damn well I was freaking out about it. 

I wave him off and headed out the store. As I left, I hear Steve shout. "ROBIN! You need to hear-" I never heard the end of the sentence. I walked off too fast. I wonder what he said about me.

Saturday, March 30, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Van.

Shit. I was on autopilot that whole time in the store. I'm now in the back of my van. Jonathan driving. How the hell did I get here? Shit! The knife! 

My hand instantly went to the pocket it was in. It was still there. Thats a relief. 

It's Just a Favor || SteddieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora